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Look at this dope ass ~~sphere~~ bear!

This doesn't really work because you can't tell the bear is supposed to be the sphere and I don't know how to map the bear on to a sphere ot make it look right. : (

Yes I condemn terrorists Ben-Gvir convicted of inciting to racism

Self-declared Kahane spokesman found guilty of carrying signs that read, "Expel the Arab enemy" and "Rabbi Kahane was right: The Arab MKs are a fifth column."

Ben-Gvir convicted of inciting to racism

Lol. Lmao. When your minister of defense was convicted for terror related charges by your own government. Looooool

Question about care packages for people who are or have been homeless

Hey folks, it's getting cold, worried about folks in my area.

Would y'all prefer a care package with socks, wet wipes, a lighter, some candy and clif bars, or would you prefer the equivalent in cash? I figure some things are probably hard to get to shops to purchase, but I wanted to ask folks who have been there and know what's most helpful.

If you would prefer a care package, what are some important essentials that you'd want to have in it?

D.C. Democratic Party Sues To Keep Ranked Choice Voting And Open Primaries Off The Ballot
  • Anything resembling small d democracy challenges their power. Ranked choice is probably the worst for them since it means voters don't have to "vote blue no matter who" or risk splitting the vote. It's a huge blow to "choose our evil because it's lessor" politics.

  • D.C. Democratic Party Sues To Keep Ranked Choice Voting And Open Primaries Off The Ballot
  • They've used it all over the country for years. Minnesota and Alaska that I know of, probably other places.

  • Mashallah
  • Christ. Depressing as hell remembering how the secular and left pan arabist movements were wiped out.

  • Mashallah
  • Anglophone muslim shitposting holds great power.

  • What are some of the best things to bring on a long road trip?
  • I got a ton of use out of hanging a hydration bladder/camelbak off the back of my seat. Being able to drink water one handed without have to fiddle with bottle caps felt much safer on the road.

    Tooth brush, towel, and basic toiletries are nice if you want to get a quick shower at a truck stop.

    You can download maps from google in advance in case you run in to spotty coverage. It might be worth getting an old school printed on paper road atlas in case you have any trouble with your electronics

    Ymmv, but i have a couple of magnetic "yay police" and other right wing brainworms bumper stickers for driving through hostile territory. Idk if it helps, but anything that keeps thieving rural cops off your tail is worth considering.

    Sunscreen! I've gotten sunburn on my left arm while driving for long distances before. I though car windows had uva/uvb filters but i guess not?

    Bring some change in case you run in to an unexpected toll road somewhere.

    Toilet paper! You never know.

    Extra socks and an extra pair of shoes.

    I hope you have a fun trip!

  • Automata is a cyberpunk movie where Antonio Banderas plays an insurance agent for a robotics company
  • I really enjoyed it! There was alot more going on than I expected going in.

  • Colorado Medical Board finds that so-called abortion reversal is outside “generally accepted standard of practice”
  • I'm honestly afraid to even read the article and find out what "abortion reversal" means. That's just not how the reproductive system works.

  • Holy f*ck.
  • He's really not clever or competent. From what i understand the only reason tesla and space-x can function is that they've developed proceedures for keeping him distracted and steering him away from things he can break, and even that is a constant challenge. With twitter there was no time to learn how to manage him, he just smashed through the wall, shit on the rug, and set the drapes on fire.

  • EPA’s new definition of PFAS could omit thousands of ‘forever chemicals’
  • The deterioration of the epa is not good. It was one of the few mostly okay us institutions.

    And, of course, i can feel brandon reducing the harm from here brandon

  • Hell yeah! meow-shining

  • Demerara Rebellion (1823) - New General Megathread for the 18th of August 2023
  • Time bandits is a goofy Terry Gilliam movie about doing crimes across space time.

    Lighter Ghibli movies like Totoro, Kiki's Delivery Service, or Spirited Away are goos when you're ripped.

