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A coop PvE game for two dads and three sons?
  • It's not a shooter, but Enshrouded is insanely fun and you can play with up to 16 people at once.

  • What are your favorite Steam games?
  • Nightingale, Enshrouded, Generation Zero

  • Where do you get your information about new software?
  • I usually just browse []. I've found more than a few great projects this way.

  • New single planet fantasy game from Hello Games
  • If the sheer scope and imagination of No Man's Sky is any indication, this game is going to be every bit as ground-breaking and something truly special. I cannot wait. I just can't. :)

  • Medieval dark fantasy games?
  • Baldur's Gate 3 is absolutely fantastic. You owe it to yourself to play this game.

  • Shadowrun
  • Ooh, nice! You'll have to let me know how it works out!

  • Keyboard issue with No Man's Sky on Linux?
  • No Man's Sky works great on Linux Mint. I've been playing it for a few years via Steam with Proton. Runs flawlessly on my system. Definitely worth checking out proton.db to see if there are any tweaks you may need to make, though. Enjoy! It's a fantastic game!

  • What's the best place to get news now?
  • I just discovered and I quite like it! Well worth checking out. :)

  • Shadowrun
  • I've toyed with the idea of converting Shadowrun to Monte Cook's Cypher System. Wonder how that might work... strokes beard

  • Shadowrun
  • I absolutely love the setting of Shadowrun, but have never had the opportunity to play. As for running a game myself, I've heard a lot of horror stories about how crunchy and complicated the system is, and that has been enough to keep me from trying to run a game myself. :P

  • How Do Different Encrypted Messaging Apps Treat Deleted Messages?

    A feature of various end-to-end encrypted (E2EE) messaging apps and other non E2EE social media messaging are disappearing messages, which automatically delete after a set period of time. This feature may be useful for general privacy within your extended network, high-risk users, and preemptively.....

    How Do Different Encrypted Messaging Apps Treat Deleted Messages?
    What's the best "dungeon synth" out there?
    1. Go to
    2. Type 'dungeon synth' in the search bar
    3. Listen for free and (hopefully) buy some albums.
    4. Enjoy!!
  • D&D maker promises to get player feedback for coming “open” license update
  • Yeeeeaah....I'm done with D&D and WotC. As is most often the case, when a thing I like becomes a giant megacorporation they start doing shitty things to the people that got them there in the first place. TTRPGs are a truly vast hobby, and I see no reason to give my support and business to a company willing to fuck over it's fanbase to make extra money - not when there are so many other great games/companies to support.

  • Will Pathfinder still be standing after the dust settles?
  • An important point to make before people panic too much: You can still use your books and play your games. This doesn't effect players so much as it effects publishers. Your Saturday night game won't be affected at all.

  • Will Pathfinder still be standing after the dust settles?
  • Paizo/Pathfinder, to my knowledge, relies very heavily on the OGL. So, if they want to continue to publish materials, they're going to have to agree to the new OGL. Which no sane publisher would agree to, so.....

  • Will Pathfinder still be standing after the dust settles?
  • Honestly? I would move to a different system and boycott Hasbro/WotC entirely. With this move, they have demonstrated that they don't care about you as a player. Why would you support them?

  • D&D "under monitised"
  • I would not at all be surprised if one day they moved everything to digital formats and then just slapped a big ol' subscription fee on it all for access. I give D&D another 5-10 years before they stop printing paper books entirely. Just a hunch, of course, but.....yeah.

  • Does the SimpleX terminal app sync with the Android app?

    Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I was hoping that the desktop version and the mobile version would be able to sync messages between users without having to create multiple accounts. Is this even possible with SimpleX's current architecture? Aside from all that, I'm really liking SimpleX - clean, simple and SECURE!! =)


    Just discovered this duo a couple of days ago, and can't get their music out of my head. Kind of a throwback to 90's alternative with a great sound. Check them out and give them some love! :)

    What RPG are you currently playing?
  • Oops...I misunderstood the OP. I am currently running a bi-weekly Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay campaign using the Zweihander ruleset. We've been doing it for about three and a half years now, and have had loads of fun. :)

  • What RPG are you currently playing?
  • I've gone back to good ol' Skyrim with mods. They just don't make RPG's like they used to, anymore.... :)

  • Discord — Spyware Watchdog
  • To be fair, Matrix has been around a lot longer than Revolt. I remember the early days with Riot - and it was absolutely horrendous. Give Revolt some time, and I think it will improve quite a bit.