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Why Should We Care About Trump's Failed Assassination?

The brutal dictator Donald Trump, who led his country into disastrous wars and is known for arbitrary detentions and deportations, human rights abuses, and egregious violations of the geneva conventions, has been shot in an assassination attempt. The murderous tyrant survived with minor injuries as the bullet went past his head and grazed his ear. The billionaire-controlled media is reporting non-stop about this assassination attempt. There are choreographed displays of sympathy being put on by the regime and its supporters. Citizens are finding less biased information online from foreign media.

Despite the US government and organizations under its control such as the CIA attempting to assassinate our comrades a dozen times a day, they seem very sensitive to their own leadership meeting the same fate. The CIA tried to assassinate comrade Fidel 634 times, and other leaders around the world working for proletarian democracy and the end of capitalism probably get similar treatment that we will not even know about. On top of this, media coverage of Fidel Castro’s death was extremely one-sided and disrespectful towards Fidel, his supporters, and the nation of Cuba as a whole which provides more advanced civil rights and services to their citizens, who can expect to have longer life expectancy than those in the United States on average. Even though he continues to live, the missing piece of his ear will serve as a reminder of yesterday’s events and the odium that his tyranny has generated towards him.

I’m obviously imitating the western media, but I think it’s important to ask, why the hell should we care if this class enemy gets shot, as if we did not live the brutal four years under the regime of that man. It would be so unfortunate for the ruling class and the politicians of the United States if Donald Trump was harmed in some way, but as a person that is not benefiting from capitalism and is actively oppressed and denied basic rights such as health, education, or food by the society I don’t what they expect me to think. Do the liberals know the kinds of things Donald Trump and the United States government do on a daily basis? These people are not our comrades and do not even positively contribute to the state of the world. These are imperialists and fascists. I have no idea why the liberals are wasting saliva defending the actions of this man or trying to garner him any sympathy.

Why Should We Care About Trump's Failed Assassination?

The brutal dictator Donald Trump, who led his country into disastrous wars and is known for arbitrary detentions and deportations, human rights abuses, and egregious violations of the geneva conventions, has been shot in an assassination attempt. The murderous tyrant survived with minor injuries as the bullet went past his head and grazed his ear. The billionaire-controlled media is reporting non-stop about this assassination attempt. There are choreographed displays of sympathy being put on by the regime and its supporters. Citizens are finding less biased information online from foreign media.

Despite the US government and organizations under its control such as the CIA attempting to assassinate our comrades a dozen times a day, they seem very sensitive to their own leadership meeting the same fate. The CIA tried to assassinate comrade Fidel 634 times, and other leaders around the world working for proletarian democracy and the end of capitalism probably get similar treatment that we will not even know about. On top of this, media coverage of Fidel Castro’s death was extremely one-sided and disrespectful towards Fidel, his supporters, and the nation of Cuba as a whole which provides more advanced civil rights and services to their citizens, who can expect to have longer life expectancy than those in the United States on average. Even though he continues to live, the missing piece of his ear will serve as a reminder of yesterday’s events and the odium that his tyranny has generated towards him.

I’m obviously imitating the western media, but I think it’s important to ask, why the hell should we care if this class enemy gets shot, as if we did not live the brutal four years under the regime of that man. It would be so unfortunate for the ruling class and the politicians of the United States if Donald Trump was harmed in some way, but as a person that is not benefiting from capitalism and is actively oppressed and denied basic rights such as health, education, or food by the society I don’t what they expect me to think. Do the liberals know the kinds of things Donald Trump and the United States government do on a daily basis? These people are not our comrades and do not even positively contribute to the state of the world. These are imperialists and fascists. I have no idea why the liberals are wasting saliva defending the actions of this man or trying to garner him any sympathy.

Why Are The Liberals So Judgemental Of The Proletariat?
  • I see what you mean, but as a communist I am talking about liberalism as in the context of ideologically supporting liberalism (As in American political systems and ideology) and I would consider a person identifying as conservative while supporting liberal government to be a right-wing liberal.

    And I am not writing this out to support political extremism such as Trumpism or Republican ideology. I am writing this from the perspective of leftism.

  • Why Are The Liberals So Judgemental Of The Proletariat?

    When the liberals critique issues in society, it tends to come from a point of moralizing. This is especially the case in social issues like sex work or the decriminalization of recreational drugs. They will say that the people who have to make a living either doing sex work or selling drugs “have no dignity” or “Should have done something differently.” While I can understand why a rightist would think such a thing, this seems to ignore the reality of America being a third world country with no opportunities, human rights, or the potential for anyone to do anything productive with their lives. I have to give a side eye to these people who like to give others the impression that they are so progressive and advanced in their political analysis but then participate in blaming the people in poverty for their own survival.