  • Demerara Rebellion (1823) - New General Megathread for the 18th of August 2023
  • Jesse is a very weird dude but he's had some wins over the years. Minnesota proudly displays a confederate battle flag that a minnesotan infantry unit capture from virginia during the civil war. Every so often virginia asks for it back as some kind of let bygones be bygones thing and when Jesse was governor his reply was something like "why? We won".

    I also vaguely remember him being supportive of improving the legal situation of sex workers but it was a long, long time ago.

  • Demerara Rebellion (1823) - New General Megathread for the 18th of August 2023
  • The apps have gotten so much worse over the years. Ten years ago OKCupid was actually a pretty good place to meet someone with similar interests. Now all of them try to ape tinder and are a mess.

  • Demerara Rebellion (1823) - New General Megathread for the 18th of August 2023
  • Cw: mention of sex


    If you're interested, i can share my perspective as someone with an unusually large number of former and current lovers, who tries not to be a bad person -

    I have a body count of about fifty and i'll be forty years old in a couple of years. i'm on good terms with many former lovers. I honestly just really like people, i enjoy sex, i like the intimacy and the goofy fun of it. I'm poly/don't really feel jealousy about my lovers having other lovers, which certainly creates more opportunities for sleeping with more people. And, like, i still like almost everyone i've been with. Even some of the people where things ended badly I regret and wish we could still be friends. I know that's really not very common. I often feel like sex is a nice way to spend time with someone I like, without that relationship needing to be romantic. I guess platonic sex? Idk if that makes sense. I have some difficulty sometimes because most people don't think this way, so i have to occaisionally remind myself not to accidentally fuckzone a friend. It's certainly not without hurts and regrets. It hurts a bit when people end up in monogamous relationships and aren't interested in me sexually anymore. It's something i understand intellectually but don't personally experience, so it always feels strange. And i've had a few friendships that have fizzled out once we became sexually involved.

  • Demerara Rebellion (1823) - New General Megathread for the 18th of August 2023
  • Cw: discussion of sex


    I 100% believe you can and should seek a committed relationship if casual sex doesn't feel right for you. The bogus "men want to have casual sex all the time but women shouldn't want or initiate sex" stereotype is very harmful to both sides and you're right to question and refuse it.

    Re: men pushing boundaries - i try to studiosly practice consent culture - no means no, maybe means no, yes means regular check ins to make sure my partner still feels good and safe and is having fun, and if they'd like to change or adjust anything - and i find it works great. Not everyone is mature enough or has a good enough grasp of consent to be ready for it, but when you're working with someone who can put aside all the bs about women having to be passive and coy or men having to be aggressive and spontaenious it can be wonderful. I've had a number of partners tell me that it feels good and safe when i ask them before touching or doing something new and check in regularly. And when my partners ask for something or need to adjust or slow down or stop it feels great because all the fear of misinterpretting an ambiguous or unclear situation evaporates.

    I don't have to link, but i vaguely recall teen vogue has some good articles about how zoomers are encountering and navigating hookup culture these days. Might be worth a look.

  • Demerara Rebellion (1823) - New General Megathread for the 18th of August 2023
  • posting posting is halal . Not posting is haram . The only time it is appropiate to not post is when you are posting about not posting.

  • Demerara Rebellion (1823) - New General Megathread for the 18th of August 2023
  • The very small number of people i know who stuck with them find them useful for alerting them to incoming work emails and for sending voice texts and taking voice notes on the fly.

  • Not really happy with this one but eh.

    Whatever the fuck HBO is called now started this thing where all the streaming companies are destroying media to cheat on taxes, a couple of really good shows and already finished movies are just flat GONE unless someone managed to pirate them or in the case of batgirl literally steal some drives.

