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This baby with a head camera helped teach an AI how kids learn language
  • Interesting experiment! Made me think of the book “how we learn: the new science of education and the brain”

  • Industry scientists more positive than those in academia
  • Money and freedom is quite nice :)

  • What Makes Cheddar Cheese Taste So Good?
  • As a French I’m insulted by this title :p

  • Finally We May Have a Path to the Fundamental Theory of Physics… and It’s Beautiful—Stephen Wolfram Writings
  • I appreciate the link. I am going slowly through the article that I find interesting because I like graphs and structure, but I have no idea if any of it holds for actual physics and I didn’t know the man before. Now I have a better idea of why people where answering this to this post (although it seems a little bit exaggerated) :).

  • Finally We May Have a Path to the Fundamental Theory of Physics… and It’s Beautiful—Stephen Wolfram Writings Finally We May Have a Path to the Fundamental Theory of Physics… and It’s Beautiful—Stephen Wolfram Writings

    How does our universe work? Scientist Stephen Wolfram opens up his ongoing Wolfram Physics Project to a global effort. His team will livestream work in progress, post working materials, release software tools and hold educational programs.

    This one grew in one of my indoor potted plants, not sure what it is!
  • I think it’s nothing particularly weird, I’ve always assumed that there are spores in the soil and it happens when it gets a bit too much water, no? I don’t think they need to worry :)

  • How Is Science Twitter's "Mastodon Migration" Panning Out? - Absolutely Maybe
  • I have used the exact sentence “broadcasting into the abyss” hahaha. It feels to me that everything is short lived and context-less

  • How Is Science Twitter's "Mastodon Migration" Panning Out? - Absolutely Maybe
  • I have no idea how use mastodon effectively :/. Lenny has the advantage of article + discussion so there is a topic to follow. Mastodon/Twitter has always been too chaotic for me. Any advice on how to make it worth it and not just a massive mess x)?

  • There’s far more scientific fraud than anyone wants to admit | Ivan Oransky and Adam Marcus
  • mentionned in the article is an interesting website that I will check out. However, peer review is supposed to be done by experts so I’m not sure how this website ensure that :).

    I also found interesting as a concept. Although it is a bit nerve wracking to have reviews public.

  • New research suggests coffee has unique cognitive benefits beyond caffeine
  • I always feel like research on coffee is inherently biased since 99% of scientists I know are hooked on coffee :p

  • Fabricated data in research about honesty. You can't make this stuff up. Or, can you?
  • Such a stupid lie. A lot of policies are based today on this idea of nudges. I know in my company they tried to improve safety mindsets through that « science » and that it is all fake quite literally killed people.

  • Net on dying leaves of cumcumber
  • Thank you so much! I was also advised to use dish soap with water :). Is that good?

  • Net on dying leaves of cumcumber
  • Thanks! I know what to google now!

  • Net on dying leaves of cumcumber

    My beautiful cucumber is being attacked and I don’t know by what :(. Does anyone know what can create this nets? They are full of tiny insect and the leaves that have them are dying :(.

    What can I do?

    To Move Fast, Quantum Maze Solvers Must Forget the Past To Move Fast, Quantum Maze Solvers Must Forget the Past | Quanta Magazine

    Quantum algorithms can find their way out of mazes exponentially faster than classical ones, at the cost of forgetting the path they took. A new result suggests that the trade-off may be inevitable.

    To Move Fast, Quantum Maze Solvers Must Forget the Past | Quanta Magazine
    Advice requested: Advisor was transferring universities and taking me with them, but has now backed out
  • I have no good advice for this but I’m sorry this is happening to you :(. That’s really not fair and very inconsiderate.

  • Selfhosted LLM (ChatGPT)
  • I would advise not training your own model but instead use tools like langchain and chroma, in combination with a open model like gpt4all or falcon :).

    So in general explore langchain!

  • Team builds first living robots—that can reproduce

    AI-designed Xenobots reveal entirely new form of biological self-replication—promising for regenerative medicine

    Team builds first living robots—that can reproduce
    0 A Gentle Introduction to Graph Neural Networks

    What components are needed for building learning algorithms that leverage the structure and properties of graphs?

    A Gentle Introduction to Graph Neural Networks
    Quel est votre petit-déjeuner préféré ?
  • Pour y aller il y a un train de nuit qui fait Milan Palerme en 20hrs. Pour 100€ l’aller, t’as une chambre privé! Je l’ai pris (avec un arrêt à Rome sur le retour et c’était super sympa. Être en pijama dans sa chambre dans le train, à regarder les montagnes et la nature c’est chouette :)

  • PhD Simulator
  • Where I did it it’s basically impossible to do it that long because you are part of 4 years project and anything after that is on your dime ;). So everyone wants you to graduate

  • My cucumber plant

    Im super happy with how much my cucumber plant grew even though it’s a balcony plant!

    My cucumber plant!

    Im super happy with how much my cucumber has grown even if it’s a balcony plant!

    Robotics and AI

    A community about the latest advances in robotics and AI. Focused on the science and state-of-the-art.

    Robotics and AI



    Hi all, I’m Camille Mellom here I guess

    Hi everyone! Guess I’ll make an intro post to try to find some cool people and cool communities. In the real world I’m the head of research lab for a company in a university (hopefully the best of both world instead of the worse of both), and my research focuses on machine learning and robotics. Otherwise I like math, the environment, nature. I saw quite some communities in mander on nature but not so much math, machine learning, and robotics?

    Outside of work nothing better than a good hike, a nice climbing session, or an evening playing video games :).

    CamilleMellom CamilleMellom
    Posts 13
    Comments 48