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John Deere lays off hundreds of employees, after a $10B profit year
  • "Ahm gunna wup ya so bad even I can't heals ya!" he spake.

  • John Deere lays off hundreds of employees, after a $10B profit year
  • Didn't Jesus say "blessed are the market makers"?

  • Boeing will get a ‘sweetheart’ plea deal, says lawyer representing 737 Max crash victims
  • Getting an actual guilty plea out of a company and not a settlement would be something of a big step legally. Which means they probably won't take it still.

  • If Batman was real today, he'd go after the CEOs of companies, not gangsters.
  • Are we going to pretend that Wayne Enterprises isn't likely 1 of those 100?

  • If Batman was real today, he'd go after the CEOs of companies, not gangsters.
  • Batman is Elon Musk but with a woefully short sighted social conscience, instead of none, and a bat complex.

  • Worst is UTC vs GMT
  • The notifications in one of our systems is aligned with UTC because it needs to be for a whole bunch of background services to function. Periodically (every couple of years) someone raises a ticket to complain that the time of their notifications is an hour out, and the 2nd line support worker will think "well that's easy, I'll just change the server time to BST". This then brings this whole suite of applications to a crashing halt as everything fails.

  • Biden pardons thousands of US veterans convicted under law banning gay sex
  • A British mob in my eyes would be the sort that forms after a football game and smashes shit up. There would be an alternative name for the fancier kind.

  • The Supreme Court rules that state officials can engage in a little corruption, as a treat
  • Politicians can legally be bribed after the fact now. Phew, what a relief.

    I guess step two is to decide exactly how many hours a bribe needs to be given, before doing someone a favour, for it to just be considered a gift.

  • Biden pardons thousands of US veterans convicted under law banning gay sex
  • Every so often a federal politician doesn't get what they really really want, and never fully recover. RIP Hillary.

  • Biden pardons thousands of US veterans convicted under law banning gay sex
  • He'd prefer to just form an orderly mob, I guess? Much cheaper and so traditional.

  • Dell said return to the office or else—nearly half of workers chose “or else”
  • Thanks, it's the culmination of a lot of thought and a previous attempt by my manager and I to rework things to make it better but hasn't really worked out. Onwards and upwards, I'd still intend to find a job during the 3 months notice period before I'm set loose so ideally I won't lose the "tempt me away" factor before I get a new gig.

  • The world is running out of soldiers
  • I could very well be wrong, but in my eyes the war in Ukraine has shown that having a big standing army to swing around isn't the magic win button it used to be. Ukraine has been resisting far beyond anyone's realistic expectation despite being massively outnumbered, doing huge amounts of damage to even Russia's naval assets (in large part due to drone warfare). Russia thought they were just going to roll over the border and plant a flag in to Zelensky's head, yet they remain embroiled in a bitter war of attrition with a military that is a fraction of their size. For what they assumed was going to be a simple border dispute, they have had to convert their economy to a "total war" footing. The ramifications of them throwing scores of their young male population in to a meatgrinder are going to be felt for generations to come, even if/when they "win" and occupy Ukraine... and they know it, given their penchant for kidnapping children.

  • The world is running out of soldiers
  • Militaries are doing more with less these days, person-wise, though still with massively inflated budgets. These days you operate a large standing army when you're worried that your youth might get bored and tear your country up if you don't keep them busy rather than because you expect to use them in waves of mass infantry rushes.

  • Dell said return to the office or else—nearly half of workers chose “or else”
  • It's contractual, I'm going to serve my notice period.

  • Dell said return to the office or else—nearly half of workers chose “or else”
  • That would be the dream, but it hasn't panned out, and my long notice period is hampering me. I'm not going to continue slogging it out here indefinitely, and I don't need to.

    I don't need any additional anxiety to discourage me from getting out of this before I just burn out and am in a worse position.

  • ChaoticEntropy Chaotic Entropy
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