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Apple's most valuable intangible asset isn't its patents or copyrights - it's an army of people who believe that using products from a $2.89 trillion multinational makes them members of an oppressed r

    Stupid anecdote but...

    I'm on a pickup soccer group iMessge. They wouldn't let me join due to the bubble colors going blue/green (I wouldn't know or notice as I never use Apple stuff). I had someone volunteer to be my intermediary and let me know when when who was in for 8 months.

    Eventually I found an iPhone someone was willing to give me and I only use it for that group text now.

  • One of these 6 beauties will become the wallpaper for Plasma 6. Which one do you prefer?

    Feeling middle left. Bottom right is a very close second.

    The top two and bottom left are too generic for my tastes.

  • Why wait for Microsoft to catch up with what we've been doing for decades?
  • @brb

    Heaven forbid KDE talk about it's stuff on KDE's social media instance. 🙄