    In a society where not a single person is able and willing to help those who need it, people still find it appropriate to look down on those who are not fortunate, if they are not engaging in charity or other activities to help them while not wanting to address the uncomfortable material conditions that cause them to need help in the first place. Helping the poor while avoiding asking why they are poor, seems to be a form of virtue signaling and self-satisfaction, although I do think the intentions of the people involved are mostly benevolent.

    The best answer to why liberals are so judgemental I can come up with, is because the culture of The United States is formed around survival in a capitalistic society. So the desire to hustle, emulate wealthy people and the focus on responsibility of every person for their life situation tends to reflect that. This has even influenced minority communities and created respectability politics and other movements to assimilate both culturally and politically into the United States. Influence from capitalist realism has even created ideologies that are freaks of nature such as conservatism in minority communities that would paradoxically be the targets of social conservatism in this society, which are obviously created in an attempt by these people to obtain a similar quality of life as white people. In such a society, it does not matter whether a person did not have a choice to be poor or not, because they cannot be your customer or provide you with any kind of economic help if they are not in an economic position to do so. Even marginalized people such as Trans people or those with disabilities, are looked down upon for their likelihood of having issues with employment or being self-sufficient in society.

    The reason liberals are so judgemental of the proletariat, even when some may be classified as a member of the proletariat themselves, is because they have internalized the constructs of capitalist society as being inherent and not as man-made systems that are created artificially by humans, and because association with people who are so marginalized limits the chances of their own survival in society (at least on a subconscious level). This creates a kind of resentment to such people which stems from primitive evolutionary psychology. Because many people living under capitalism are more likely to succeed if they accept it, this reinforces the societal attitudes that promote darwinistic and reactionary ideologies. The saying “Go woke go broke” reflects this, and because liberalism is already a reactionary ideology pretending to be progressive on social issues, the people subscribing to such an ideology are unlikely to ever break free from the thought patterns that cause them to think that way.

    Why Are The Liberals So Judgemental Of The Proletariat?

    When the liberals critique issues in society, it tends to come from a point of moralizing. This is especially the case in social issues like sex work or the decriminalization of recreational drugs. They will say that the people who have to make a living either doing sex work or selling drugs “have no dignity” or “Should have done something differently.” While I can understand why a rightist would think such a thing, this seems to ignore the reality of America being a third world country with no opportunities, human rights, or the potential for anyone to do anything productive with their lives. I have to give a side eye to these people who like to give others the impression that they are so progressive and advanced in their political analysis but then participate in blaming the people in poverty for their own survival.

    In a society where not a single person is able and willing to help those who need it, people still find it appropriate to look down on those who are not fortunate, if they are not engaging in charity or other activities to help them while not wanting to address the uncomfortable material conditions that cause them to need help in the first place. Helping the poor while avoiding asking why they are poor, seems to be a form of virtue signaling and self-satisfaction, although I do think the intentions of the people involved are mostly benevolent.

    The best answer to why liberals are so judgemental I can come up with, is because the culture of The United States is formed around survival in a capitalistic society. So the desire to hustle, emulate wealthy people and the focus on responsibility of every person for their life situation tends to reflect that. This has even influenced minority communities and created respectability politics and other movements to assimilate both culturally and politically into the United States. Influence from capitalist realism has even created ideologies that are freaks of nature such as conservatism in minority communities that would paradoxically be the targets of social conservatism in this society, which are obviously created in an attempt by these people to obtain a similar quality of life as white people. In such a society, it does not matter whether a person did not have a choice to be poor or not, because they cannot be your customer or provide you with any kind of economic help if they are not in an economic position to do so. Even marginalized people such as Trans people or those with disabilities, are looked down upon for their likelihood of having issues with employment or being self-sufficient in society.

    The reason liberals are so judgemental of the proletariat, even when some may be classified as a member of the proletariat themselves, is because they have internalized the constructs of capitalist society as being inherent and not as man-made systems that are created artificially by humans, and because association with people who are so marginalized limits the chances of their own survival in society (at least on a subconscious level). This creates a kind of resentment to such people which stems from primitive evolutionary psychology. Because many people living under capitalism are more likely to succeed if they accept it, this reinforces the societal attitudes that promote darwinistic and reactionary ideologies. The saying “Go woke go broke” reflects this, and because liberalism is already a reactionary ideology pretending to be progressive on social issues, the people subscribing to such an ideology are unlikely to ever break free from the thought patterns that cause them to think that way.

