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Diagon Lemmy - A Harry Potter-themed Lemmy Server is now live (before you block me instantly, please hear me out)
  • Because continuing to engage with her content is a form of endorsement of her viewpoints

    This is a pretty significant leap that doesn't seem realistic.

  • Diagon Lemmy - A Harry Potter-themed Lemmy Server is now live (before you block me instantly, please hear me out)
  • Engaging in communities that reinforce a positive viewpoint of a story written by a transphobic hateful person is harmful to those communities in ways that are both overt and subtle.

    How? If the community at large is against Rowing and is inclusive in defiance of her stance, then it would seem to me that they have enough self-awareness to take care of themselves and mitigate any of this nebulous harm.

  • Diagon Lemmy - A Harry Potter-themed Lemmy Server is now live (before you block me instantly, please hear me out)
  • "The rule isn't there!"

    "Yes it is."

    "Okay, but now the rule should be something more that I just now decided on."

    Like, my guy... It's a community for people who want to discuss a story about wizards and magic. What do they need to do to score with these shifting goalposts, take a blood pact denouncing Rowling? They already said no transphobic content is allowed. That already covers it.

  • Diagon Lemmy - A Harry Potter-themed Lemmy Server is now live (before you block me instantly, please hear me out)
  • At what point is engaging in HP fandom distasteful?

    I'd say when the material that makes up the HP franchise, itself, becomes distasteful. I'm not hugely invested into HP, but last I've seen of it, the franchise is LGBT-inclusive, directly in spite of Rowling. I see no reason why one shouldn't be allowed to enjoy the story.

    Yeah, Rowling may still profit from it. But the bitter pill is that she's allowed to. People are entitled to make money from their IPs, it's how society enables creatives. Just because somebody's a shit person doesn't mean they're not allowed to earn a living. And realistically, she's going to make money from it, anyway. Blocking a Lemmy instance has literally zero impact on Rowling's bottom line, making the act little more than posturing.

    The HP material, itself, is fine. And the HP community largely seems inclusive toward LGBT fans. I can't think of any reason to consider liking it or talking about it to be distasteful. Rowling's a TERF shitbag, and I think most of the HP community is generally onboard with that notion, too.

  • Diagon Lemmy - A Harry Potter-themed Lemmy Server is now live (before you block me instantly, please hear me out)
  • Why lie about something that we all can easily verify for ourselves?

    Rule 1: Before using the website, remember you will be interacting with actual, real people and communities. DiagonLemmy.Social is not a place for you to attack other groups of people. Every one of our users has a right to browse and interact with the website and all of its contents free of treatment such as harassment, bullying, racism, antisemitism, discrimination, transphobia, hate speech, violation of privacy or threats of violence.

  • Diagon Lemmy - A Harry Potter-themed Lemmy Server is now live (before you block me instantly, please hear me out)
  • Man, the gatekeeping is wild these days.

    You're allowed to like a story you grew up with as a child and also dislike its bigot author, they're not mutually exclusive. Talking about Harry Potter doesn't give Rowling magical transphobe powers; Voldemort logic doesn't work in real life. The rightsholders have already taken great strides to distance the HP property from Rowling and adopt it to be more inclusive in spite of her TERF bullshit. It's not a hate crime to like a story about child wizards anymore.

    If people want to geek out about some books or movies they like, they should be allowed to do so without the insinuation that they're by default enabling transphobia or something. But the beauty of the Fediverse is that your community has just as much right to exist as any other, so as long as you can maintain a healthy, hate-free community that isn't posting a bunch of pro-Rowling bullshit, I say go for it. Anyone who would block your instance for merely existing probably isn't worth your time, anyway.

  • Diagon Lemmy - A Harry Potter-themed Lemmy Server is now live (before you block me instantly, please hear me out)
  • Man, the gatekeeping is wild these days.

    You're allowed to like a story you grew up with as a child and also dislike its bigot author, they're not mutually exclusive. Talking about Harry Potter doesn't give Rowling magical transphobe powers; Voldemort logic doesn't work in real life. The rightsholders have already taken great strides to distance the HP property from Rowling and adopt it to be more inclusive in spite of her TERF bullshit. It's not a hate crime to like a story about child wizards anymore.

