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What's a company secret you can share now that you no longer work there?
  • Moria Falls

    ~Wonder if anyone will pick up on this.~

  • I think the average person just simply doesn't care about their privacy.
  • I tried to explain this to my daughter in law when she suggested my wife just use the same password for everything, including online banking.

    Ended up in a big row about how she doesn't give a shit because she has nothing to hide.

    Didn't talk to me for a week.

    Thinking about that, perhaps I should rack it up as a success šŸ˜

  • It's so much easier to comment on Lemmy because it isn't a toxic cesspool waiting to tear you apart
  • So far. One the nob ends find a way in it'll not be as friendly, that's why blocking them and their instances promptly is important. I saw something on blocklists the other day and will look into that. I may be totally wrong, but to me it sounds like the filters we'd use in uBlock Origin or similar. Sounds good to me.

  • BBC star accused of paying teen for explicit photos
  • I don't mind paying a licence fee if it goes towards Sir David etc. But you've got to question wages that allow 'tens of thousands' to be splashed (oo-er) in only three years.

    And BBC wonder why people complain about them.

  • Saturday chat thread
  • Clean the oven, make some bread (cheating with breadmaker today), do some washing.

    Not much else as wife had tooth out yesterday and is feeling a bit out of sorts.

    What an exciting life!

  • Florida Meteorologist: ā€˜I Have Never Observed So Many of Earthā€™s Vital Signs Blinking Red'
  • If millions of people get out on the streets for an indefinite amount of time, stop working, stop buying things Sadly, this will never happen. People are too lazy, selfish and wrapped up in this 'Gotta have cheap, sparkly plastic tat' that they've seen on an 'influencers' Instagram or TikTok page.

    Doesn't stop the rest of us doing our bit though, to keep our conscience clear šŸ˜’

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Not unpopular here matey!

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Disgraceful.

    I bet they left the washup sponge in the sink as well.

    And the sugar spoon in the coffee. That may be a UK thing only though.

  • Daisy sleeps with her favourite toy

    Well, favourite for this week anyway.

    Edit: Bugger! Picture didn't load :-(

    Edit 2.0 This may work ;-)

    What books are you reading at the moment?
  • And they are magnificent.

    So is the TV series ; -)

  • What books are you reading at the moment?
  • Seveneves by Neal Stephenson. Was a recommendation on the R site.

    Complex, eon spanning, hard sci-fi. I'm loving it!

  • Why do they serve food like this?
  • That'll be easy to eat. A handle to hold it and if you use a spoon, dead easy to scoff the lot.

  • This is a test post. Don't upvote.
  • Vote early, Vote often!

  • Saturday shenanigans
  • And you!

  • Saturday shenanigans
  • Wife's gone to Brighton with step daughter to get SDs wedding dress. They're staying overnight.

    I'm doing a Rings Marathon!

  • Anybody else have a cat that likes belly rubs?
  • My BSH Daisy does this as well. Of an evening she's started jumping on to my side of the bed and won't let me in until she's had her goodnight belly rubs. I've had to start going to bed earlier to make up the time!

  • FatLegTed FatLegTed

    Ex Royal Artillery. Ex BT. Prog rock, scifi, beer and veggie loving cat butler living in Ware UK.

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