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Happy father's day to all the great dads of star trek
  • Tom and B'Elanna, not Tom and Janeway.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • It depends on your distance. He won't let you get within a few spaces of him so if you're close enough he will burn a turn to move further away and won't shoot at you. When he follows you back through the door you get a free hit because he will use his turn to escape back through the door and won't attack. You still get to hit him first because it's a surprise attack when he comes through the door. Follow him as soon as he retreats and he'll still be close enough that he'll run and won't attack. Then you retreat without attacking and he'll follow to find out where you went.

    Sometimes he won't follow back through but he does more often than not.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Nope. He won't shoot you when you come through a door after him. He'll use a turn to move away. Then when you retreat he'll pursue you back through the door most of the time. It does help if you're pretty close when following him. He might shoot at you if he's far enough away, but that's part of managing the fight.

    Done properly you can kill him without taking a hit.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • If he doesn't follow you after peaking you can sometimes get him to follow you by peaking through the door a second time and retreating again if he's still in view. Saves some hunger if the next door is far away.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Follow him to a door then retreat back behind the door after peaking through. The trickster will probably follow you back through the door and you can surprise attack. Repeat.

    If the trickster doesn't follow you after however many turns it would take him to get back to the door then persue to the next door. He should not attack as long as he has to run away so he might get a couple of hits in if you lag too far behind.

    This works with scorpions in the demon halls as well. Does not work with bandits.

  • A Cool guide of words you can use instead of very.
  • Replaced with a different image now.

  • A Cool guide of words you can use instead of very.
  • Or just drop very? Those are all good descriptive words by themselves, and the alternatives aren't really guaranteed to not need modification with something like very.

  • Had an interesting teleportation result

    Searching exposed hidden doors on the left and right with the right one leading to a summoning trap room. It just made for a unique screenshot.

    the generation did a funny
  • There aren't upgraded rations, but if there were such a thing they wouldn't be destroyed by an explosion.

  • I, too, cast repost
  • What's a "SPOBBED JMAGE"?

  • Woman Doing Her Best to Like New Taylor Swift Album Lest She Face The Consequences
  • Never mind that. Tell us more about these 90s Mario soundfont covers.

  • If I use an audio board like this? Can I no longer power the Pi using the GPIO pins?
  • If you can get it without the header pre soldered you can use a passthrough header like this one:

  • How stable is multi-protocol support on SkyConnect?
  • My HA instance is running as a container in kubernetes with the skyconnect USB device mounted by the container. It works perfectly in ZigBee mode but the option to enable multiprotocol mode is disabled unless you are running a native install so I haven't been able to test it yet. I don't have any Thread compatible devices so even if I could turn it on I don't have any real way to test it.

    Maybe if I invest in Thread down the road I'll dedicate some hardware to it.

  • Anyone else have trouble with the Nintendo layout not working properly?
  • Had a thought that in your case steam input is going to be the one in switch mode so disabling steam input will mean you get the native inputs from the controller which will be Xbox layout. You can remap in the game itself. I haven't found a way to get BG3 to receive only steam input and ignore native.

  • Anyone else have trouble with the Nintendo layout not working properly?
  • Disable steam input for the games you have issues with. The game is seeing both the native controller and the steam virtual controller and is processing both inputs as if two controllers are plugged in. I had the same problem with BG3 going into split screen mode when I was using a controller because it saw the second input as player 2. I use the same controller.

  • Where can I get the gloom sword?
  • Permanently Deleted

  • Why is snaps hated
  • Dnf is to .rpm as apt is to .deb. Dnf is the package manager and rpm is the package format.

  • TearsOfTheKingdom Carcel
    One thing I wish they had fixed...

    I wish they had added an option to equip a full armor set in one step. I change my armor so frequently based on the situation at hand and only occasionally have a need to mix and match. I always wanted this in BotW and it would have been a really nice quality of life improvement in TotK.

    Carcel Carcel
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    Comments 22