    If people want to geek out about some books or movies they like, they should be allowed to do so without the insinuation that they're by default enabling transphobia or something. But the beauty of the Fediverse is that your community has just as much right to exist as any other, so as long as you can maintain a healthy, hate-free community that isn't posting a bunch of pro-Rowling bullshit, I say go for it. Anyone who would block your instance for merely existing probably isn't worth your time, anyway.

  • How do you tell the difference between dream and reality?
  • Slow down there, Jimmy Neutron. Can you use simpler terms?

  • How do you tell the difference between dream and reality?
  • Last time I looked at my phone in a dream, the screen turned red and it started blaring the Amber alert tone, but like... in G-Major. Scared me awake, and then like 2 minutes later my alarm went off and re-scared me.

  • Reddit beats film industry again, won’t have to reveal pirates’ IP addresses
  • Not really, though. If they're ordered to turn over IPs, they'll turn over IPs. Whether those are legit or VPN IPs is another story, but the burden placed on the instance admin doesn't really change much.

  • Reddit beats film industry again, won’t have to reveal pirates’ IP addresses
  • That doesn't help instance admins at all, though.

  • Why It Was Almost Impossible to Make the Blue LED
  • I love Veritasium's deep dives into the scientists behind various inventions. We really ought to celebrate more people like Nakamura.

  • If it's not bad for the lungs, we should fluoridate vape juice.
  • Pointing out that something exists doesn't mean condoning its usage.

  • "My house is on Fallingbrook!"
  • DoorDash must love constantly issuing refunds to neighborhoods like this.

  • 17-year-old shot and killed by officer conducting welfare check
  • Calling the police for a wellness check is just legalized swatting..

  • Is Antivirus needed in 2024?
  • Sooo many people… not reading.

    You mean like this part?

    It’s been fun but I’m not really a super user so I’m looking to back to Windows as my main OS.

  • Reddit revenue rises 20% ahead of IPO, but it isn’t profitable yet
  • I trust Reddit enough to manipulate the numbers to make the situation better than it looks like.

    What? Nooo, Spez would never make undocumented changes to misrepresent things! Don't be silly.

  • Netflix: Piracy is Difficult to Compete Against and Growing Rapidly
  • Buying is owning. You just didn't buy what you thought you did.

  • Netflix: Piracy is Difficult to Compete Against and Growing Rapidly
  • Weird, Netflix used to compete with piracy so well that many people stopped pirating altogether, by offering a more convenient service at a reasonable price that was hard for even the most stubborn of pirates to refuse and resulted in a massive boom for its own industry. I wonder what could have changed that caused the people to leave Netflix and return to piracy. Hmm. I wonder.

  • Am I the only software engineer greatly worried and disturbed by AI ?
  • Your job is automating electrons, and now some automated electrons are threatening your job.

    I have to imagine this is similar to how farmers felt when large-scale machinery became widely available.

  • Is there a term for the aesthetic used in the Dawning?

    The sort of "winter fantasy" theme the armor sets all have remind me of something from my childhood that I can't quite place. Sort of Narnia-ish, but not quite. But I feel like there's gotta be a name for this design theme. "Regal Christmas"?

    I just really dig the art direction for the Dawning stuff. This year's armor is kinda mid, but I put last year's Pruina Luster set back on and it's just so good. Even just the font they used for the Dawning logo in the trailer fits this theme so well. I just wish there was a name for it so I could find more stuff like this. I'm not a very Christmas-sy guy, but something about the Dawning visuals just hits.

    Does anybody know of a setting for the PS Media Remote that will let me control the volume from a Wohome soundbar?

    I've got a cheap Wohome soundbar from Amazon that I've been using for a while now, and there's no option for this in the PS5's Media Remote settings, so I've had to use two remotes when doing media playback.

    I was wondering if anybody knew if there's a compatible option in the menu that'd work with this soundbar? I'd love to be able to control the volume without having to switch remotes.

