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Ukrainian drones now spray 4,000° F thermite streams right into Russian trenches
  • If he's made himself the only validator in Perimeter then he may well get the last laugh in death.

  • Horror Sign
  • I was in a large open plan office a decade ago with a density clearly higher than the 3 cubicles in the toilet facilities could handle. Somebody with little regard for basic human decency, murdered the shit fairy and their family in two of the 3 cubicles. Words cannot describe the scene that greeted a prospective cubicle user. Imagine 300kg black forest gateaux with pieces of corn distributed throughout being put through a wood chipper. It was quite frankly both terrifyingly grotesque and strangely skillful. I called property services who to their credit promptly sent up somebody to investigate. I saw them enter, loudly say "Fuck their mother in the arse!" and leave dry heaving into their cleaning cart. Photos were taken and emailed around to all male employees stating that the "...rancid fecal matter will be genetically tested to determine age, race and dietary preference of the individual involved!!!" Total bullshit of course, funny as hell though. We had our suspects but nobody fess'd up. I faked having a colostomy bag after that just so I could use the ambulant toilets. But that's a story for another time.

  • Donald Trump speech shooting: Gunshots heard at president’s rally – latest news
  • Yes. You are correct. On reflection I should have put quotes around it as it was intented to convey that but not actually imply that it was the case. It is good you called it out.

  • The amount of sugar consumed by children from soft drinks in the UK halved within a year of the sugar tax being introduced, a study has found.
  • What source can you cite that shows that children in poverty primarily source their calories from soft drinks/soda and now will be at greater risk of nutritional deficit specifically as a result of this tax?

    Food poverty is clearly related to cost of living issues and social inequity all greatly exacerbated by Brexit, not a tax on sugar.

    This site provides data and resources for more information.

  • If Batman was real today, he'd go after the CEOs of companies, not gangsters.
  • Philanthropy is just the wealthy justifying their tax avoidance by wanking publically about how giving they are. If they were genuine about their concerns for giving back, they would pay their fucking taxes and at a higher rate. Tax avoidance and financial shit fuckery like corporate bailouts, share buy backs and COVID payments accelerate wealth acruell and drive up inflation and wage stagnation. Fuck. Them. All.

  • If a useful brain-computer interface was available sometimes in your lifetime (and secure and safe) would you get one?
  • Agree. I would also insist on it being supported by a socialised health system with control over pharmaceutical pricing.

  • Mother Theresa in shock
  • Mother Theresa would have fucking loved all this shit.

  • See you in Hell
  • Good question, the inside was flat and quite far out on the lateral commissure. I was told it was not left in for long. My eyes are just watering thinking about it.

  • See you in Hell
  • Well...from what I saw and how the ermm "procedure" was described....the sphincter. Think of a torus and intersect it with another torus 90 degrees to it's central plane but positioned at it's top. The piercing did not project into the anal verge but rather protruded along side it. Now I know what you're thinking: "How the everlovin' fuck do you keep that clean?!" Well, I can assure you they also wrestled with that problem. It was....well.... as you can imagine the stuff of nightmares.

  • See you in Hell
  • I saw a butt piercing; an eyelid stud; a weighted frenulum chain (think bike lock); a full back brand ; and vulva "Sarlac Pit" tattoo all in the 90s. Everyone had something. I was an outlier in my career at the time in not having any tattoos or piercings or body mods. No judgement on those who did, just wasn't for me.

  • 4 climbers dead Mount Everest, 1 missing; ice collapse among factors cited
  • And of course they put aside enough money to have their corpses removed and all the rubbish they took up with them....right? Self indulgent, ego stroking narcissism is what this is. They could have used their wealth to help community development programs in Nepal and pushed for making Everest a restricted world heritage site.

  • me_irl
  • Random toilet thought: I wonder if doing that with your cat actually builds some familial bond with them different from the habituated human that they may perceive us to be. Specifically an actually pride member coparticipating in hunting. To be honest I reckon they probably think we're cramping their style and would prefer that we simply fuck off and get some catnip.

  • Sam Altman takes nuclear energy company Oklo public to help power his AI ambitions
  • I think you make a good case for making energy production a public utility. Private ownership of essential services is ethically bankrupt. The fact that a company can fail and leave people without core services, is disgusting in my opinion. Even more disgusting is that they almost always seek public funds to bail them out.

  • I found this old girl on the side of the road, her name is Sunny!
  • You did a very excellent thing looking out for this doglet. As to the yelling at the owners; if it's hyperbole then all's well. If in fact you did yell at them, then that can foster resentment that can often be deflected to other things like said woofer. If these owners are recalcitrant in looking after this animal, then offer to take her off their hands and place her in a more loving environment. Once she is secure, persue her former owners and dissembowel them with a cement trowel and wear their entrails like Mardi gras bling. Have a wonderful day and peace be with you.

  • Joe Biden calls trans people “fabric of our nation” in Trans Day of Visibility proclamation
  • There is one less both sides are not equal.

    Said ironically and factually.

  • Vietnam seeks death for tycoon in $12bn fraud case
  • The board, CEOs and senior executives of these leeches need to be standing in line holding their wicker baskets.

  • BugKilla BugKilla
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