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Look what the cat dragged in.
  • Your opinion means less than nothing to me.

  • Anon hates Pepsi
  • Must be nice to be born without taste buds 😅

  • Look what the cat dragged in.
  • No one cares, loser. People delete comments all the time.

  • Look what the cat dragged in.
  • Get fucked loser

  • Look what the cat dragged in.
  • Look up the definition you fucking moron

  • grrr
  • Take your both sides bullshit and get out.

  • Elon feels like X-ing
  • Elon is starved for attention and you guys just serve it up to him on a billion silver platters everyday.

  • Look what the cat dragged in.
  • Yeah I saw it everywhere else before this, and I didn't laugh any of those times, either.

    Also, not a goddamned meme 🙄

  • The definition of "insanity"
  • Thanks Vaas

  • He deserves nothing
  • Stale-ass, regurgitating bitch.

  • Morgan Stanley Credits ‘Bidenomics’ for Economic Surge
  • That's a pretty shitty cop-out 😐

  • Original
  • Fuck imgur, just upload the pic here!

  • He deserves nothing
  • So we're already reposting? Here we go again...

  • grrr
  • You can types walls of text until you're blue in the face. Doesn't make you right.

  • :'-)
  • Bullshit, I can get star every time.

  • :'-)
  • Easiest shit ever, even as a teenager 😅

    ITT: mad cuz bad

  • If only we could know!
  • Mine are still there after over a year of not touching my account.

  • grrr
  • We don't confuse moderates with Republicans, but if you're not pushing back on their hateful, rights-stripping policies, you're with them.

    If a person is sitting at a table with 10 Nazis, there are 11 Nazis at the table, yadda yadda.

  • 0
    Creyapnilla comment deletion

    i delete comments

    Posts 3
    Comments 185