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Col. Doug Macgregor: Will Russia Open a New Front?
  • Sorry, your right I spelled it wrong, it's Stephen. You say tomato I say tomato. Here's the thing Stephen, the first time you engaged me you decided that the best way to make your point was to dig into my history, and make a personal attack. That's no way to engage in debate. Once again it shows that you're a pseudo intellectual.

    I'm giving you a chance here Stephen. You can take your toys and go home, and block me if you want. Or you can debate, like the intellectual that you wish you were, and justify your use of RT and The Grey Zone and Telegraph, as reliable news sources. If you can't, then admit that you're incorrect about Bellingcat and restore my post, for the sake of open honest discussion.

    The fact is that everything I've seen you post is pro Putin. You even stated he's not dictator!(BTW Novichok was used on a telephone handle in 1995 to kill a man, and the same source killed his secretary a month later. That's from Russian sources)

    While I sympathize with Caitlin Johnstone, she really can't be called an unbiased journalist, not with the inflammatory language she uses. Robert Parry wouldn't report like that! But I find common ground with her over the current threat of nuclear war. But guess who's making the threats? Your man with the giant table.

  • Col. Doug Macgregor: Will Russia Open a New Front?
  • I see you've deleted my post apparently you don't like free open discussion.

    I'll ask you again Steven: Tell me why Putin is not a dictator when so many of his rivals have been poisoned? Or fallen out of windows? You've refused to answer that. You talk about quality journalism and then quote RT as legitimate source. You don't care about quality journalism, you care about your side of the story.

  • Bellingcat Reports on Russian grain smuggling
  • I'm being obstinate? Tell me why Putin is not a dictator when so many of his rivals have been poisoned? Or fallen out of windows? You've refused to answer that. You talk about quality journalism and then quote RT as legitimate source. You don't care about quality journalism, you care about your side of the story. Anyway seems pretty obvious that you're in Russia Steven.

  • Bellingcat Reports on Russian grain smuggling
  • Consortium News is funded by the FSB. In terms of reliability and bias both sources have close to the same rating. Though Consortium News is considered to have a more left bias.

  • Caitlin Johnstone: The Jaw-Dropping Power of US Propaganda
  • Wow! You're hook line and sinker aren't you. It's the earth flat too? Because I've believed that it's something close to a sphere door a long time. But guess what the flat Earther argument is. Can you guess? "You're believing what you've been told for years". Putin isn't a dictator.(!?) Do his political opponents just get poisoned by accident, it's not like he's ex-KGB or anything. I bet you think Lukashenko is a good guy too. I'm starting to think that you're actually in Moscow.

  • Caitlin Johnstone: The Jaw-Dropping Power of US Propaganda
  • I'm fully aware that I get A LOT of pro Ukrainian propaganda, I'm pro any country that's been invaded by an authoritarian dictator. Are you aware that you're spreading Putin's talking points? I doubt that, as you're pushing an article from a, so called, journalist who is pushing the "let's capitulate to Putin's demands" narrative. Well we tried that, and it's not worked out very well has it?. And yes, I cheer for every dead Russian in Ukraine. Why? Because they had a choice, go or stand up (not an easy choice if you have a family or are in a gulag, but a choice nonetheless). Also, because every dead Russian is a nail in Putin's coffin. Putin's an evil man but you are refusing to see that.

    I have empathy for the poor Ukrainians, especially the children, that have been slaughtered at the hands of a madman. Do you? I doubt it, you're more concerned about America Bad! But I wouldn't expect much from a retired boomer. The generation that is notoriously conservative and lacks self awareness. Your misunderstanding of gender outs you as a dinosaur of the sixties, spouting Vietnam era anti American slogans. Get with the times old man, things change.

    Oh, and I have empathy for you and your love of the Leafs.

  • Caitlin Johnstone: The Jaw-Dropping Power of US Propaganda
  • Go ahead dig through my posts, I don't care, it's obvious from your posts that you're a tankie. A wanna be socialist who can't see Russian propaganda for what it is. It's funny how you tankies love dictators even when they murder opposition on foreign soil or at home. You talk about American propaganda whilst turning a blind eye to the violent repression of dissent in Russia. You don't care about the lives of the soldiers! If you did you wouldn't pushing Xi's bullshit peace plan. Look at the people he's killed! Do you like that he's threatening Taiwan? You're a wanna be intellectual who's been suckered into pushing Putin's talking points. Christ the guy's not a socialist, he's a right wing dictator. At least in the west we have a semblance of free elections.

  • Caitlin Johnstone: The Jaw-Dropping Power of US Propaganda
  • I did check the date (the date at the top). Now the fact that this website is posting it again over two years later (check the date at the top) is pretty suspicious. It still reeks of Russian disinformation.

  • Caitlin Johnstone: The Jaw-Dropping Power of US Propaganda
  • Manufacturing Consent is brilliant, and Noam Chomsky's understanding of American power and propaganda is second to none. But this article is hot garbage and stinks of Russian propaganda. It says that the Kyiv Independent was slapped together a few months ago. What a load of shit. The thing to remember here is that Putin is a murderous dictator who invaded a sovereign nation. Fuck this article.

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