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  • Yes, was going to bring up Fate! I really like systems that split damage into 'heroic near misses or light damageless scrapes' and 'actual wounds', without getting too bogged down in random tables and lookup charts.

  • Worst time to be poor *cries*
  • In addition to being mid, it's also super biggy atm. Some people have it be fine until the later acts, but our grouos has barely made any progress do to all of us experiences crashes super often

  • A new COVID-19 variant has emerged. Here's what we know about EG.5 so far
  • Last I saw, Covid death rates were still almost double that of influenza. And that's even with (generally) higher vaccination rates for covid over the flu.

  • How many of you were using Digg during its prime?
  • I used Plime before reddit, around 2008. Hard to even find info on it these days, not that it was anything special; same general setup as digg or reddit or lemmy.

  • diy Eris235 [undecided]
    Braided wire bracelet I made

    Made of 10 awg copper wire and 18 awg silver plated wire. Copper work hardened more than I thought, wish I went with 12g instead, but it does make the final result sturdier.

    art Eris235 [undecided]
    zeps the ratman gladiator

    145x160, 14 color portrait of my gladiator for this years Dwarf Fortress gladiator tournament. Done in Gimp. He fights with a scourge, and also sucks

    I've always been annoyed with how undervalued a gold coin is in typical D&D/Pathfinder settings.
  • I mean, if you looks at the costs of things, 'a cheap meal' is usually like, 1-5 coppers. So, copper is somewhere between $1-$5, very roughly speaking. Which would put even just a 100gp magic sword (a 'basic enchantment') be worth around $10,000. So like, a used car? And a single gold would be like $500, in the realm of a weeks pay irl. And, a platinum piece is $5,000.

    But regardless, I assume banking exists, and a lot of these 'thousands of gold' transactions are done via banking guilds or w/e. Its not like the US prints anything bigger than $100 today, though of course a primarily digital economy is radically different from a DnD-esque primarily gold-standard one.

    Additionally, I don't know about you, but I rarely award 'chests full of gold' to the players, its usually valuable items; rare gems, art pieces, or magic items themselves.

    But yeah, those 'high level magic items' worth like, 100,000gp+, would be roughly analogous to things worth $10-100 million. Which, for 20th level adventurers fighting gods, doesn't seem unreasonable? Like, IRL, the richest people in the world have stuff priced individually at $100million, though those tend to be like, super yachts and mansions, not a single relic sword.

    Regardless, the economy is pretty clear that adventuring, even at like level 1, gives quite a bit more money than a 'normal' job gives, even a decent one like a smith. But also, adventuring is pretty goddamn dangerous. (And, also, the game designers kinda need that to be true, otherwise the players should just run a tavern instead of adventuring, at least until the can buy better gear.)

  • Sumemrcamp RPG I made

    Made this (with a few friends) for a gamejam last year, and never really got around to sharing it (mostly due to creator anxiety). Its up as pay-what-you-want, but please do just get it for free.

    Made it to be sized as 8.5x5.5, aka half of letter, so it could be printed out and folded up as pocket-sized, and can be run with a bit of scratch paper, a d6, and a deck of cards.

    I've played it a few times now, though sadly, the main thing I made it for (us all at our camp, after sundown and looking for something to do), hasn't happened in a few years due to covid. But overall, its designed to do a quick one shot, able to be run mostly out of random charts so no pre-planning is needed, and the 'challenges' are from laying out a deck of cards, so its almost boardgame-like in its experience.