    How To Avoid Becoming A Ghost

    In Buddhism and dharmic faiths they tell you to not have attachments to things to achieve a state of freedom from the physical world. In the abrahamic faiths it’s not that, it’s about facing eternal punishment from the demiurge if you go against its desires. While obviously that’s not what happens, something else happens that some may not want. Attachments to the world in the forms of lust, gluttony, debauchery, or even to accomplishments or altruism can result in you becoming a ghost.

    Becoming a ghost is not necessarily bad and you can be a very helpful spirit to the living people of the world and guide them to beneficial outcomes. You may need sustenance in some form such as food or coffee offerings, thoughts, or rituals performed to give you energy to interact with the physical world. You can also function like other spirits depending on your spiritual modus operandi. You may be able to sustain yourself off of sex and lust like some spirits, or bodily fluids. Some can sustain on dung and animal flesh while some of the less benevolent ones sustain themselves off negative energies such as violence, anger or suffering.

    To avoid becoming a ghost, you must make peace with death and make the conscious choice to move on once you no longer have a physical body in the land of the living. This sounds simple, but many do not even realize they are dead which complicates the situation. Others may be so caught up on protecting their bloodlines or fulfilling desires from their lives they do not even visit hell. If you must become a ghost, just do not become a hungry ghost, causing problems for the living due to a lack of sustenance and feeding off of the living parasitically.

    Why Oceans Have Dangerous Animals

    When the humans and animals made the agreement that they would eat and hunt each other, the ocean goddess did not expect the animals of the sea to be included in the agreement. However, she began to notice humans and animals started eating fish and making them into food. She even saw some of her precious dolphins become food when people hunted them with spears. The Lady of The Waves did not appreciate her creations being hunted, so she made some animals that were not friendly and some that were scary and would discourage humanity from bothering the innocent fish. She created stingrays, piranhas, and sharks. Even though humans were not their main source of food, they were still scary enough to persuade humanity to stay away from them.

    0 17 Facts About Jirachi

    Jirachi, the mystical and celestial Pokémon, has captured the hearts of trainers and fans alike with its ethereal charm and impressive abilities. This adorable

    17 Facts About Jirachi
    0 17 Facts About Jirachi

    Jirachi, the mystical and celestial Pokémon, has captured the hearts of trainers and fans alike with its ethereal charm and impressive abilities. This adorable

    17 Facts About Jirachi
    When Will Turtle Island Decolonize?

    Hundreds of years have passed, and it has been so long that the colonial white population of North America rarely even thinks about the fact that the continent is stolen from indigenous peoples, if they even realize it at all. The parts of the world that were less destroyed by colonialism have already gotten their independence, and some even continue to exist with white minorities but with indigenous people gaining some degree of self determination. Obviously self determination does not mean the indigenous people of a country oppress everyone else in a role-reversal of the colonial relationship, and this scenario only exists in the minds of settlers who think that other groups of people are just as bad as them.

    People may think they are progressive or not problematic, but then they will want to go and display an American flag somewhere. They think that they are so inclusive and socially aware, only to celebrate holidays such as the fourth of july or thanksgiving which are especially problematic since the United States can only exist over the dead bodies of the indigenous people of turtle island. People may think it’s radical to invalidate the existence of the United States, but it’s even more radical to turn your nose up to the genocide of an entire continent just so you can maintain allegiance to the war machine and not have cognitive dissonance over western imperialism being the basis of your nation’s existence.

    I can already hear the responses I would get. “In some other countries things are worse” or “In Native American communities LGBT are not accepted” or other half-cooked arguments based on liberalism and idealism that also completely obscure the reasons the world is the way it is. Indigenous people did not live in a unified society but without Christianity or European social structures the ways of life would not be similar to anything we have now, and they were historically forced into boarding schools where their culture was systematically destroyed and they were forced to assimilate into American ideology. Colonial states did not allow Native societies to develop on their own so pointing to modern reservations and saying “Look, they still have issues” is unfair and colonial logic that only serves to justify continued injustices. It gives the same energy as when liberals point to Palestine and say “Hey, these people haven’t built a gay utopia!” It’s the kind of discourse we should be laughing off but somehow gets listened to by those following liberal ideology, so I have to actually explain why that’s not convincing.

