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  • wasn't 19 june like 2 days ago? what happened?

  • This will be YouTube in 2025
  • now c'mon no need to give them ideas

    in all honesty this actually sounds like something they would do.

  • SponsorBlock (and DeArrow): "YouTube is currently experimenting with server-si…" - Fosstodon
  • yeah that makes sense. i was thinking maybe youtube had servers to decide what chunks clients would get, maybe by looking at whether or not they are premium users first. but anyway youtube still needs a way to differentiate between ad chunks and video chunks, otherwise we would just be able to skip 10 seconds through all the ads. surely that can be exploited somehow.

  • SponsorBlock (and DeArrow): "YouTube is currently experimenting with server-si…" - Fosstodon
  • does this mean stuff like yt-dlp will download videos with ads in thrm as well?

  • Happy cakeday,!
  • huh, so i'm one of the first users (my cake day seems to be tomorrow, might be wrong because timezone stuff)

    i remember back then wanting to join an instance but hearing was overloaded and i should join instead. then over in the comments i saw you say that you made an instance and i decided to just join it. in hindsight i don't know why i expected some instance hosted by some random guy who made a short comment to last longer than 2 weeks but i'm super glad it did (it was extra stable too). well done hosting your instance and helping us all out.

  • "Hacked" Instagram
  • google "session stealer". your partner probably clicked on the malicious link and provided hackers full access to the account. not sure if signing out of all devices helps, but do it anyway.

  • "Hacked" Instagram
  • first of all i dont use instagram so i cannot guarantee what i have said. however i do have a fair bit of roblox experience and account stealing kinda happens all the time there.

    the website sent out could steal session details. most sites have a "remember me" feature so that you dont have to login every time you visit it. the server does this by giving your computer a unique identifier after you log in, so now that identifier can be used instead of a username and password. the website could steal that identifier and thus impersonate you, without getting your username and password.

    after doing this basically anything could happen, but most likely the account will be controlled by a bot to spread the ad further, eventually amassing some sort of botnet.

    in theory stopping the bot from accessing your account could be as simple as logging out of all devices the moment you fall for it, but im not too sure what would happen if you do it any later than that.

    i dont think a proxy actually exists. to pretend to be someone else you either make an account that has similar characteristics as the target or just steal the target's account directly. is it literally every one of the followers that are targeted, 100%, or is it just most of them? it could be some sort of website like what i said spreading through the network of followers.

  • One piece
  • they cant, "i want two piece" sounds like "i want to piss", meaning two piece will never be sold because nobody would look like they want it

  • Device rule
  • sorry, did middle schoolers get taught the earth spins twice a day? 3 times? 17 times? or maybe they get taught that the time taken for it to spin once is actually called the sidereal day and not the synodic day?

    if you want to measure how fast things spin, use angular velocity. your car engine goes at several thousand rpm, not several thousand kilometers per hour. if you were standing at the poles, you would have zero linear velocity. does this mean the earth doesn't spin?

    ok maybe you were talking about the time the earth takes to go around the sun. yes that takes a year.

  • Device rule
  • funnily enough this is one of the main reasons why flat earthers cant comprehend a globe

  • Device rule
  • very fast

    spins once a day

  • Explotion rule
  • 😳

  • Done, what's next?
  • but the coins didnt turn into keys!!11!11

  • I cannot find it
  • i'll try asking around in a 200 light year radius

    edit: i found it, its over at this link

  • To put life into perspective
  • can confirm, im in the pixel beside that (88.6 light years away from earth)

  • yes you
  • [META] What are your thoughts on this community's moderation?
  • for the most part i dont see any problem with the posts on this community whatsoever. most of them are funny, a fraction of them are reposts but that happens in every community anyway and it isnt really a problem unless its done to death/generic "repost this image" posts

  • The Goonbus !!!
  • TP

  • is acting as a proxy instance for Hexbear and should be defederated by any instances that defederate from Hexbear
  • my face when i signed up for 2 months ago for fun and now they're being called 5 different political terms

    (their sign up verification test was "what is two plus two" back then)

  • Gacrux Gacrux

    Gamma Crucis

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    Comments 35