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PlayStation's CEO drastically underestimates the Steam crowd's patience, thinks PC gamers will buy a PS5 for exclusive sequels
  • Parity in this case would likely mean nearly everyone just buys directly from steam. No doubt Sony would infect the gaming process by injecting their launcher no matter what you do, but steam will get their 30%.

    I don't know what Sony could offer on their own storefront that plays well with parity rules to make people choose it over steam.

    But the thought of them operating their own store front and offering steam keys with every sale won't happen. Valve have stopped that in the past.

  • Conservatives plan to bring back mandatory National Service
  • It's worse than that, they have an existential crisis due to older voters not wanting them. For decades as people got older they started getting more conservative (small c) in their views. This has stopped happening on a scale that it once did.

    Their voters are literally dying and not being replaced. It's mainly because people around the world have not been able to generate wealth and assets to the extent that generations before them have.

    Good fucking riddance to them all.

  • Novel attack against virtually all VPN apps neuters their entire purpose
  • CGNAT is certainly becoming a real issue. In the UK at least legacy providers have millions of IP addresses in the bank and new disruptive providers do not have access to these except at extremely inflated rates.

    When I changed one of these new disruptive providers I was unaware that CGNat would be imposed and all of my security cameras were no longer accessible. Fortunately they did move me off CGNat when I asked but they said it may not be forever.

    Like always I don't think this will be dealt with in any speedy capacity, unless we get lucky and some correctly positioned legislator can't do what they want to do with their internet connection. Then it might get expedited.

  • Phil Spencer blames capitalism for games industry woes: 'I don't get [the] luxury of not having to run a profitable growing business'
  • Steam is a prime example of this. Not privately run it would have been bloated to extinction years ago.

    Shareholders are leechers to quality. Dividends are not enough, the underlying asset must grow no matter what.

    When Gabe croaks it Steam is fucked. It will go public.

  • Theresa May to step down as MP at next general election
  • There has already been a big shift and a brain drain from the Tory party. Literally no one is competent enough for the Foreign Sec job so Dave has to come back.

    The purges of Boris et al are adding up to a psychotic shift to the right and pure populism. Your David Gaukes, Rory Stewart's etc. all forced out. Teresa May is a least not a psycho, but that doesn't mean you have to agree with her. You can understand why she acts the way she does.

    Nigel is going to make sure the shift to the right is permanent. They will be the Fox News GB edition party.

    With the Tories, gone is the time you could say "you know what I completely disagree with what you are saying but I completely understand why you are saying it.".

    I think Guy Fawkes had a lot of good ideas.

  • Me vs my ISP
  • The older and shittier the ISP the more blocks of IPV4 addresses they have. They have blocks from when they were given out willy nilly.

    New ISPs, the ones that compete and bring the prices down have to buy addresses and that costs money and is a cost bigger and older ISPs do not have.

    This is a case for regulation - either mandating a move to V6 or mandating the release of stockpiled v4 addresses. ISPs will not do that on their own, the addresses can currently be sold for lots of money.

  • best app for lemmy?
  • I use Sync and don't pay anything. It's brilliant and the ads are basically invisible and rare.

    Literally was the best Reddit app and it is a fantastic port to Lemmy.

    You can choose to pay the dev if you want to. I haven't yet, but likely will if I spend more time here.

  • Tesla will sue you for $50,000 if you try to resell your Cybertruck in the first year
  • In this specific instance we are talking about a luxury item that absolutely nobody needs. Anyone who would be buying this would be buying it out of choice. I think this is an instance where terms conditions set by the company of such a niche product is reasonably fair.

    Flip it over and apply terms and conditions like this on mainstream consumer goods then we have a bigger problem. If this works I think you may find a lot of luxury car makers initially follow suit, you can bet that companies like BMW would absolutely love to take a cut of all second-hand sales.

    It's a slippery slope.

  • Facepalm
  • If they unbundled Music from it and made it cheaper I would actually consider it. I don't need the music, the family has Spotify.

    As it stands it is more expensive for my family than actual streaming services.

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