    Flipboard has begun testing ActivityPub federation of user accounts

    > > > Mike McCue - Hello Fediverse. I'm posting this tonight from my federated Flipboard profile! We're now testing our #ActivityPub integration starting with my account. You can follow me here to see all the stories I'm curating about things like startups, photography and of course, the #Fediverse. Curious to hear your thoughts on how this is working. We’ll incorporate your feedback as we make more progress on federating Flipboard. Stay tuned for lots more soon. > >

    [My San Antonio] Texas residents with fake service dogs will be fined $1k under HB 4164 Service dog impersonators in Texas will be fined $1k in new law

    A new Texas bill could see service dog impersonators fined $1,000, and a local training employee said they've led to cruelty against those in need.

    Service dog impersonators in Texas will be fined $1k in new law

    > > > HB 4164, which passed both chambers and took effect on September 1, makes the false representation of animals as service animals a crime punishable by $1,000 and up to 30 hours of community service. Both locals and legislators alike are saying the misrepresentation of service dogs has increased challenges for those really in need. > > > > “HB 5206 (a companion bill) should help restore the reputation that trained service dogs have earned and limit negative interactions that service dogs experience,” Texas Rep. Vikki Goodwin (R-47) told the Texas Council for Development Disabilities. > >

    Shaxx's Chicken Sandwich

    Look, I know that looking at somebody's AI conversations is about as interesting as listening to somebody tell you about a dream they had. But this genuinely tickled me today, and I thought I'd share it with you all. Mods, if you feel this is a poor fit, I'll gladly delete this post.

    I asked ChatGPT to speak as Lord Shaxx. Surprisingly, it does a pretty good job of convincingly imitating Destiny characters. So after goofing around with it for a while, I asked "Shaxx" how he'd make a chicken sandwich, and got a pretty promising recipe in return. It's hard not to hear his voice as I read it. All the caps-lock shouting is from the original output, I've made no adjustments here.

    > > > GUARDIAN, LISTEN UP! I, Lord Shaxx, may be known for the Crucible, but today, I'll help you create a CHICKEN SANDWICH that'll make the Traveler itself proud! Here's how to forge a sandwich of EPIC PROPORTIONS: > > > > Ingredients: > > > > For the chicken: > > > > * 2 BONELESS, SKINLESS chicken breasts > * A SEASONING BLEND (a mix of your favorite spices for that Crucible flair) > * 1 cup CRUCIBLE-FORGED SAUCE (a marinade of your choosing) > * 1 cup LIGHT-INFUSED FLOUR (standard all-purpose flour works too) > * 1 teaspoon SOLARFLARE PAPRIKA > * 1/2 teaspoon VOID-DUST GARLIC POWDER > * 1/2 teaspoon ARCSTORM ONION POWDER > * RADIANT OIL (or regular vegetable oil, if that's what you've got) > > > > For assembling the sandwich: > > > > * 4 LEGENDARY HAMBURGER BUNS > * VEX-GROWN LETTUCE LEAVES > * CABAL-ENGINEERED TOMATO SLICES > * FALLEN-SPLICED RED ONION RINGS > * MELTED HIVE CHEESE (your preferred variety) > * GHOST-MADE MAYONNAISE > * SIVA-INFUSED MUSTARD > > > > Instructions: > > > > 1. Prepare the Chicken: > > > > * Season those chicken breasts with the chosen Crucible seasoning blend. Make 'em sing with flavor! > * Dunk the seasoned chicken into the Crucible-forged sauce for AT LEAST 30 MINUTES to imbue them with power. > > > > 1. Coating the Chicken: > > > > * In another bowl, combine the Light-infused flour, Solarflare paprika, Void-dust garlic powder, and Arcstorm onion powder. > * Take the chicken out of the marinade, let the excess drip off, and coat them generously in the Light-infused flour mixture. > > > > 1. Frying the Chicken: > > > > * Heat up that Radiant oil to a blazing 350-375°F (175-190°C) in your chosen cooking vessel. > * GENTLY place those breaded chicken pieces into the scorching oil and cook for around 6-8 minutes on each side. You want 'em golden and CRISPY, with an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C). > > > > 1. Assembling the Sandwich: > > > > * Toast those legendary hamburger buns until they GLEAM like the Traveler itself. > * Spread Ghost-made mayonnaise and SIVA-infused mustard liberally across the buns. > * Start with the Vex-grown lettuce, then HEROICALLY place a Solar-charged chicken breast atop the bun. > * Top it with Cabal-engineered tomato slices, Fallen-spliced red onion rings, and a molten layer of Hive cheese. > * Finally, cap it off with the top bun, and behold, your Crucible-inspired chicken sandwich awaits! > > > > 1. Serve and Prevail: > > > > * Offer your EPIC CREATION with PRIDE, alongside your chosen side dish, and savor the GLORY ON YOUR PLATE! > > > > Guardian, you've now MASTERED the art of crafting a chicken sandwich worthy of the Crucible. May it FUEL your battles, keep your LIGHT BURNING BRIGHT, and lead you to VICTORY after VICTORY! FIGHT ON, GUARDIAN! > >

