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The Greatest GPU of All Time: NVIDIA GTX 1080 Ti & GTX 1080 2024 Revisit & History
  • 🤦🏼‍♀️ Good catch 100 hz

  • The Greatest GPU of All Time: NVIDIA GTX 1080 Ti & GTX 1080 2024 Revisit & History
  • 100mhz ultrawide LG at 1080x2560. It's not always at ultra for everything. But it still crunches polygons.

  • The Greatest GPU of All Time: NVIDIA GTX 1080 Ti & GTX 1080 2024 Revisit & History
  • Own one and I keep trying to justify the upgrade but without ray tracing it can still crank out a lot of games on ultra. And quite realistically ray tracing quality in games hasn't justified the cost.

  • Elon Musk Says He'll Reinstate Twitter Account Of Hitler-Loving White Supremacist
  • It was in large part because he thought woke Twitter turned his daughter transgender. It was always personal and petty with him. That and the Saudis wanted to put their money behind his takeover because Twitter was seen to have played a crucial organizing role in the Arab spring uprising.

  • Generative AI is Not Theft
  • Most of our learning is done before we can even enter into a contract, before we are an adult. So no, you didn't pay for all of your knowledge, schools provided by your neighbors did a ton of that. Most of it was society coming together communally and supporting you with our collective shoulders of knowledge.

  • White House bolsters transgender health protections, rolls back Trump admin rule
  • And the discrimination that I face as a trans person is very different from the discrimination that a person of color feels in this country. The remedies aren't the same, and umbrella terming discrimination just sweeps it under the rug and fails to provide a tangible set of goals to fix.

    Fixing discrimination globally all at once is impossible. It creates apathy and makes us all bystanders to the problems. Legally ensuring that the nurse or teacher doesn't misgender me is a very fixable and tangible thing that is very easy and clear cut.

  • Gay Republican group is now rooting for Joe Biden’s death
  • It's not even originally in the Bible's earliest translations to prohibit gay sex, originally it just condemned pedophilic sex and attraction and it was changed to target gay people instead of the church's own clergy.

  • Breaking Down Cass Review Myths and Misconceptions: What You Need to Know – The Quackometer
  • It's not an indicator of bias, no causal study has been done to show that there is a relationship between bias and the Newcastle Ottawa scale

  • Breaking Down Cass Review Myths and Misconceptions: What You Need to Know – The Quackometer
  • No the Cass report is just misusing the scale. It's not a disqualifying tool and the scale still has uses which just means further analysis into the subject matter. Which is why the Cass report needed to be books longer, it's not comprehensive.

  • Breaking Down Cass Review Myths and Misconceptions: What You Need to Know – The Quackometer
  • Lol first sign that you might actually be human.

    And it has already been widely criticized before that's why there was the parachute joke report. Hence it is already the brunt of jokes to use that scoring scale.

  • Breaking Down Cass Review Myths and Misconceptions: What You Need to Know – The Quackometer
  • I don't need to, it is already happening within the scientific community of which I am merely a part.

  • Breaking Down Cass Review Myths and Misconceptions: What You Need to Know – The Quackometer
  • Goal posts haven't moved and I've already pointed out a dozen of so methodological flaws around the Cass report that you are choosing to ignore.

    That's on you

  • Breaking Down Cass Review Myths and Misconceptions: What You Need to Know – The Quackometer
  • 98% of the data was discarded

    No I'm just explaining the process and why it isn't complete yet. Or even valid yet

    And show me that the Cochrane library ever discarded a study using the criteria even once yet alone with the same level as the Cass report and I'll write them

    For something that illustrates the problem with the Cass report read

  • Breaking Down Cass Review Myths and Misconceptions: What You Need to Know – The Quackometer
  • 98% of the data could be summarized in one sentence. Trans healthcare and hrt works. 98% of the data comes to that conclusion with vast consensus across multi disciplines and fields comes to that conclusion and that was ignored. 98% of the data was discarded. Most of those studies discarded already had a statistical analysis backing up their efficacy while the Cass report doesn't. Nor does the Cass report include a nearly mandatory implicit bias report.

    Those peer reviews are most likely selected and not randomized selections or contestations as most peer reviews are required to be, they are ok for initial release irc. But it is an outgoing process that doesn't have an endpoint. They were most likely provided prior to release and the normal peer review process won't be completed for years to undo the damage. But it is not considered peer reviewed yet.

    Again you have not proven that the new castle Ottawa scale has any efficacy or scientific merit as a disqualifying tool No one has as far as I know.

  • Breaking Down Cass Review Myths and Misconceptions: What You Need to Know – The Quackometer
  • And yet you have no scientific reason other than an ad hominem fallacy with the author with which to dismiss the criticism with. That like the Cass report are not scientifically sufficient reasons to disclude the criticism or the data respectively.

    And I can garuntee you that the Cass report was not peer reviewed like all of the studies they dismissed were because it would have been torn apart. That's the real litmus test of scientific debate.

  • Americans Have Never Been So Far Behind on Their Credit Card Bills
  • They're gonna happen eventually if nothing improves. There's a breaking point to this all that we are on a collision course with.

    They wouldnt be trying to throw trans people, women's rights, immigrants etc. under the bus so hard if they weren't desperate for the distraction. Genocide is the last gasp of empires as they fail. And we will fall if trump wins or further damages democracy.

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