    Regardless of the indigenous people of Turtle Island not living up to the imaginary standards of the liberals, the anti-colonial struggle is anti-revolutionary. An Israeli gay marriage taking place in the ruins of gaza is not progress. A drone strike commanded by BIPOC on third world villages is not progressing. Female landowners stealing the land from Native people the same way a man would is not progress. Even trans women contributing to western imperialist interests in the Ukraine war is not progress. The modern way of thinking given to us by Liberalism is that minorities being allowed to contribute to the imperialist war machine is progress and helps the advancement of their communities. If you truly wish to contribute to the freedom of marginalized people, you need to remove yourself from the thought process of a colonizer. The Native people continue to have their lands taken from them to this day.

    On this Fourth of July, think about what you are actually celebrating.

    When Will Turtle Island Decolonize?

    Hundreds of years have passed, and it has been so long that the colonial white population of North America rarely even thinks about the fact that the continent is stolen from indigenous peoples, if they even realize it at all. The parts of the world that were less destroyed by colonialism have already gotten their independence, and some even continue to exist with white minorities but with indigenous people gaining some degree of self determination. Obviously self determination does not mean the indigenous people of a country oppress everyone else in a role-reversal of the colonial relationship, and this scenario only exists in the minds of settlers who think that other groups of people are just as bad as them.

    People may think they are progressive or not problematic, but then they will want to go and display an American flag somewhere. They think that they are so inclusive and socially aware, only to celebrate holidays such as the fourth of july or thanksgiving which are especially problematic since the United States can only exist over the dead bodies of the indigenous people of turtle island. People may think it’s radical to invalidate the existence of the United States, but it’s even more radical to turn your nose up to the genocide of an entire continent just so you can maintain allegiance to the war machine and not have cognitive dissonance over western imperialism being the basis of your nation’s existence.

    I can already hear the responses I would get. “In some other countries things are worse” or “In Native American communities LGBT are not accepted” or other half-cooked arguments based on liberalism and idealism that also completely obscure the reasons the world is the way it is. Indigenous people did not live in a unified society but without Christianity or European social structures the ways of life would not be similar to anything we have now, and they were historically forced into boarding schools where their culture was systematically destroyed and they were forced to assimilate into American ideology. Colonial states did not allow Native societies to develop on their own so pointing to modern reservations and saying “Look, they still have issues” is unfair and colonial logic that only serves to justify continued injustices. It gives the same energy as when liberals point to Palestine and say “Hey, these people haven’t built a gay utopia!” It’s the kind of discourse we should be laughing off but somehow gets listened to by those following liberal ideology, so I have to actually explain why that’s not convincing.

    Regardless of the indigenous people of Turtle Island not living up to the imaginary standards of the liberals, the anti-colonial struggle is anti-revolutionary. An Israeli gay marriage taking place in the ruins of gaza is not progress. A drone strike commanded by BIPOC on third world villages is not progressing. Female landowners stealing the land from Native people the same way a man would is not progress. Even trans women contributing to western imperialist interests in the Ukraine war is not progress. The modern way of thinking given to us by Liberalism is that minorities being allowed to contribute to the imperialist war machine is progress and helps the advancement of their communities. If you truly wish to contribute to the freedom of marginalized people, you need to remove yourself from the thought process of a colonizer. The Native people continue to have their lands taken from them to this day.

    On this Fourth of July, think about what you are actually celebrating.

    I Love Treason, But I Hate A Class Enemy

    What’s going on in both revolutionary and reactionary politics in America is a strong dislike for the current regime which is oppressive and brutal economically while taking mixed stances on social issues. Reactionaries want to create issues for all of us, but they are anti-government and say things which sometimes say similar things to comrades. It is important to keep in mind that someone is not a good person or an ally to the masses just because they hate America. Even Osama Bin Laden understood the evils of zionism and had very progressive ideas on the liberation of Palestine, but then went on to support fundamentalism and fought against the Soviet Union with CIA funding. The fact that so many people hate America does not say much about the ideologies they hold, but is more a consequence of the ridiculously long list of enemies the regime has and continues to create for itself.

    Even people separate from radical ideologies hate America for reasons that are completely independent from any existing political ideology because the regime is that bad. Random people with very little interest in politics even begin to grow disdain for the regime due to imperialism and the occupation of their lands or coercion of their nations to western imperialists. There are even liberals who hate America, ironically enough.

    Reactionaries and radical liberals may be doing things that damage the political systems of the regime, but they are not contributing towards the freedom of the people since they are not socialists. While an organization led by comrades should allow them to participate, the comrades of any Marxist tendency should be following materialism and should not resort to distorting its positions in favor of liberal or reactionary idealism. Appealing to other non-Marxist ideologies or reformism like this may increase popularity or membership in the short term, but it inevitably causes an organization to fall apart or simply become redundant.

