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Do you usually purchase digital or physical books? Why?
  • Almost always digital on my tablet or phone these days (I have a Kindle too but just can't get used to the display), but I'll buy physical copies to keep and/or give away if I really like them.

  • Is it just me or is Starfield kinda meh?
  • If you like it and are having fun, good for you. If you don't like it and would rather spend time on the bazillion other games out there, you won't be missing out much either.

    At the end of the day, Starfield is just another Bethesda game. Same mould, same problems, same gameplay, with a slightly improved engine for overhauls which will be carried out by none other than free and enthusiastic modders.

    Screaming at each other for liking or disliking a game is just what gamers always have been doing and will keep doing forever.

  • Open Links in Private/Incognito Mode?
  • Go to your FF app, Settings, Private Browsing, and enable Open Links in a Private Tab. The bar on the top of the embedded browser in your Lemmy app should turn purple if it works.

  • Aggressive much?
  • Try it and report back. I'm genuinely curious to see if it's what you're claiming it to be on your end, cause I have yet to see any FOSS Lemmy apps getting triggered in DDG, no matter what links I click. Maybe I'm just lucky?

    The biggest alarm in this thread is everyone thinking that apps are at the whim of advertising companies and completely innocent on their part. They are not. Ads can work without trackers and devs can prevent users from being tracked within embedded browsers.

  • Aggressive much?
  • Bank

  • Aggressive much?
  • That's like saying it's not the bouncer who left the door wide open but the underage kids' fault for being in a club. Don't get me wrong, I think it's fair that the bouncer refuses to do their job until they get paid, but in this case it feels almost like the unpaid bouncer is actively inviting underage teens into the club.

  • Aggressive much?
  • Thank you! That's exactly what I'd like to know.

  • Aggressive much?
  • I'm still trying to wrap my head around this whole thing but I'm pretty sure it's because Sync allows it to happen. I've been using multiple Lemmy apps for months now, and I'm sure I'd have at least accidentally clicked on some links. However, none of the FOSS apps have ever shown up on DDG, not even once. To confirm this, I've just clicked on a whole bunch of ads and links (even the shady ones) on all the apps, including Reddit, all of which are only opened in embedded browsers. Apart from Sync and Reddit's tracking attempts going through the roof on DDG, none of the other apps even showed up.

    Devs should, at the very least, have the power to implement privacy restrictions in embedded browsers and pick non-tracking advertisements, none of which Sync has been doing, as they have clearly said so in their Privacy Policy (credits to being honest, I guess?).

    Can someone who has paid $20 for the ad-free version confirm that this stops happening (or not) once the ads are gone?

  • What is your gaming "comfort food" and why?
  • Binding of Isaac and Death Stranding. I just keep going back to these 2 even after I've 100% them.

  • New acoustic attack steals data from keystrokes with 95% accuracy
  • Never knew my mutant blue switch keeb would come in handy one day. I've lubed the blue switches and added foam and tapes so now it sounds like a clicky-thocky blue-brown switches keeb.

  • I'm looking for games that make me feel small and insignificant
  • You read my mind... I just spent an hour learning the basics and finally took off for the first time. Landed on a planet, got off the shuttle, walked on a wall and died a few steps in without even knowing why. The lack of quick save option is also a little frustrating. But I'll keep at it for a while. Hopefully it pays off!

  • I'm looking for games that make me feel small and insignificant
  • What are the chances... I'm waiting for the game to load for the first time when I saw this comment. Perfect timing. Alright, diving in right now!

  • What are your thoughts on bots and people posting only news articles on lemmy?
  • ...there's an "AITA" bot

    That's ridiculous. Wonder if there's a r/roastme bot somewhere.

  • The Reddit Protest Is Finally Over. Reddit Won.
  • Reddit still holds a ton of valuable info in niche topics which will take Lemmy years to build, and that's only if the niche communities here ever see the light of day. I've deleted most of the useless content I have there, but the more helpful ones I'll leave for the sake of others like me who still visit occasionally for answers you can't get anywhere else.

  • China wants to limit teens to using their phones for just an hour a day to fight rising 'internet addiction'
  • Well, the crackdown has definitely scared the market and wiped out more than $1 trillion worth of stock value. It's a fascinating case study of the fusion between communism and capitalism, as well as the convergence of centralized control and economic liberalism.

  • China wants to limit teens to using their phones for just an hour a day to fight rising 'internet addiction'
  • I don't know if that's really a good thing, but they have done quite a few decent things like cracking down on the rich for tax evasion (and using the billions "donated" by big corps to provide aid to the lower SES population), and the famous for grooming and sexual assaults. I'm no fan of an authoritarian regime, but there aren't many places in this world where the rich and famous suffer the consequences of fucking around.

  • It's so nice to see them all growing, but this is just the truth, sorry.
  • Let's face it. How many of us have actually contributed enough to any FOSS projects to demand for free and premium services. I personally would rather donate to a FOSS app instead of paying Sync, but it's unfair to judge Sync for having ads and trackers when the option of removing them is there. There's nothing wrong with any dev wanting to make a decent living or even more than that, as long as they don't go overboard and are honest about it.

  • When sleeping, door open or closed?
  • nods I used to sleep with the door shut and locked, and the home alarm on whenever I was out. That's no longer true ever since the queen demanded that I do neither.

  • Sync for Lemmy - Now Released on Play Store
  • It's the App Tracking Protection function in Duckduckgo's browser.

  • Tech Fighter Tech Fighter Turbo Announce Trailer

    Let the billionaire battle royale BEGIN! TECH FIGHTER TURBO!Elon's mom said NO. But we say, Zuck YES.Battle for Silicon Valley supremecy TODAY, in...TECH FIG...

    Tech Fighter Turbo Announce Trailer
    1 Google thinks its new Perspectives tab will finally get you to stop adding 'Reddit' to searches

    Google is testing ways to improve search results, including a new feature called Perspectives

    Google thinks its new Perspectives tab will finally get you to stop adding 'Reddit' to searches

    > While the technology shows promise, early testers have found that it falls short of a well-known search trick: adding "reddit" to the end of queries. Instead of directing readers to sites targeting SEO traffic, this straightforward technique draws on the knowledge of Reddit's community to provide actual help from forum discussions.

    The ripple effect of the protest is really showing despite of how some may call it useless. It hurts to see the only source I trust to get good info and reviews from falling apart like this, but nothing lasts forever I guess.

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