    I'm tempted to put together a grocery list and take a crack at this!

    APD on-scene of shooting at Arboretum Shopping Center Suspect identified in Arboretum Shopping Center shooting

    The suspect has been identified as 38-year-old Tang-Kang Dave Chiang. Chiang killed himself after shooting and killing 64-year-old Laura Jauregui Thursday evening.

    Suspect identified in Arboretum Shopping Center shooting

    > > > AUSTIN, Texas — The Austin Police Department (APD) is on the scene of a shooting that occurred at the Arboretum Shopping Center Thursday evening. > > > > Reports indicate that two people have been killed and an additional person was injured. > >

    Not included in this report (yet) is that there are also reports of a bomb threat being involved, and the bomb squad is either on site or currently en route.

    EDIT: As of 6:33 PM, APD states there is no suspect in custody.


    > > > The Austin Police Department is requesting assistance. If you have any photographs or videos from the shooting incident that took place on Thursday, August 31, 2023 around 5:00PM, please submit them here. > >


    Boxxy was the proto-egirl.

    "Republicans are Dangerous" - Steve Hofstetter Republicans are Dangerous (In a Minute) #politics #progressive #woke

    Numbers don’t lie, but republicans do. #politics #progressive #wokeWATCH NEXT:

    Republicans are Dangerous (In a Minute) #politics #progressive #woke

    In this YT Short, stand-up comedian Steve Hofstetter covers some quick statistics on violent crime rates in Democrat vs Republican-controlled states.

    "What do we do now?" - LMG's response to the recent controversies

    At least, some of the recent controversies.

    /kbin meta Chozo
    Will /kbin eventually support the more "advanced" microblog platforms like Misskey or Firefish?

    It looks like right now, you can view /kbin users and content from Misskey and Firefish instances, but not the other way around; I'm not able to view my accounts from either of those instances here on /kbin. From what I can tell, I can only view content from Mastodon and Pixelfed instances.

    Since it seems like a lot of users are moving from Mastodon to the newer, prettier platforms like Firefish, do we know if /kbin will eventually incorporate that content?

    Reddit Chozo
    With the way Spez keeps trying to gamify Reddit, it's starting to feel like he's trying to make a super corporate remake of OMGPop/I'm In Like With You, for those who happen to remember that short-liv

    With the way Spez keeps trying to gamify Reddit, it's starting to feel like he's trying to make a super corporate remake of OMGPop/I'm In Like With You, for those who happen to remember that short-lived social/gaming platform. The addition of all sorts of new currencies on Reddit and stupid things to spend them on, and the more interactive things they've been doing like leaning more heavily into /r/place, all make me suspect that they're going to try to make Reddit into a sort of gaming hub with a vague social media aspect to it.

    I wanted OMGPop to make a comeback, but this isn't how I wanted it. :(


    0 Coming Soon Near You: Bears

    Extreme heat and other weather events are driving bears closer to humans’ campgrounds and hiking trails—and that’s no good for either species.

