First I don't have or use whatsapp. But maybe you need the play services to get whatsapp working on LineageOS
Fairemail can still not compete with K-9, besides that the premium version cost €7,49 while K-9 is still free
New watch. Seiko 5 SNKL45 with sapphire crystal and regulated movement. Only 4 secs fast a day
For daily expenses My Expenses.
Is a baby-g also to big? I know, their name is completely wrong
Latest update in PlayStore and F-droid october 2023
Jeroba is recently updated
You can stall it without a ms account and only a local account. You need Rufus to create a new usb stick.
Just like a kinetic, but much more accurate
Not often 😉 I have 2 automatics, 1 kinetic and 1 g-shock. The automatics wear ik most of the time 1 or 2 weeks. So I don't adjust them in that period. My Vostock is approx 1 minute ahead per week.
My Seiko 5 SNKL looses approx 1 minute a week.
The only apps I know that can translate offline are Google and Microsoft translators.
Thx for the replies. I'll buy the 32 Ohm version so it can be used with all my devices. 👍👍🍻🍻
I want to buy the Beyer Dynamic DT-880 but don't know which 1 to buy. Most of the time I will use it on my Yamaha A-S201 amplifier and occasionally on my smartphone or computer. Checked the Yamaha user manual but can't find anything about impedance of the phone connection. Any advice about impedance or better headphone for approx the same price is welcome.
Seiko SNKL47
-56 seconds a week.
SMS is the only universal messaging protocol, it works on EVERY phone instead of only smartphones. Besides that, why would you use a a messaging app owned by a data grabber / privacy violater.
No, it's not a hair puller and it's not painfull. If it was I had the bracelet changed 24 years ago
Got an offer for 39% discount for Premium in the app. Is this only for the first year or is this also for the following years? Can't find anything about that. I have 2 accounts in the app, is Premium for both accounts or only the account where I do the payment?
So far so good. Same options as QKSMS. Tried fossify before but that is not even near QKSMS or QuikSMS
€199 + €10 shipping. Bought at a german shop. There are cheaper shops but no issues with taxes, delivery and sanctions against Russia
Finally I have a new amplifier, but it has no sub woofer connection. I have 2 3-way boxes connected. I have also a set of Kef KHT 2005.2 satelite speakers. Lowest freq they have is 80 hz. Is it possible to connect them to the amplifier? Or can I damage this speakers or the amplifier? Amp Yamaha A-S201 3-way speakers Dual CL 730 Thx for any advice
Hi, is it still possible to order a Vostok watch at this site from the netherlands?