A 500t nuke could take out the white house, capitol hill and not too much fallout beyond.
Canada does not, but if the US wanted to unilaterally attack and occupy our land, there's very good reason to believe we would look closely at all offers to move nukes from the EU, China, or Russia into Canada, and even potentially use them. We burned down the white house once - next time it might need to be the entirety of DC...
I hope the NATO push would be stronger than simple arms supplies, if nothing less based on the likely crumbling of the alliance. If it were to fall it's very conceivable Canada would strike deals with the Chinese, or even Russia to maintain its independence. Protected guerrilla warfare regardless, which the USA does not have a great track record, especially considering it's never tried it with as well armed and aligned nation as Canada.
It would be an invasion and occupation. Very very few Canadians would cooperate with the annexation, and more than likely it would look something more like Afghanistan or Ukraine, but with much better equipment being provided to resistance forces.
That people have to literally dawn a swastika in support of nazism for people to recognize that they are garbage human beings is fucked up. At least literal nazis can still be seen as bad...
This was the last straw? It's fucking awful and he's a piece of shit for it, but this is far from the first indication of him being an unforgivable piece of shit.
I would hope our NATO allies would fulfill their commitments too!
The only way Canada would join the union would be as an occupied territory, and we would do everything possible to fuck shit up from within.
To be clear, Trump is now openly promoting genocide. I considered this administration fascist up until now. Now, they full ass Nazis. Any American not going to the protests tomorrow and participating in a full on general strike is complicit with Nazis.
Cool. Sounds like an old person rave.
Sure, do whatever you want, but if you go to the club when you're in your 40s, 50s, or 60s, you're going to be the old person.
30 is old, 40 is really old, 50 is really really old, so on and so forth. A lot of people get offended by this, but young is 20 or less and middle aged is ~37. Embrace it. Be and live your age. People pretending their 22 when their in their 50s are fucking sad. Be active if you want, but you're not 22 and you will never be that again, and that's cool.
They got nothing new. I'm far from a nationalist, but even I'm ok with strengthening our border with these American sleeze balls at this point. If anything I think Trudeau played him like a fiddle - "sure Donald, we'll give you all this "new" spending to curb fentanyl at the border" literally a non-existent issues and money that's already been spent.
Yes, they are following the Fascism for racists 101 playbook. Welcome to fascism in America.
I'm hoping we Canadians can move quickly to better establish trade relations with Europe, Latin America and Asia - specifically without US involvement.
It seems like the Port of Huston would be a logical oil and gas infrastructure target to dramatically cut global CO2 emissions.
https://www.simplyrecipes.com/recipes/perfect_popcorn/ 4-8 kernels in a pot on med-high - wait for them to pop, then remove from heat put a layer of kernels in and count to 30. Put the pot back on the heat and wait for them all to pop. Salt and butter to taste. Perfect popcorn every time, way better than microwave bullshit and you can make it as (un) healthy as you like by adding butter/salt to taste.
First game I ever got addicted to ❤️
I think that using an incorrect word counts as a grammar error - sort of like how misuse of they're their there is a grammar error.
Take my up vote you damned (grammar) Nazi.