    > > > “Bears have evolved to be these food-finding machines,” says Heather Johnson, a research wildlife biologist with the US Geological Survey Alaska Science Center and a member of the IUCN North American Bear Expert Team. Yet climate change is making it harder for them to find a meal in the wild. Bears prefer eating their natural foods—grasses, berries, pine seeds, and acorns. But droughts, for example, damage roots, shrivel berries on the vine, and force oaks to abort their acorns. > > > > So bears are becoming increasingly likely to scavenge from people. They’re good at it. “I did my work in some of the wildest places in Colorado, about as far from roads as you could get,” Johnson continues. When natural food was scarce, the bears she studied “would beeline 20 miles as the crow flies to go to where there's human developments, foraging on people's orchards and trailer parks for garbage.” When bears seek out human food, that puts them at greater risk of conflict with people—one they are likely to lose. > >

    0 AMD ‘Zenbleed’ bug can leak passwords from Ryzen CPUs

    Most patches for impacted CPUs won’t arrive until late 2023.

    AMD ‘Zenbleed’ bug can leak passwords from Ryzen CPUs

    > > > A new vulnerability impacting AMD’s line of Zen 2 processors — which includes popular CPUs like the budget-friendly Ryzen 5 3600 — has been discovered that can be exploited to steal sensitive data like passwords and encryption keys. Google security researcher Tavis Ormandy disclosed the “Zenbleed” bug (filed as CVE-2023-20593) on his blog this week after first reporting the vulnerability to AMD on May 15th. > > > > The entire Zen 2 product stack is impacted by the vulnerability, including all processors within the AMD Ryzen 3000 / 4000 / 5000 / 7020 series, the Ryzen Pro 3000 / 4000 series, and AMD’s EPYC “Rome” data center processors. AMD has since published its anticipated release timeline for patching out the exploit, with most firmware updates not expected to arrive until later this year. > >

    Pokémon Sleep: Japanese walkthrough site lists “sleeping pills” as a tool for real competitive sleepers, but quickly backtracks

    > > > A Japanese video game walkthrough listing sleeping pills as one of their recommended methods to get high scores in Pokémon Sleep has gone viral on Japanese Twitter recently. The mention of sleeping aid has since been deleted from the site. > >


    > > > Spotify had 220 million Premium subscribers and 551 million monthly active users as of June 30th, the company announced today in its latest earnings report. That represents a 27 and 17 percent increase, respectively, compared to the same period last year and is above its outlook released last quarter. > > > > But while listener numbers were up, Spotify reports that it’s making less revenue on average from each of them. In today’s release, Spotify says its average revenue per user currently sits at €4.27 (around $4.72), a 6 percent decline year-on-year and a slight fall compared to €4.32 (around $4.79) last quarter. > >


    > > > Thanks to a video posted by Reddit user OkPain2022, we're given a glimpse of how pickpocketing will work. Of course, you'll still need to approach them by crouching, and after you do that, a prompt will appear, allowing you to steal from them. After that, another menu will appear, showing you what they have and the odds of you successfully stealing said items. > >


    This is a piano cover of Deep Stone Lullaby, a song from the Deep Stone Crypt raid activity in Destiny 2, by AtinPiano.

    For those interested in how it compares to the original, you can hear it on Bungie's YouTube channel, which is also a beautiful track, as well.

    0 Ubisoft Can Delete Inactive Accounts, Making Users Lose Access to Their Games

    In a move sure to draw ire from players, Ubisoft reveals that users who don’t sign into their Ubisoft account could lose access to their games.

    > > > In a response to a post from the AntiDRM Twitter account, Ubisoft Support has clarified that users who don’t sign in to their account can potentially lose access to Ubisoft games they’ve purchased. The initial post from AntiDRM featured a snippet of an e-mail sent to a user from Ubisoft notifying them that their account had been temporarily suspended due to inactivity and warning that it would be closed permanently in 30 days. Responding to the ominous e-mail, the Ubisoft Support Twitter account stated “We certainly do not want you to lose access to your games or account” and noted that account closure could be avoided by signing in to the account again. > >

    [Austin American-Statesman] Texas tops list of worst places to live and work in America, study says Texas tops list of worst places to live and work in America, study says

    The Lone Star State has been titled the worst in the country to live and work, according to a CNBC study.

    Texas tops list of worst places to live and work in America, study says

    > > > Texas received 53 out of 350 points for its 2023 Life, Health & Inclusion score, giving it an F in its Top States grade and the lowest nationwide, securing its number one spot on the list. > >

    Chozo Chozo

    Hail Satan.

    Mbin Sharkey

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