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From the CEO of Mastodon: What to know about Threads
  • There's just no good reason to have a profit motive in social media when it simply doesn't need to be there.

    Exactly! In that regard, it's like health care. The profit motive can only harm the public.

  • From the CEO of Mastodon: What to know about Threads
  • ActivityPub integration is another feature they can use to get attention.

    See, that's what I don't understand. ActivityPub means nothing to the vast majority of potential Threads users. There's no way that Meta is going to use ActivityPub to gain users; all they have to do is what they HAVE done, leverage Instagram. The only thing that makes sense to me is that they may be hoping that federation will allow them to get around the EU's limitations.

    But even that doesn't really make sense. Zuck doesn't really care that much about regulations. He breaks them all the time. Which leaves me with the question, why ActivityPub? What aren't we seeing?

  • ‘Safe and effective’: first malaria vaccine to be rolled out in 12 African countries
  • "The vaccine, named RTS,S/AS01, was declared “safe and effective” in reducing deaths and severe illness after being given to 1.7 million children in Ghana, Kenya and Malawi since 2019."

    AFTER? So they gave the vaccine to 1.7 million African children BEFORE they confirmed that it was "safe and effective"?

    I'm hoping that was a reporting error, not the truth.

  • From the CEO of Mastodon: What to know about Threads
  • That's an interesting point. Can anyone take your original content and repost it to make money? As I understand it, anything you create is theoretically copyrighted at the moment you created. You're not required to file a copyright, at least not in the United States.

  • Are lots of websites really going downhill and/or closing or does it just seem like it to me?
  • I've been on the internet since the mid-80s, so I've pretty much seen it all. The current era has been characterized by widespread corporate takeovers, relegating independent sites to the backwaters of the internet at best. Forums for public comment used to be common, particularly on news sites; now they're mostly gone, relegated to a few massive sites and services which are heavily censored, swarming with bots, and easily controlled.

    Free speech was mostly the rule; now it's strictly forbidden, particularly speech against the interests of corporations and the ruling class. Even if you DO find a place online where you can speak against the oligarchy, it's guaranteed that you'll be speaking into a void.

    You can have all the free speech you want, as long as no one ever hears you.

    The process of enshittification rules the day. Search engines which used to provide useful results now produce nothing but advertising and bot-fodder; on a recent Google search for blog entries about a topic of public interest, I literally got no results other than advertising. Blogs have effectively been eliminated from general public view, unless you go specifically looking for one that you already know about.

    Technologically, broadband is the sole province of massive corporations which provide the shittiest service possible at the highest prices. There used to be talk of setting up small internet networks that would be outside the control of corporations and the government (which are now, of course, the same thing); that's utterly forgotten now. Governments all over the world now have kill-switches for the internet that can be used at any time, and that very definitely includes the United States.

    There was a time when it was hoped that the internet would finally give power to the people. Instead, it's being used to enslave us even more.

    The closest thing I've seen to any sign of hope over the last several decades is the development of the Fediverse.

  • Indiana Jones and Flash flopped hard. Could this be the beginning of the end for franchise films?
  • It's not superhero fatigue or franchise fatigue. It's bad writing fatigue. Seriously, I don't know why Hollywood keeps choosing terrible writers for huge projects, but as long as they are doing that they are going to keep getting what they deserve.

    And speaking of huge projects, from what I've heard Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny cost $295 million to make rather than 250. And that's not counting publicity and marketing, which brings it to 400 million if not more. That means they need to make at least $800 million to break even. No matter how you slice their opening weekend, they are in huge trouble. And given that Elementals and The Little Mermaid both bombed hard along with most other Disney movies of the last few years, I'd say that Disney is in serious trouble too!

    On the other hand, Guardians of the Galaxy 3 was rather well written, and from what I've heard it did rather well at the box office. Which is just more evidence that if you have a decently-written film the public WILL go and see it. We're just avoiding crap, that's all.

    I'll go out on a limb and say that hauling poor old Harrison Ford away from his bong and forcing him at the age of 80 to make shitty movies is tantamount to elder abuse. As for The Flash, coddling wannabe cult leader and mental defective Ezra Miller was just the icing on the cake. The movie was just badly written.

