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  • Also we just use anterior/posterior for the organism if you want to ignore the bend and talk about the face and chest vs the back and back of the head. All the other planes are ok.

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  • Is the same. We'd call it the horizontal plane though. Dorsal takes a bend so it's the top of the head and the back. Sagittal sections move medial/lateral and coronal sections move rostral/caudal again taking a bend down the neuraxis of the spine.

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  • Dorsal plane still doesn't make sense to me as dorsal/ventral are the directions in the plane. In the same way it wouldn't make sense to describe something as the lateral plane if the directions are medial/lateral. But as I said I'm a brain guy.

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  • The figures I'm looking at call the dorsal plane "frontal" which at last makes sense. Dorsal and ventral would be their regular directions in the frontal plane. I'm a brain guy so I normally only deal with the things in the neuraxis.

  • What's the greatest invention of 21st century, in your opinion?
  • We had a 3d printer in the 90s at my Uni. It built layers with laser cut paper lol. It was the cheapest version available and it lived in the engineering department for rapid prototyping. This link says they were invented in 1981, metal sintering was added in 1988 and fused filament in 1989.

  • What's the greatest invention of 21st century, in your opinion?
  • You're not wrong. But there are counter examples. I was going to use the example of the jet engine in my last answer as a true paradigm shifting development that had immediate impact. And in the mid-century period too! Or the first powered flight occurred in the first decade of the 20th century and had an immediate impact. The transistor and solid state electronics would be another example.

    So let me flip it around and say we've had a quarter century without a major technological breakthrough. There's been progress, but it feels incremental. I spent a night with a physicist a few years ago who was arguing that progress is slowing because we are still relying on the exploitation of Newtonian physics. There are a few technologies that have made the leap to nuclear physics. But we've had the basics of quantum physics for a century now and haven't been able to exploit it in a useful fashion.

  • What's the greatest invention of 21st century, in your opinion?
  • OLEDs were built in 1987 I saw my first VR demonstration in the 90s (and it wasn't cutting edge then). I saw my first AR demonstration then as well as part of an undergraduate engineering fair. And so on. I just looked up maglev trains - in commercial use since 1984.

    I don't disagree that there hasn't been refinements, improvements, or commercialization of technology, but there hasn't been a technological leap or invention that I can think of in the 21st century.

  • So my wife thinks we're getting shelled tonight.

    She doesn't really watch hockey so I don't know what her opinion is worth. But she wanted to do Leafs Lucky Guess with me this morning. Evidently we are going to lose 16-1 or something.

    Do audits actually matter?

    The US 2nd circuit has ruled that auditors opinions aren't relevant in cases of investor fraud because the statements are too vague for people to rely on. Whut?

    Wall Street Journal article here for those who have access.

    Here is a professor's blog entry for a barrier free commentary on the importance of the case.

    What is the biggest corporate heel turn that you know?

    I was thinking about this after listening to Marc Andreassen blather on about how he doesn't trust government as a repository of trusted keys and other functions. He advocates for private companies to perform critical functions. Standard libertarian stuff in many respects.

    The problem of course is that corporations lack accountability. They can shift terms and conditions or corporate purpose and there is little meaningful recourse except to stop using them. I can think of small examples that don't widely resonate (Mountain Equipment Co-op I'm thinking of you 🤬) but are there big examples that I'm missing?

    Recommendations for lightweight WSYWIG page editor?

    I am finally going to join the '90s and set up a blog. The audience is mostly students to show how the academic stuff blends with real world professional practice. I'm an adjunct so I have a foot in both worlds.

    I have my domain names (parked for years) and free webhosting through my university - but the university doesn't provide any development tools. All of the recommended tools I've run across (weebly, wix, webflow etc.) either want to host the page, manage the domain name, or require a fee to link the page to my host. I'm simply looking for a low cost site builder where I can edit my files and move them to my webspace.

    Any recommendations for a WSYWIG style editor? I'd be happy to not have to learn any actual coding, but will if I have to.

    The last time I did any of this I was manually tagging static pages in notepad (lol).

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    Dr. Bob

    Recovering academic now in public safety. You'll find me kibitzing on brains (my academic expertise) to critical infrastructure and resilience (current worklife). Also hockey, games, music just because.

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