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Which YouTuber still creates high-quality videos to this day?
  • I love watching Lets Plays and HCBailly is the best let's player. His quality has only gone up over the years and his consistent upload schedule leaves nothing to be desired. He's under rated and deserves 3 million subs.

  • What's your definition of a wealthy person? Sure, Bezos is rich, but where do you put the threshold?
  • If they own a house, make at least 100k a year and can support their family comfortably, I would consider that wealthy. My father is in this bracket and he goes on vacations over seas, owns 3 relatively expensive vehicles, and still saves enough for retirement.

    You don't need a million dollars to live a rich, fulfilling life.

  • Why we should care about privacy on the internet?
  • Google already sold all my private info and I'm not getting it back. So there's no point in caring about my private info being on the internet.

    You could Google search my user name and I'm sure you'll find my real name SOMEWHERE on the internet. Probably on the first page too.

  • What is a "good" sense of humor?
  • A good sense of humor is when you don't judge other people for their jokes, even if you don't find it funny. Nothing ruins a joke more than making everyone laugh, but that one guy who doesn't think it's funny just crosses their arms and stares at you.

    And I'm not talking about insensitive jokes here (like racist, blonde, yo mama jokes ect.) but genuinely funny jokes that everyone thinks is hilarious. All it takes is that one sour-puss to ruin a whole mood.

    THAT is truly what a good sense of humor is (imo).

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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