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EU_Economics Emil Durkheim
The euro accelerates with "movements not seen since the pandemic" El euro acelera con "movimientos que no se ve�an desde la pandemia"

El mes de marzo apunta a bandazos hist�ricos en el mercado de divisas, m�s propios de otros mercados menos estables. Especialmente desde la semana pasada el cruce euro/d�lar...

El euro acelera con "movimientos que no se ve�an desde la pandemia"
EU_Economics Emil Durkheim
Economy, interest rates and politics: Three reasons why European stocks are beating Wall Street Três razões para as ações europeias estarem a bater Wall Street

O Banco de Pagamentos Internacionais divulgou esta terça-feira uma análise sobre porque é que os investidores diminuíram o prémio de risco para deterem ações europeias, fazendo que estes ativos superem o desempenho dos pares norte-americanos desde o início do ano.

Três razões para as ações europeias estarem a bater Wall Street
EU_Economics Emil Durkheim
Dutch office ensures comeback of illustrious Andersen Andersen was one of the most respected accounting firms in the world until it became involved in massive accounting fraud. Nederlands kantoor zorgt voor comeback van roemrucht Andersen

Arthur Andersen, ooit een van de meest gerespecteerde accountants- en consultantskantoren ter wereld, ging in 2002 na het beruchte Enron-schandaal ten onder. Nu beleeft de naam zijn terugkeer in consultancy. ‘Er ging iets verloren wat ons aan het hart ging.’

Nederlands kantoor zorgt voor comeback van roemrucht Andersen
EU_Economics Emil Durkheim WasteServ announces €75 million investment in a new organic...

WasteServ said Tuesday it is continuing its commitment to enhancing waste management infrastructure with the announcement of a new organic processing plant. A tender has been published for the design, build and trial operation of this new facility, with an investment of around €75 million. This...

WasteServ announces €75 million investment in a new organic...
EU_Economics Emil Durkheim Top 10 payment trends to watch in 2025

With regulatory shifts like PSD3 and the PSR currently under review and expected to come into effect in 2026, alongside technological advances such as instant payments, embedded finance, virtual Ibans and AI-driven solutions, the payments ecosystem is poised for some exciting makeovers.

Top 10 payment trends to watch in 2025
EU_Economics Emil Durkheim Two new aid packages for the digitalisation of SMEs

Five packages now exist to help SMEs with their digitalisation, which can cover up to 70% of eligible costs. The fields of artificial intelligence and cybersecurity are covered in the latest.

Two new aid packages for the digitalisation of SMEs
EU_Economics Emil Durkheim
Toyota is trying to establish itself in the electric car sector with the €13,000 bZ3X „Toyota“ bando tvirtintis elektromobilių sektoriuje su 13.000 Eur kainuojančiu „bZ3X“ - Verslo žinios

Japonijos automobilių gamintojas Kinijoje pradėjo pardavinėti elektromobilį, kurio pigiausia versija siūloma už 13.400 Eur. Per pirmąją valandą buvo užsakyta 10.000 tokių transporto priemonių.

„Toyota“ bando tvirtintis elektromobilių sektoriuje su 13.000 Eur kainuojančiu „bZ3X“ - Verslo žinios
EU_Economics Emil Durkheim
SmartPosti opens the largest sorting center in the Baltics SmartPosti atklāj lielāko šķirošanas centru Baltijā

Igaunijā, pie Tallinas atklāts loģistikas uzņēmuma “SmartPosti” lielākais šķirošanas centrs...

SmartPosti atklāj lielāko šķirošanas centru Baltijā
EU_Economics Emil Durkheim
War in Ukraine: France calls for European preference in military purchases
EU_Economics Emil Durkheim
The European Defense Loan is intended for European weapons purchases The European Commission does not want to provide loans to member states to purchase US weapons Euroopa kaitselaen on mõeldud Euroopa relvade ostuks

Euroopa kaitselaen on mõeldud Euroopa relvade ostuks. Euroopa Komisjon ei soovi liikmesriikidele laenu anda USA relvade ostmiseks, küll aga soovitab vajadusel ühtekuuluvusfondide raha suunata kaitseinvesteeringuteks. Geopoliitika, Euroopa Komisjon.

Euroopa kaitselaen on mõeldud Euroopa relvade ostuks
EU_Economics Emil Durkheim
Tri-Wall Group to invest 70 million levs in new factory near Plovdiv The Asian company will begin production of corrugated board and packaging by mid-2026
EU_Economics Emil Durkheim
The EU is open to increasing defence budgets that will not be included in fiscal rules Countries such as Spain, Poland and France are advocating that the current concept be broadened La UE se abre a ampliar las partidas de defensa que no computarán en las reglas fiscales

Países como España, Polonia y Francia defienden que se ensanche el concepto actual para dar cabida a otros gastos, como los soldados o la lucha contra ciberataques

La UE se abre a ampliar las partidas de defensa que no computarán en las reglas fiscales
EU_Economics Emil Durkheim Lego makes record sales as bid to ‘stay relevant’ sees F1 and Nike tie-ups |

Best-selling themes include its Star Wars and Harry Potter sets, and Lego Icons such as a Pac-Man set and a Lamborghini.

Lego makes record sales as bid to ‘stay relevant’ sees F1 and Nike tie-ups |
EU_Economics Emil Durkheim
EU trade surplus with US hits record €200bn as trade war with Washington looms Eurostat figures show bloc recorded a surplus in traded goods with the US last year of close to €200bn EU trade surplus with US hits record €200bn as trade war with Washington looms

Euostat figures show bloc recorded a surplus in traded goods with the US last year of close to €200bn

EU trade surplus with US hits record €200bn as trade war with Washington looms
EU_Economics Emil Durkheim
BREAKING – Orbán’s response to inflation is to fuel inflation: supermarket margins capped BREAKING - Orbán's response to inflation is to fuel inflation: supermarket margins capped - DailyNewsHungary

A suicidal government decision is set to send prices and inflation soaring—here’s why.

BREAKING - Orbán's response to inflation is to fuel inflation: supermarket margins capped - DailyNewsHungary
EU_Economics Emil Durkheim
Populism over productivity? Slovakia’s wages stuck in the middle-income trap
EU_Economics Emil Durkheim
EU_Economics Emil Durkheim Lidl Romania opens 12 new stores in two months, plans 25 more by year-end

Lidl accelerated its expansion in Romania this year, adding 12 new stores to its local network in two months. This brings the retailer's total number of stores to 377, with plans to open 25 more by the end of the year. The new locations span across both large cities, such as Oradea, Cluj-Napoca,...

Lidl Romania opens 12 new stores in two months, plans 25 more by year-end
EU_Economics Emil Durkheim
Sanctions don't work: The European Union bought billions of dollars worth of metal from Russia. Time to replace Russian Metal with Canadian Metal Sanktsioonid ei tööta: Euroopa Liit ostis miljardite eest Venemaalt metalli

Mullu importis Euroopa Liit Venemaalt 5,34 miljonit tonni kaevandus- ja metallurgiakompleksi tooteid, kirjutas portaal Unian teisipäeval.

Sanktsioonid ei tööta: Euroopa Liit ostis miljardite eest Venemaalt metalli
EU_Economics Emil Durkheim
Incoming US ambassador warns Trump will retaliate to Poland’s proposed big tech tax
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Emil Durkheim
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