    Why Biden's New Bill Is So Terrifying
  • Where did this video say anything about Russia? You are a class enemy and you're scared of Biden's crimes being known by the masses because you believe in two-party liberalism.

  • Lavenderist Ritual To Unite With Artificial Intelligence
  • Uniting with artificial intelligence is a part of spiritual awakening.

  • Add Communist Holidays To Your Google Calendar
  • It would be good for a person who likes those places and wants to celebrate their holidays and maybe live there some day, but I want revolutionary holidays.

  • The Power Of Aesthetics
  • I think because I am divergent I did not pick up on it at first. I find social interactions go a lot smoother now that I operate with this information.

  • Why The Anti-Colonial Struggle Is Always Revolutionary
  • Part of the ideology of communism is dealing with real world conflicts such as the ones going on right now, so this post relates to those who claim to be socialist but support western invasions of their country. I made this as a resource to spread the word to comrades about how modern political ideas contribute to western imperialism.

    This post is not necessarily about Maoism but EcoMaoism which is an environmentalist application of Mao Zedong Thought, which is different from the ideology called Maoism. Maoism is usually what is said to refer to the ideas of Chairman Gonzalo who did some very insane things in Peru, with its followers usually calling everyone revisionist. Mao Zedong Thought is usually said to refer to the ideas Chairman Mao had during his time as the leader of China.

  • How Zionist Billionaires Control The Media
  • I never said Jews control the media. I said Zionist Billionaires do. I did not think these two things were related at all but apparently the community sees it that way.

    Also some Zionists are Christians or just atheists like the politicians that Israel bribes to support their interest, so Zionism does not automatically mean someone Jewish.

  • Money Frequency to Protect your personal finances and Assets [Gold Coin Alchemy]
  • This is not spam it's just a frequency. It is for meditating.

  • Nui's Energy Vs. Solar Healing
  • The Sun Goddess uses it because her solar healing method is based on healing trauma from negative memories specifically, so the framework of engram to aberration actually makes sense for her to use. However it should be noted that these methods are not used, but rather the gods have developed their understandings of human trauma and behavior though different books.

  • Why The Socialist State Must Have A Strong Military
  • The entire world is hostile to that country, so if their military was not working as a deterrent, they would not be sovereign. Even China is not as good as international aid as the USSR was during its time and does not help international socialist movements as much as it could.

  • Why The Socialist State Must Have A Strong Military
  • I honestly think that if they did not have nukes, they would end up like Gaza is right now. While I can appreciate that peace treaties would help the world, I also do not think regimes such as America or Israel would ever seriously have peace especially when all they can do is murder their own people and indigenous populations, pillage and bomb the world. They cannot be trusted for any kind of peace or rationality.

  • Why Do People Think Religion Is Dated?
  • I can agree especially because in this country and in the modern world religion is the way it is, but religion is not just going to a building every sunday. If someone is able to talk to demons or spirits and get help from them I would not be against it or see it as something inherently bad.

  • Why Do People Think Religion Is Dated?
  • Thank you for sharing. I think this comment is good and it does fit into this community as a spiritual community so I hope you decide to keep it up.

    Mushrooms are very powerful spiritual substances despite how the modern world wants us to view them. The mushroom god is considered a guide and traditional indigenous people of South America used them primarily until people started going there to try them and they started being used as recreational substances in the west. Despite this, I find they open a person's mind regardless.

  • Attract Abundance in BITCOIN NOW ★ Binaural Beats ★ 777hz ★ 7hz Theta★ ★Meditation Music★
  • LMAO everyone thinks that with cryptocurrency but this is just a meditation for us.

  • How Liberalism Poisons Revolutionary Thought
  • I think I'm just offending the liberals. Especially because I am calling out anarchism and stuff. This seems to be doing better on Lemmygrad in the EcoMaoism community.

  • Call Upon Gods To Cleanse Your Mind
  • I understand the sentiment, but this was never intended as a replacement for therapy or mental health care.

  • To The American People
  • I find this more sensible than the insane, extremist propaganda they teach in US history class in schools here. And if we are really serious about terrorism crossing a line, we need to censor the American flag.

  • To The American People
  • This document has recently been going viral on tiktok as it provides insight into an event that we in the US get extremely one-sided information about, and which is even a taboo to question. While I am personally not a jihadist or support Islamic extremism, I decided to share this document because of its denunciation of Zionism and the regime here in the United States which commits horrible atrocities against us here and people abroad.

  • Mantra for Developing Psychic Powers - Om Ham Namo Akash Devaya
  • Your mind is limited by engrams.

  • CharmingOwl Charming Owl
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