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Do I have to go?
  • It was tongue in cheek. My sense of humor doesn't come across text well. Or in real life.

  • Do I have to go?
  • Yeah, the bar for autism is incredibly low these days. Apparently not wanting to change out of sweatpants means you're autistic. Changing your mind? Autistic.

  • Truth
  • I am a stenographer. I cover board meetings with lots of people speaking about moderately technical subjects. I do my best work when I can watch a hockey game while I listen to what people say. When the night wears on and fatigue starts to set in, having a distraction like that is a huge help.

  • Every day is exactly the same...
  • Yeah, just a little substance every night and we're good to go.

  • When I die, turn me into soup
  • I agree with you to an extent, but, like, what about my local farm that pasture raised pigs and cows and, yes, eventually slaughters them, how do they compare to what I think everyone agrees are terrible, the meat processing plants of the Midwest?

  • USDA updates rules for school meals that limit added sugars for the first time
  • Good old war on fat. I was born in '87, and I feel like it was drilled into our heads that far was the enemy. Always some lobby out there twisting facts.

  • Airlines will now be required to give automatic cash refunds for canceled and delayed flights
  • I wonder if there's not some caveat that either is in the rule or that can be added to select flights like this flight from the depths of frozen hell to which you're referring. I fly out of Newark Airport, and shits generally just fine, but you can still see delays an cancellations due to weather. I've flown many times out of Denver and have had weather cancellations when there's nothing but blue skies.

    I think it'd be totally fair to be able to select routes, like this one, and add some sort of caveat saying hey, this route is notorious for being difficult, and so we don't have airlines forcing flights up and down for the sake of avoiding having to refund people, and at the risk of personal safety, this route may have loosened conditions or whatever.

    As for losing flights in general, I think it's honestly for the best. Will flying get more expensive? Yep, and it sucks. Might it force the airline industry in general to adapt somehow? I certainly hope so. The standards for flying in the US have truly bottomed out.

    And it's a bit tangential, but if this forces some airlines into failure, I hope we just let them fail, no repeats on bailout bullshit.

  • Leonard Nimoy: The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins [2:19]
  • Yeah, Rick for Rick Astley, and "rolling" for? I figured it was created to be a sort of alliteration, and so I took a different tack and had them rhyme, spock-rocking, where rock is a form of music, spock is the character Leonard Nimoy is most known for. I'm inclined to believe you're messing with me with that explanation, because it's written with exactly the type of aloof humor I would've have used to explain the obvious to someone.

    So yeah, does "rolling" mean anything, or was it just alliteration?

  • Leonard Nimoy: The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins [2:19]
  • Spockrocking? Unless rolling has some meaning that I've missed for the past decade.

  • This was Sunday's dinner...
  • Maybe whipped cream? That or butter. Not a fan of either personally. Although maybe some kind of cream cheese, would probably go well with the jelly. Not a fan of that either, but it's a thing.

  • This was Sunday's dinner...
  • You're a mosquito.

  • New streaming services give you the same convenience you had in the 90s
  • Right, give me Seinfeld shows on random. TNG. Fucking early seasons of Family Guy. Community to an extent. So many sitcoms that you can really watch a random episode and be good to go. Sometimes it's midnight and you're too drunk to go to bed and don't want to think about what you're going to watch.

  • Trump Privately Rages About His Sketch Artist, Courtroom Nap Reports
  • I am rewatching with my wife and just watched this episode last night, so imagine my surprise to see life imitating art this very morning.

  • HOAs suck
  • Who's paying for the maintenance? What happens in the event of an "act of God"? What is "the community" you speak of? I don't know what this has to do with greed. Things cost money. You need to have a structure for how costs are levied amongst homeowners. I don't get what is so difficult to understand. Would you prefer there just be a bunch of lawsuits when any little thing goes wrong?

  • HOAs suck
  • I'm talking about subdivisions of single-family homes that requested greater density and as a giveback to the municipality remain private rights-of-way and utilities in exchange for greater density. You want to build 100 homes on 1-acre lots but the municipality has 2-acre zoning. It's a farm so there are no utilities and you're building it all from scratch. Municipalities will say sure you can do greater density, but you'll create an HOA for the maintenance of utilities and for the stormwater management BMPs you have on the property, and you'll create an operations and maintenance manual for those BMPs, and you'll bond with the municipality in the event you fail to maintain them. That's what HOAs are literally for, not for deciding on housing color and if you can fly a flag.

  • HOAs suck
  • Sewer main leaks. Need to replace a 6 foot section of 8 inch line right in the middle of the road. Also need to replace the connection to the city main because the mess of baby wipes clogging it damaged it and the city says it's unusable now. Effluent also damaged a gas line and the gas company says that needs to be replaced but they can work within the water company's schedule. Gonna cost like 800 grand. Tell me about the community? Because that's probably the insurance that the HOA procured who will cover the costs.

  • HOAs suck
  • There has to be some entity. I won't disagree that they get out of control, but at the foundation they serve a very specific purpose. Once again, people are the problem. Perhaps AI will take over and robots will live in the houses.

  • HOAs suck
  • And they also pay to maintain shared services, like utilities and stormwater management. It's not black and white.

  • Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew
  • This post speaks to me.

  • My experience so far on Lemmy.

    A technical disaster, but sure, I'll keep coming back. Can't wait to reminisce about the days when it was a technical disaster, though.

    Also, posted from my PC, because doing anything on Jerboa has proven impossible.

    Dozzi92 Dozzi92
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