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Netflix mulls introducing free ad-supported tier. The circle is complete
  • What hardware do you use? I have a pihole. Unfortunately it doesn't block ads on Youtube except in the web browser.

  • A ton of job postings might actually be fake
  • Whether the cover letter or resume sucks, it'd just be nice if companies can just give you a chance.

  • A ton of job postings might actually be fake
  • Is that why I'm having trouble finding a WFH job on Indeed? It's so exhausting to not hear back from these companies.

  • South Korean telecom company attacks torrent users with malware
  • Sharing is caring. Can't we just get along.

  • Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission
  • I don't understand the chat-gpt thing. What's the big deal about it?

  • MAGA panics before Donald Trump's first debate with Biden
  • I'm sure it's gonna be mostly trash talking back and fourth.

  • MAGA panics before Donald Trump's first debate with Biden
  • I'm sure both sides are "panicking"

  • Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission
  • I wouldn't trust OneDrive with any kind of data. Windows 11 is garbage. Waiting for Windows 12.

  • Is Lemmy a good alternative?
  • I use both. I like both. But I also want Lemmy to become the norm.

    I like using reddit is fun app. So I'm hoping for a Lemmy is fun app.

  • Two newborn twins need a one-dose treatment that would save their lives: Zolgensma, a $2.1M drug. Insurance (also the mother's employer) cut coverage of the drug the day after they were born.
  • The cut coverage of the drug for everybody or just the mom? There's no reason for the drug to cost this much. They do this on purpose so less lives are saved.

  • Spotify quietly moves lyrics behind a paywall.
  • Shit services like Spotify is a reminder to vote with you wallet and do your research. It's ok to switch up your subs.

    Being a subscriber since day 1 does nothing for the consumer.

  • Phantasy Star Online is back on my Dreamcast this birthday.
  • The fact this game is still online is just amazing.

  • Best Buy offers to screen LGBTQ nonprofit donations after conservative pressure, filing shows
  • It's clear Best Buy is dying anyway. There's not many of them around and it's usually a ghost town when I go in one twice a year.

  • Chick-fil-A changing its chicken sparks backlash
  • Go to a different chicken place if you don't like their changes. Or you know, make your own chicken at home.

  • Mozilla just ditched its privacy partner because its CEO is tied to data brokers
  • I wouldn't say Mozilla is bad when it comes to privacy. All these companies will say things make you think your privacy comes first. Mozilla might advertise that and work towards that.

    But they're also gonna do what's best for their wallets first. Just like politicians, they're gonna say what you wanna hear in hopes to get your vote. But they'll always do what's best for the wallet first before helping you.

    I trust Firefox way more than Chrome or other browsers. But I'll always use 2FA burner cards and sd blockers to try block bullshit.

  • Starbucks accused of violating Americans with Disabilities Act by charging extra for non-dairy
  • Stop giving these greedy corporations money. There's other alternatives for your coffee fix.

  • What are y'all buying on the steam sale?
  • Way of the Hunter, just a peaceful hunting game.

  • Pornhub disables website in Texas after AG sues for not verifying users’ ages
  • That's why they say "Don't make fun of Texas, it's not nice to pick on retards."

  • Pornhub shuts down in Texas... and predictably, VPNs benefit
  • That's when you cancel one monthly fee for another. Netflix, Hulu, Disney+and etc.

  • Where are the Playstation plus deals?

    When I'm on it wants me to see the deals. But PS+ is still full price.

    I already got 2/yrs stacked. Are the deals for new people?

    FlavoredButtHair FlavoredButtHair
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