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rules to live by
  • perhaps, although gym types usually aren't very big on listening and being kind to your body.

  • rule is it weird that i call things gay
  • for me, i wouldn't immediately assume that a person using 'gay' in that way was a homophobe but it would definitely be a red flag. i'd make a conscious effort to avoid it but i've done it occasionally too so i understand the habit.

  • There's a tiny tree growing in this parking lot.
  • idk anything about plants, does this tiny little sapling have any chance of growing into a full tree, will it die or will it stay small?

  • For my fellow introverts
  • i also largely don't mind crowds if it's people i'm not expected to interact with, however loud groups or people bumping up against me makes me fucking rage. sometimes if i need extra space i'll spin my backpack around and wear it on my front.

  • Lemme have it my way rule
  • which is the most stable? i've tried jerboa, connect and thunder and all seem to have issues with loading content or crashing on startup.

  • rules to live by
  • looks like they just messed up rows 1 and 5. easy enough to do if you're not thinking while you're putting up the stickers. also this is terrible advice for exercise and would lead to injury.

  • NSFW
    Hard to follow [#lemmy]( posts from Mastodon. I decided to follow [@nostupidquestions]( to try it out and each comment that someone po
  • while it's cool that mastodon, kbin and lemmy can all talk to one another, the format of mastodon just doesn't play nice with kbin and lemmy. if it works for you, that's cool, but i'd recommend separate accounts for microblogging and thread-style social media

  • Book Prudes do not Rule
  • i'll stand by the fact that one of my favourite books of all time is the phantom tollbooth. the best children's content is something that can also be enjoyed by adults.

  • When you're the only one in the room not buying into Walter's bullshit
  • i haven't watched the whole show but tbh i get the feeling a lot of people didn't believe walt but didn't want to seem impolite when approaching the situation

  • To Cinders
  • hey, no pressure. i'm only here so often to kill time during work lol. you're providing content for free and this kind of thing is supposed to be fun for everyone, not just the lurkers.

  • andrule tate
  • so is this an ai thing or is someone really in there taking fucking dramatic photos for him to post on twitter?

  • To Cinders
  • it's definitely different to get the balancing act right. i think another way you could approach this is to play more into the emotions. the times i've been in extreme emotional distress i've completely shut down, not eaten or cleaned myself, and i think drawing on experiences like that could be a way to enhance the story also.

  • What are some of your favorite videogames from your childhood? What made them so special?
  • a game that i don't see discussed a whole ton is ape escape 3. i've actually never played any other games in the franchise but 3 has solid platforming, cute character design, tons of things to unlock, cool soundtrack and the gameplay and puzzles weren't too hard for me at 8 or 9. i've replayed it tons.

  • YSK: the difference between "wary" and "weary"
  • huh, you're right. i'd assumed it was related to the verb 'leer' meaning 'leery' would mean intimidating or perverted.

  • cheese ruleing
  • tbh the dubious accents are the funniest part

  • The worst physical pain you've ever experienced ?
  • i occassionally get leg cramps that make it so i can't move, so it's impossible to stretch out my leg to stop the cramp

  • SoulSilver Rocket Hideout. It turned out like how you would imagine.
  • funny enough the first shiny i ever got legit was a shiny graveler on soul silver. i ended up releasing it after a while since i didn't know anyone to trade with and i did not care about the geodude line

  • YSK: the difference between "wary" and "weary"
  • i remember watching a documentary on... something, idk and a woman described herself as 'leery' around a suspicious character. i'm near certain it was a true crime doc and don't want to make fun because of that but the transformation of wary > weary > leery really is something

  • To Cinders
  • i like it, although it's more sad than scary. it's also a little vague, a dash of some sinister details and it would be great.

  • Duchess Duchess

    She/Her, 27, UK, INFJ-T

    I like vidya games, anime and collecting plush toys. Ask me about my fursona!

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