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The '20s: Part II
  • I don’t need your pity. And I don’t accept it.

    You say I think it’s futile? You are right. I am a defeatist. Humans have defeated themselves.

    Look at how many are murdered and are exploited by capitalism. Apple computers uses a factory in China that worked its “employees” so hard many commuted suicide. Much of the chocolate in the world uses forced child labor. Companies that make cell phones and computers often use slave labor.

    Now go read about The Great Leap Forward in China. Where somewhere between 15 million to 45 million peasants were killed during forced collectivization. (There is some evidence that it is in the higher range.)

    And they weren’t just killed accidentally, or by negligence. They were very very often tortured, buried alive, they were often forced to beat their family members, they were forced to eat human feces, many committed suicide…. The list goes on and on and on about the atrocities that were done to people.

    And now remember that we did almost ZERO as scientists told us over and over for decades that burning fossil fuels is a major cause of climate change. We are on the door step of climate horrors happing all the time and we are still mainly concerned with the question of, did Disney ruin Star Wars. Or which fan base of which show is the most unreasonable.

    In the end, there is no system to keep people from behaving like people. And people are terrible, ignorant, violent, mostly concerned with their fantasy worlds that help them remain insulated from reality.

  • The '20s: Part II
  • I am not saying “When should do things the same way we did in the past because of tradition.”

    I am not making an appeal to tradition, not at all. I am saying humans are just terrible. Sure we work together a lot. We work well together to genocide each other. We work well together to exploit the others. We love destroying each other.

  • Which pill do you choose?
  • Neither. Trick question.

    I’d choose the secret third option:

    The cyanide pill.

  • The '20s: Part II
  • The world has always been this way. And always will be. It doesn’t matter what kind of political or economic system humans organized themselves into.

  • Israel's FM calls on countries to email if they want Gaza refugees
  • Yes. It was during the early Nazi period.

    And almost zero countries accepted.

  • Israel's FM calls on countries to email if they want Gaza refugees
  • This sounds like the time Germany asked the world if they wanted to take some Jewish refugees.

  • Embrace, Extend, Enforce (ƎƎƎ): A practical Strategy against potentially abusive Instances like Meta’s Threads
  • Before, in the olden times, the internet was just a bunch of random websites and forums and IRC AND USEnet.

    Now it’s, “Where SHOULD I GO to be seen others and be validated?!?!”

    I sound old. And I am. But,

  • Embrace, Extend, Enforce (ƎƎƎ): A practical Strategy against potentially abusive Instances like Meta’s Threads
  • I just thought the fediverse was going to be free of corporate/advertising/tracking shit-show.

    If it isn’t going to be free of corporate bullshit why be here instead of Instagram or Twitter or Facebook?

    What is the difference? None.

    I used to care. But now? I don’t care where people go on the internet. Why be invested in fediverse if the fediverse is just another FaceBook?

  • Embrace, Extend, Enforce (ƎƎƎ): A practical Strategy against potentially abusive Instances like Meta’s Threads
  • They will take everything and shit on it.

    What’s the point in being here if the corporations are coming here?

  • Nebraska governor again rejects giving kids from low-income families $40 per month for food: 'I don't believe in welfare'
  • If he doesn’t believe in giving low income families a meager 40$ a month “welfare” then he should reject the saving Grace that is given from Jesus.

    The point of the Gospels of Jesus is that the we are saved ONLY because of the Grace of God, and NOT because of our good works. PERIOD.

    Nothing we do gets us the Grace of God. We can’t DO anything to deserve it. It is just given.

    Edit: add “Like welfare!” To the end. I forgot.

  • Embrace, Extend, Enforce (ƎƎƎ): A practical Strategy against potentially abusive Instances like Meta’s Threads
  • “but with its currently starting commercialization”

    Wait. The fediverse is going commercial?

  • How do you guys cope with the fact that the world isn't getting any better?
  • water scarcity is going to be a huge problem in the near future.

    How near?

  • How do you guys cope with the fact that the world isn't getting any better?
  • I take comfort in getting older and getting closer to being dead.

    I can barely wait. The comfort of nothingness is a great help.

  • What do you think is a proper way to advertise a community on Lemmy?
  • Don’t. I mean a lot of people came here to escape advertising.

  • 40% of US electricity is now emissions-free
  • Or oil and corn and meat and dairy.

  • interestingasfuck F_Haxhausen The Gruesome History of Eating Corpses as Medicine

    The question was not “Should you eat human flesh?” says one historian, but, “What sort of flesh should you eat?”

    The Gruesome History of Eating Corpses as Medicine
    How to prevent link hijacking on sites like Facebook, Reddit and Twitter?
  • Maybe don’t use Facebook or any other site that does this?

    I’ve been told this is an unreasonable solution.

  • What vegetable is cool, but not that cool?
  • How can you “still” judge me after six minutes? Give it 10. Then we shall see.

  • F_Haxhausen F_Haxhausen

    "...the world thrives on its faults and strives, by every possible means, to aggravate them, while at the same time masking them like a congenital deformity. The signs are everywhere, though I could not always read them."

    —Thomas Ligotti, Mad Night Of Atonement

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