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Everyone's upset a Youtube blocking adblockers, meanwhile this exists
  • @netchami, i know, that is the problem from front-ends which use the YT API, they can be blocked, Invideous no, but FreeTube and others do, not a problem of decentralized or no, YT only need to blok the API and thats all, folks. With Invidious the only problem are the stability of the diferent instances. Motionbox use an another approach and also don't use the API.

  • Everyone's upset a Youtube blocking adblockers, meanwhile this exists
  • @netchami, well, FreeTube also is nice, I used it before, but I changed it, because more and more Videos are inplayable (YT also knows FreeTube). Invidious, yes, works fine most of the time (yewtube works the best), CloudTube is dead, PokeTube also works fine and even permits to download the video (mp4 or mp3),

  • Everyone's upset a Youtube blocking adblockers, meanwhile this exists
  • @netchami, well the UI isn't a problem, less in fullscreen, front-end like Piped, Invideous, PokeTube and others a lot of times fails because the instance is down or well, no couldn't skip the YT block, no such problems in MotionBox, apart it can access videos and music from almost all streaming platforms, even from TikTok and Facebook, not only from YT.
    Yes, the UI isn't to anyone's taste, but the operation is impeccable and blazing fast.

  • Everyone's upset a Youtube blocking adblockers, meanwhile this exists
  • @netchami, anyway I've found a good(maybe the best) substitute for YT, take also an look on this, I love it.

  • Everyone's upset a Youtube blocking adblockers, meanwhile this exists
  • @netchami, yes, the same as I have in the Vivaldi adblocker, but this is a continuo game of Cat and Mouse and uBO need to be updated almost dayly if it want to work, because YT anti-adblocker do it too.
    This script works different, YT don't even know that you watch the video with this, it's like a front-end in the same YT page.

  • Everyone's upset a Youtube blocking adblockers, meanwhile this exists
  • @netchami @FrenLivesMatter, or better, along with uBO, install Tamper-, Greasy or ViolentMonkey with this script, that solve the problem compleetly

  • Youtube is at it again
  • @GeekFTW @agame, or simply avoid to use the YT site, using eg. this

  • AI can generate memes now. This could potentially lead to a new robot-communist era.
  • @Risk, i don't confuse it,but an excess of delegacion IS at the end subordination. The calligraphy is only one example of a general tendency.
    Of course there are people who continue to practice it and are sought after, precisely because there are few of them. But the vast majority do not have a writing that can be defined as such and many can no longer do so without using a spell checker, moving to a poor general vocabulary.
    Human beings are very comfortable having others do their work and this with new technologies is becoming more pronounced, even with AI that turns on the lights or TV on command, because the 3 steps to the switch is too much effort.

  • ‘Reddit can survive without search’: company reportedly threatens to block Google
  • @antidote101 @narwhal, the self-defense of monopolies, when their empire begins to collapse.

    PS , apart of the adblock this will also help in YT

  • AI can generate memes now. This could potentially lead to a new robot-communist era.
  • @Risk @Prunebutt, the risk is when we lose our own capabilities and intelligence, becoming dependent on AI. This has already happened with previous technologies. Who still has the handwriting of our grandparents with the introduction of the keyboard and word processors? Who can still do simple sums mentally for purchases at the supermarket, without using a calculator? With the introduction of smartphones, our lives have become completely dependent on these gossips in practically every aspect, social as well as professional.
    Seeing this evolution, I always think of the humans in the movie Wall-e as the end result of this path. It is not that AI is going to fight and subjugate humanity, it does not need to do so, since we subordinate ourselves to it voluntarily, even today we would be unable to survive a week without our technology.
    It happens when we start using tools, not for what they are, but as crutches for our own inability and intelligence, instead of using them for our own development.

  • It's just faster....
  • @7heo @tdawg, i only keep data from sites which i visit every day, no other, using Site Bleacher, it remove automatically cookies, local storages, IndexedDBs, service workers, cache storages, filesystems and webSQLs from all not whitelisted sites. This keeps clean the browser and HD.

    Similar alternative

  • Power Sources
  • @racsol @Viking_Hippie, Eliminating oil is not so simple and must start with stopping manufacturing SUVs and Supercars, eliminating continental flights and changing maritime traffic. That is where it fails, what's more, on top of that the politics and lobbies promote them. They limit themselves to raising the prices of gasoline and diesel, making life impossible for transporters and consumers who see food prices, instead of skyrocketing instead of subsidizing fuel and ecological vehicles.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • @Cypher lethal

  • Worshiping the Grind is Basic
  • @GelatinGeorge, Animals may very well show empathy, altruism and compassion, as shown in countless cases (hippos helping a young zebra cross the river full of crocodiles, a bear saving a crow from drowning in a river, elephants obviously in mourning contemplations in front of skeletons of their species, etc.). This is not the difference, it is cruelty against one's own or other species for pure fun and even sport, this is properly human behavior.

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  • @Zeoic @Cethin, it's just fair, I don't ask either when I gut all this shit out.

  • Worshiping the Grind is Basic
  • @GelatinGeorge @Sheeple, a crocodile chokes you before eating you, a big cat, a lion, suffocates you or breaks your neck, before eating, a hyena begins to eat your guts even though you are still alive, you die while he eats you. Is this more cruel? No, he lives in a pack where everyone is hungry and wants to eat right away, they don't have time to kill you first.
    Cruelty is a purely human concept.

  • Worshiping the Grind is Basic
  • @Sheeple @AllonzeeLV, Human cruelty and stupidity is what differentiates us from animals, apart from the iPhone.
    Animals only act in accordance with survival in their corresponding environment. In nature there is no evil, only the motto: Survive as you can or know how, or die.

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  • @SpookyOperative @JoelJ, I use also Murena Mail (Nextcloud Mailservice). Recommended

  • Microsoft has not stopped forcing Edge on Windows 11 users.
  • @Interstellar_1 @The_v, agree, I've used in the past Kubuntu along with Windows in Dual boot and in all the years I only needed the command line 2 times. In current Linux, at least in many distros, the command line is less and less necessary.

  • Catweazle Catweazle

    Retired, lover of good #music (any genre, except Reggeton and Summer hits), #computers, #technology, #science, #art, #ateismus, #human\_rights, #left\_wing #iconoclast, a lttle #troll, a cold beer with friends.

    The reason why I love my #Vivaldi\_browser and possibly you too

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