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Feature request: number of new comments since post was last viewed
  • Would also be great if the new comments would be highlighted.

  • World record Tritilyte deposit?
  • It once landed on a ledge above the deposit, so you only needed to drop the bombs.

  • My very basic account security advice for Lemmy Admins
  • Does plus addresses help circumvent that? I think most email providers supports plus addressing (also known as sub-addressing). You can add plus sign and any string before the at sign. For example: The string between plus and at signs can be anything, and all these addresses points to your normal inbox with the added benefit that you can filter them into different folders.

    PS. Lemmy version 0.18.2 was released today. It fixes the vulnerability and has some other improvements as well.

  • My very basic account security advice for Lemmy Admins
  • Also be wary when using apps and especially when enabling push notifications. Lemmy API currently lacks any kind of support for partial access to an account (unless this has changed recently). So, apps cannot, for example, get read only access to your account's inbox. Apps can get either no access or full access. When you sign up for push notifications, an authentication token is stored to the push notification server which gives full access to your account to who ever happens to get their hand on that token. If there, for example, happens to be a security vulnerability on the push notification server, it might leak those tokens.

    If you have enabled push notifications on some Lemmy app, and want to invalidate the token, you can just change your password.

    Here's a post by Memmy for Lemmy's developer about push notifications:

  • Can a Lemmy instance be configured to only permanently store posts made by users on the local instance, and posts to communties that are on the local instance?
  • As far as I know Lemmy stores only text locally and images and such will be linked to the external instance. Text doesn't use much disk space, so that shouldn't be a big a problem. Sometimes when you browse Lemmy, you notice posts that have broken links to images. It's because the other instance is down, but you can still see the text portion of the posts on your home instance.

  • NSFW
    Can we talk about porn on Lemmy?
  • There's also You don't need to be logged in to view posts and there's no anime/hentai or aigen stuff.

  • r/BotDefense is shutting down - I hope Reddit likes spam and malicious actors
  • Did you just ask that has Reddit ever given anything back to their volunteers, besides sticks, rocks and ill will?

  • Favourite Discworld adaptations
  • Hogfather has a two part TV movie adaptation. It's pretty good, I think. But it's a Christmas movie, so I don't know if you want to watch it middle of summer.

    It's available on YouTube, but split to four parts for some reason:

  • Comments missing pics
  • It's all inline images. I assume the devs haven't implemented image markdown yet.

  • reddit sucks
  • Lemmy uses exclamation mark for communities to distinguish them from users: !community@instance vs @user@instance.

  • reddit sucks
  • but have yet to figure out how to get mentions like to work.

    When you type @-symbol and then at least two characters, a small pop-up thingy appears after a second or few. It should appear above the word you are writing, but at least for me it appears at the top of the screen so that more than half of it is above top edge of the screen. And if the list is short enough, it won't even be visible without scrolling the page up. My instance is running 0.18.1 release candidate, so it might be a bug in that.

    That pop-up thingy lists all the users that matches what you have so far written. For example, if you type @we, words like power and Sweden are matches, because there's "we" in them. You can use up and down arrows to select the user you want, and then autocomplete the link with enter. It won't help you to autocomplete the link if you copy-paste the full user name. To autocomplete copy-pasted name, you need to delete the whole instance part of it and the last character of the user name. Then type the last character you just deleted, and the pop-up appears with only one choice - unless that user name exists on more than one instance. If you type the second @ for the instance part, the pop-up disappears, so you cannot narrow the list to only one user in those cases where the user name exists in more than one instance.

  • I fell for that too
  • Not an audio engineer, but I had unshielded (thin) cables in my home speaker setup. If the cables were positioned correctly, everything was fine. Accidentally move them even a little, and there'd be a huge amount of noise, due to power cables going near the speaker cables. Switched to shielded (thick) cables, and there's no noise ever.

  • New Mlem for Lemmy TestFlight beta (version 0.2.0(30)) with improved VoiceOver

    A new beta of Mlem for Lemmy was released on 2023-07-02. Among many other improvements, it has greatly improved VoiceOver support. But there are also the following known issues:

    • Large posts will prevent scrolling by using left and right gestures with VoiceOver
    • Unable to navigate to a community from a post with VoiceOver

    You can read all the details from their announcement post.

    You can download the update from TestFlight. Remember that there are two separate TestFlight betas. The first ended when there was a change in the development team and won't be updated anymore. If you are in that beta, you need to join the new beta to get the new update.

    ELI5 Reddit to Lemmy
  • Use your instance's search feature. You can search

    • Name of community: No Stupid Questions
    • By using !community@instance syntax: !
    • URL of the community:

    First option won't work if your instance hasn't federated the community yet. The last option is best in my opinion.

  • They finally did it: Reddit made it impossible for blind Redditors to moderate their own sub
  • r/Blind is still a valuable resource for many people. No sense denying people access to it. r/Blind mods already created a Lemmy instance which they try to promote for their members. But learning new software can be challenging when you can't see, especially if the software isn't very accessible.

  • They finally did it: Reddit made it impossible for blind Redditors to moderate their own sub
  • Someone needs to start a "campaign" for naming and shaming companies who advertises on Reddit. "[This company] supports a company that actively discriminates against the disabled. #SayNoToReddit"

  • Did I miss the boat on Apollo Migration?
  • No, I just meant that one can import Apollo settings to wefwef. But, if you didn’t export the settings when it was possible, there’s nothing you can do about it, except to make sure Christian knows about the problem.

  • Did I miss the boat on Apollo Migration?
  • No, I just meant that one can import Apollo settings to wefwef. But, if you didn’t export the settings when it was possible, there’s nothing you can do about it, except to make sure Christian knows about the problem.

  • Did I miss the boat on Apollo Migration?
  • Might be an oversight by Christian. Maybe he’ll release one more update if people report this bug.

    Btw, at least has a feature to import Apollo’s settings.

  • Did I miss the boat on Apollo Migration?
  • Might be an oversight by Christian. Maybe he’ll release one more update if people report this bug.

    Btw, at least has a feature to import Apollo’s settings.

  • Did I miss the boat on Apollo Migration?
  • Might be an oversight by Christian. Maybe he’ll release one more update if people report this bug.

    Btw, at least has a feature to import Apollo’s settings.

  • ClassyHatter ClassyHatter
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