In 2007ish, I used to go to the library in Mallorca to get a Wifi connection on my PSP and download demos. I downloaded this interesting-looking demo of a new game called Monster Hunter Freedom Unite. The download corrupted on me, and my brother was the first to play it; I managed later via hospital Wifi. It was so difficult and I always lost the mission, so I thought it was impossible. But I loved the game, and went on to buy it from PSN. I was convinced it was cursed/evil for a while due to the Diablos and dual blades. I later bought a friend MHTri for his birthday in 2013ish, and when I learned how to hack my PSP around the same time, I was very impressed by MHP3rd.
I had removed my download links due to Reddit not locking the 4-year-old post and my getting constant pings from people who couldn't read the readme expecting free tech support. After seeing my name cited in the above megathread, I have restored links to my more complete archive with full readmes.
Hello, Darth_Agnon here. Surprised to see myself cited. I had removed the downloads due to being pinged too frequently by illiterate n00bs. I do not, however, want to cause link rot, so I have restored more complete download links.
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