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  • God, I forgot this was Anya Taylor Joy's first movie role

  • How is Sync developed?
  • There's a monthly/yearly paid version with some extra features for those who want to support the dev, and also a one time ad-free purchase option.

  • [Results] Book of the Month (August 2023)
  • Mhm. He very obviously has a style and voice that he enjoys and works well for him. At this point if I'm reading a Weir book it's because that's the vibe I want

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I used to mod /r/DnDMemes, and yeah it decimated the morale of the team, even pre-bans.

  • Is anyone playing as an origin character that isn't Tav or Dark Urge? Is it worth it?
  • I'm playing Karlach and really enjoying it. Only downside is that the act 1 romance is limited by the whole "I will burn you with skin contact" thing.

  • The poop post
  • Yeah that's acceptable dig-a-hole territory there

  • Microsoft Finally Realizes Nobody Wants Its Windows 11 Preinstalled Bloatware
  • While I'm not mad at all that they've killed Cortana as a service, I am a little ticked that they used the name for their C- Siri and are now calling their AI service Bing AI instead of using the Cortana name for that

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Bind your quicksave and quickload keys

    On PC these default to F5 and F8, respectively.

  • Non Spoiler Tips for Goblins Encampment?
  • I'm impressed it's only the two of you at that level. Are you having trouble finding the others, or are you intentionally going at it as a duo?

  • Trump's legal advisers urge him to cancel press conference to refute Georgia allegations: Sources
  • Yeah, the man definitely doesn't want people really investigating whether the GA elections were tampered with, because when you open that box who knows which way the shit will fly.

  • Basic descriptions are necessary for collaborative storytelling
  • Mhm. You don't have to be particularly eloquent for it, but a basic description of what your character is trying to say goes a long way. "I persuade the guard to let us past" won't get you much, but "I appeal to the guards better nature, and use our shared occupation/love of X/ my most attractive smolder to ask the guard to let us past" will do great things in either the DC or getting advantage.

  • Today, Reddit forcibly removed me (and everyone else) as mods of /r/iOSProgramming, a subreddit of about 130k users. I was keeping the sub private / NSFW | Tanner B 🦕🧁 (
  • Coming from r/DnDMemes I feel you dude. Thank you for putting it all on the line and sticking to what you felt was right.

  • What are some notable scams in history that went unnoticed for so long?
  • Back in the early days (early 2010s was when I first heard of it) when Bitcoin was worth pennies on the dollar that was exactly the kind of thing it was good for, and it was marketed as an international currency not beholden to governments. It is a shame that it got taken from that for the sake of "Bitcoin being valuable because you can profit off owning Bitcoin."

  • I was kinda hoping it'd take Baldur's Gate 3 longer to ruin my life
  • Oof, yeah losing the experience for that is rough, I was mostly using it to yeet the babies down the hole

  • I was kinda hoping it'd take Baldur's Gate 3 longer to ruin my life
  • Spider eggs are bad, for sure. Cleave and BA shove were really doing work that fight

  • Tales From the Tables episode 30: So where were we?
  • I think that was one last protest action from the last active mod on their way out.

  • "Waste of a diamond" - The Weekly Roll (Chapter 143) [Not OC]
  • Oh nice! I should shoot the IC writer a message, let him know we're here.

  • With my recent de-modding and ban from the DnDMemes sub, I now have plenty of time to touch grass and help grow this community/instance. AMA I guess?

    For the record, I fully support what the remaining mod team is doing, they are a wonderful group and I trust them completely. I don't regret the choices I made, only that my actions got a few other mods shit canned in the process.

    What Should I Play? Dalimey
    Every wanted to play a bunch of rats running a restaurant? Do I have the game for you! Rat Chef by mkmason

    A tabletop game about following your dreams, despite being a rat

    Rat Chef by mkmason

    Help an injured restauteur prep a 5 course meal while avoiding the health inspector! Rules light, but easy to learn, with a variety of rats, meals, and things that could go wrong to make each game fresh and interesting!