    Folks back in the day used to go on and on and on and on about samizdat and how folks in the USSR had to carefully hand type copies of verbotten works and then pass them around, presumably under threat of being immediately sent to the GULAG forever (despite the GULAG system closing decades earlier but pay no mind to that)

    Well, now, instead of censorship, we've got media companies just fucking deleting shit from history. But that's capitalism, and culture is property that a corporation can own and destroy as they please, and this is all good because adam smith invisible hand innovation blah blah blah whatever the fuck.

    Either way, the long and the short of it is steal everything, be gay do crimes, keep circulating the tapes.

    Will Corpos try to force all computing on the to cloud and make privately owned local storage illegal?

    Seems like the next logical step. Most big games are always-online Games as a Service where your local storage is useless if the company server doesn't handshake. A lot of business and productivity software already requires subscriptions and is partially online. Every single fucking company wants to have an app on your phone so they can watch you in the bathroom. And there's talk that MSFT might start moving Windows off the PC entirely and in to the cloud.

    I figure at some point it's in the shareholder's best interests to prohibit users from actually storing anything locally. Storage is really just stolen subscription revenue, when you think about it. Every time a user accesses something on a local drive they're stealing the chance for you to extort them in to paying a subscription fee.

    What do think, too distopian? Back when tapes, CDs, MiniDiscs, all the old generations of data storage that you could write to at home were first circulating the media industries tried real, real hard to make them illegal to privately own. We've been fighting an escalating battle against digital (and analog I guess) IP regimes ever since then. Streaming has pretty much killed physical media afaik. I have no idea if blu-rays or DVDs are still printed for sale.

    Idk, just a thought. Let me know what you think.



    Apologist to Rich and I guess to whoever the marble head guy is. Was. Whoever the marble head guy was. He probably has no idea what he's doing here he died way before Pokemon.

    I think it's getting worse. A strange mood has come over me.

    Please note that I included Murray Rothbard and Sephiroth, two kings of the not fucking understanding economics school of economics.

    I've kind of got this "Physically painful to look at" aesthetic going right now and I feel good about it. Sort of drill right through the optic nerve in to the deep programmatic lizard brain through visual affront, Langford Styles.

    Tonight's abomination of science

    Let no one say I am not doing my part for the glorious cause of revolution

    I don't think this one hits.

    I'm not sure about the Utopia quote at the bottom and honestly while I love the Robin Hood image idk about the rest of it. L: 9

    We need to show the Federation how to meme. We need to get weird with it.

    Honestly I have no idea, it was really late and Hexbear was down. I was left unsupervised. Something like this was bound to happen.

    Check out the OG version in /c/anime!

    I am so tired I posted this in the wrong comm. Not this comm, this is the right comm. The other comm where I posted this.

    It's super cool that Anarchism is almost all just cooperation and being kind and it's considered the most dangerous politics ever

    "Oh no they're feeding people we don't like on land they don't pay our protection racket for, and they self-organized to do it without using coercive hierarchies! Quick, get 'em!"

    Solar furnaces can melt steel beams

    The Stirling cycle engine post reminded me of these solar furnaces. Under the right conditions they can produce a great deal of heat without much in the way of complicated machinery. A few generate enough heat to melt steel, and smaller versions can be used for cooking or heating water.

    Is there a fediverse instance for techwear?

    I want to try to find one or two pieces to snazz up my exptremely basic wardrobe so I can feel good going out again. I like the techwear look bc I'm a huge dork. The problem is I mean "huge" literally. I'm very tall and pushing 270, and techwear is notoriousaly for skinny fit kids so i'ma need expert advice to find anything that fits. Which brings me to - does anyone know of a lemmy techwear instance?

    diy Frank [he/him, he/him]
    Evaporative/Swamp coolers - A low tech option for keeping the heat down in dryer climates

    This video shows how to make one kind of evaporative cooler. Evaporative coolers can lower the air temperature significantly in drier climates using evaporating of water across a porous surface. They're fairly easy to make with stuff you find in a hardware store and may offer some relief for folks who are facing record heat in places without AC.

    Frank Frank [he/him, he/him]

    Nice try feds !fedposting

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