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  • My own mother spewed said nonsense to me the day he was convicted, I died a lot inside

  • What's something you've been called in life that isn't generally something bad, but made you feel awful

    For me, growing up, I was around people who saw games as useless and a waste of time, but I loved them

    I've always been into computers and tech and was called techy and a gamer and each time, it was said with a sort of disgust from the person saying it.

    It made me feel like I shouldn't be friends with the few people like me, and I spent a lot of my childhood staying away from people, and making sure that people didn't learn that I played games

    Even now, I get slightly uncomfortable being called a gamer or techy or any synonym even though people don't really think that anymore around here.

    Anyone else have something similar?

    Anan La Italian BMT
  • Ga Ga La Taco

  • How long have you gone without being in a romantic relationship?
  • I was considering it before we dated, but with my financial problems and job troubles this break up brought it to my mind again

  • How long have you gone without being in a romantic relationship?
  • About two weeks now, she broke it off cause I fucked up, I know I did.

    a few months ago we had sex, it had been building and it was nice, but about a week or two after she said she didn't want anymore till marriage for religious reasons, which I understood as we both come from Christian backgrounds.

    The problem came from my sexual frustration affecting my actions, I tried respecting her boundary but as we would cuddle a lot, I would get aroused and then frustrated with myself.

    Two weeks prior to our breakup, I asked if she would let me relieve myself as I tried this the last time we hung out and was much more relaxed, but I didn't want to force her out of the room to do so

    So I asked if she wanted to stay, she first said yes, which I knew was a lie, and I asked her again at which she said no and left the room

    She came back a few minutes later and asked to go home, which I took her home feeling awful cause I knew I made her uncomfortable.

    Other frustrations with family and financial that I didn't deal with caused me to act irrationally (generally just irritated) the subsequent weeks, she then broke it off and it took me awhile to realize all of what I had done, I knew I messed up that day, but that wasn't the only thing.

    I should've changed my mindset and made her boundary my boundary, and reached out and talked about what was frustrating me instead of dancing around it, I feel awful and want to try and fix it, I miss her family deeply and all I want to do is have dinner with them, sit on the couch and watch a stupid movie.

    I'm trying to do other things that make me happy but I'm finding it tough, tried working out but I lose energy quickly, games are feeling dull, my friends that I can still hangout with aren't available right now and won't be for months. I'm having trouble finding a job, and I'm considering joining the military, but I'm just tired, so so tired.

    People say that it gets better with time, but I just feel like it's getting worse. Maybe it gets worse before it gets better but idk. She was my first relationship, but we've known each other for a long time, and I've known her family for just as long, and it feels like a lot of things I love are just gone now.

  • a kiss on the cheek
  • Pretty sure it is a living frigate, can't remember when they were added, but I have another that is much more colorful than this one

  • Spelling wasn't part of the curriculum
  • Man I can't wait for non-binary nap time

  • Eat Fresh
  • ...what? Come again?

  • Encouragement for all the shitposters
  • Can I still shit?

  • the future seems bleak
  • Holy shit, is that lineage logo? I haven't seen that since I had my nexus 5, god I miss that phone

  • Anime pfps rise up
  • Damn, this villain arc sounds pretty good

  • I think I just attacked myself
  • 6 hours of screen time? That's pretty low

  • Your meal has been delivered
  • They keep leaving this shit in the 4th dimension, it's pissing me off!

  • A platypus?
  • A Lego piece? PERRY THE LEGO PIECE!?!

  • Choose carefully
  • Damn, you got that model, mine is just subzero temp freezer, but it balances out since Im practically a nuclear reactor of heat

  • Method actors
  • Knew the child actor industry was bad, but this is a new level

  • Higher Vehicle Hoods Increase Pedestrian Deaths
  • Man, I drive a truck, 500 a month, will be paid off in less than 2 years, I get a lot of utility out of it and I got it from my brother who put some nice tires on it

    But I also hate it because it's so fuckin big, and I hate that people might think I'm a truck freak, but it's just my only good option right now

  • The US government opens 22 million acres of federal lands to solar
  • But nuclear doesn't waste as much money, so of course they won't

  • Gotta stay grounded.
  • Okay am I dumb, or did I miss something. I've seen the race car guys around a bunch but I don't get why they are here, please help

  • What’s your go to driving song?

  • Militech Canto Mk. 6 (PL Spoilers)

    Anyone else feeling super underwhelmed by this thing, like it's from the black wall and almost everything cool about it has major downsides.

    What I want is a mod that just makes this thing the endgame monster, something crazy like it has all the perks of the cyberdecks in one, plus make the blackwall gateway not take way too long to upload and not as much ram with a greater spread range.

    Another idea I had was while in overclock mode, you wouldn't be able to use weapons, but still have your quickhacks, and instead have the mode from the betray reed path when you are hooked up to Songbird, deleting enemies by pointing your hand at them.

    This may be super unbalanced and way too powerful and maybe a couple of buffs is all it needs, but what I want is something that I get at the end of the game, and gives so much power fantasy in the last missions, it feels worth it, especially if you do the "don't fear the reaper" ending.

    DarkDiamondK DarkDiamondK
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