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Why do beehaw mods have their pronouns in their names?
  • It doesn't matter if you care. What matters is that the people being referred to care how they are being referred. It's literally 0 extra effort for you to use the pronouns they prefer. Just use the pronouns that they want. It doesn't inconvenience you at all.

  • In my earlier days of running Linux
  • Literally this morning I started getting boot errors. It is telling me WBM can't find the boot file. But I should be booting into grub, so idk what to do. My boot order is Ubuntu, then USB. And that's it. And now I'm out of the house all day and can't do anything but sweat about it.

  • What was the main reason you left Reddit?
  • Obviously losing the third party apps and spez's lies about the Apollo dev were the big ones, but honestly, I have had negative feelings towards the reddit community for a long time. Everyone is perpetually negative. They seem like miserable people. And the fact that every single comments section was same 3 fucking jokes repeated over and over and over. "I'm grieving my wife who passed away this morning" "I also choose this guy's dead wife." "Hahahahahahahahahahahahalolololoollolololol" "no it's okay, the guy who the original joke is about thinks it's funny, so it's not offensive to say it to this guy."

  • I'm a what now?
  • I learned about this http response code too late. About 4 years ago I was working at a startup and I was the "lead engineer" (aka only engineer) on a project where I had to design and implement an entire REST API. I really wish I would have put this in somewhere, since we weren't doing code review (because it was literally only me).

  • Are there any good jobs out there where you can show up, do your work, and then just leave when it's done?
  • I mean, I sort of do that. I'm a software engineer. If I finish all my work early, I just stop working. Or I can start working on my task for the next day. My team works in three weeks sprints, so I get all my tasks for the next three weeks. If I finish all of those tasks before the three weeks are over, I really can just slack off. Usually I'll ask for another task, as it makes me look better when it comes time for raises (once a year), but for people who are happy with how much they are being paid, they can just do as little as required and work fewer hours than 8 a day.

  • [Resolved] Trying to set up my own Lemmy server, but I think I'm in over my head
  • The instructions didn't tell me I needed to. I don't know how someone is supposed to know that. I would have expected the instructions to at very least tell me I needed to make that and what the file name should be. But I did eventually figure it out. I had to search their github page to find the example one, then modify it for https

  • [Resolved] Trying to set up my own Lemmy server, but I think I'm in over my head

    I tried for several days to host lemmy 0.17.4 using the docker install instructions, but I was less than successful. The instructions seemed to be riddled with mistakes and and the docker-compose.yml file had some errors. I eventually mostly got it up and running, but I could never access the site through the nginx container. I had to add the lemmy-ui to the external network and expose 80 and 443, and then I could access the UI. But it seemed that the UI was unable to communicate with the DB. And I had to comment out all of the loggers in docker-compose.yml, because I they were giving me errors.

    Anyway, I thought I would give it another shot now that 0.18 has been released and the instructions have been updated. It seems to be much better! I was able to almost get it up and running on my first try. However, there is one error. The nginx container failed to start. There is a file it is trying to mount, but the file doesn't exist. And the instructions don't seem to say anything about creating that file or where to download it.

    Any help would be much appreciated!

    The instructions I am following:

    The error: ``` Creating lemmy_proxy_1 ... error

    ERROR: for lemmy_proxy_1 Cannot start service proxy: crun: mount <path>/lemmy/nginx_internal.conf to etc/nginx/nginx.conf: Not a directory: OCI runtime error

    ERROR: for proxy Cannot start service proxy: crun: mount <path>/lemmy/nginx_internal.conf to etc/nginx/nginx.conf: Not a directory: OCI runtime error ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project. ```


    I ended up finding the file in the lemmy-ansible github project here:

    It all comes up now, and I can access it from outside the server. Though, it is http only, even though I have https set to true in docker-compose.yml. And when I try to do the admin sign up, I get the error: SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'O', "Origin is "... is not valid JSON

    Edit 2

    It's all working now. I'm not sure exactly what I did. I set up my https cert by modifying the nginx_internal.conf and adding ssl details, and now it all works. 🤷

    Thanks for the replies!

    Not sure if I'm up to the task (selfhosting Lemmy & Mastodon)
  • I'm a software engineer, I have taken classes on docker, I host my own web pages, etc. and I STILL can't get it my own instance of Lemmy running. The instructions are unclear. They have bugs in their docker-compose.yml file. It's really bad. I have been working on it after work each day for the past 4 days. So far I got the UI working, but i can't log in or create an account. And I had to disable logging to get it running because I was getting an error with how the logger was defined in the yml file.

    And because I was frustrated, even though I really, really didn't want to, I tried using their ansible setup. It still didn't work, and it completely fucked my server. It took me a few hours to undo all the shit it did.

    It's not in a good state right now. Hopefully they fix it soon.

  • Mikei went under this blanket all by herself

    The was back in the winter when it was cold. She first went under the blanket completely, but after a few minutes, she poked her nose out like this.

    cute dogs, cats, and other animals Dandroid
    Mikei is very affectionate after I finish work
    cute dogs, cats, and other animals Dandroid
    Mikei woke up from her nap with a derpy face
    cute dogs, cats, and other animals Dandroid
    Mikei loves her taco truck
    cute dogs, cats, and other animals Dandroid
    Mikei trying to stay awake
    cute dogs, cats, and other animals Dandroid
    Mikei thinks we got this box just for her.
    cute dogs, cats, and other animals Dandroid
    Mikei was looking majestic
    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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