    Frantic last minute reshoots and rewrites are a dead giveaway that something is seriously wrong with a production. But that that is happening so often in Hollywood in the last several years is clear evidence that Hollywood itself has completely lost their way. I don't know if they can right that ship, and to be honest I don't much care. If they won't provide people with the good entertainment that they want, eventually somewhere else will. Maybe Bollywood or China.

  • Is Jerboa for Lemmy crashing for anyone else?

    Is Jerboa for Lemmy crashing for anyone else? ==========

    I've been using Jerboa for Lemmy for my Beehaw account since the Migration. At first it worked fine. Then I started getting an error message about the version of Lemmy being used on the instance. But for the last couple of days it has been crashing immediately on opening:

    Jerboa Error Message

    Is anyone else having this problem? Can anyone recommend an alternative app?


    How are lemmy and other fediverse platforms profitable?
  • The internet and even the web didn't need profit for many long years before the web went commercial. I've been publishing my own website since 1996 without advertising or asking for donations. I just publish it because I love the topic. Profit is NOT the be-all and end-all of existence.

    Don't believe me? How much would you sell your children for?

  • Supreme Court Rejects Right-Wing ‘Theory’ That Would Have Upended American Elections
  • There hasn't been direct democracy for decades. Every major party candidate for federal office has absolute allegiance to the ruling plutocrats. You literally cannot vote against the interests of Goldman Sachs and the oligarchs.

  • non-stickied PSA: Beehaw has signed the Anti-Meta Fedi Pact
  • And yet even if India did join the United States as the 51st state, It occurs to me that the billionaires and corporations would still be in charge. Which is to say, although the huge population of Meta is a concern, I fear the power of Mark Zuckerberg's billions far more.

  • non-stickied PSA: Beehaw has signed the Anti-Meta Fedi Pact
  • You can't become a billionaire without being incredibly evil. They are literally working to kill off all life on the planet.

    As for giving them the benefit of the doubt? Seriously? Anyone who suggests that has got to be getting a nice paycheck from the plutocrats.

  • 80’s Villians Conference Group Photo
  • They're missing the Alien Queen from Aliens, Lo Pan from Big Trouble In Little China, Bennett from Commando, ED-209, Dick Jones, and Clarence Boddicker from RoboCop, The Thing from John Carpenter's The Thing, Roy Batty from Bladerunner...I'm sure there are more.

  • Infinity going subscription-only!

    Infinity going subscription-only! ==========

    Infinity Announcement

    This morning when I opened Infinity to check Reddit, I saw the announcement above: they're going subscription-only. Ironically enough, I couldn't scroll down to see the rest of the message including prices, if there were any. I also couldn't see if there was a button to close the message or start a paid subscription. I couldn't proceed to Reddit at all. My only option was to close the app completely. So I uninstalled it.

    That's it for me using Reddit on mobile! Can't say I'll miss it much. But I added a LOT of content to Reddit that way, so it's their loss. Fuck you, spez!


    Lost Media BobQuasit
    [Mostly Lost] The Weekly Radio Address of President George W. Bush (parody from The Onion)

    [Mostly Lost] The Weekly Radio Address of President George W. Bush (parody from The Onion) ==========

    The Weekly Radio Address of President George W. Bush - parody

    I downloaded these every week from The Onion long ago. They've been unavailable online for many years; even the Internet Archive was missing a lot of them. Which is a pity, because they're incredibly funny. Recently I assembled them into a single collection, filling in some of the gaps with supplements from the IA, and posted the whole collection. There are 40 files. As far as I know, this is the most complete archive available anywhere.

    How to post audio files?

    How to post audio files? ==========

    I have a bunch of very rare comedy MP3s that I collected long ago from the web. They're not available online now, for the most part. They're REALLY funny, and I'd like to make them available on Lemmy. Any idea how I could post them? I have 40 files.

    Okay, I wouldn't be here if Beehaw hadn't defederated from and I'd set up an account a few days ago, but every time I logged on here the lag was intolerable. Luckily thing

    Okay, I wouldn't be here if Beehaw hadn't defederated from and I'd set up an account a few days ago, but every time I logged on here the lag was intolerable. Luckily things seem much more stable now.

    It's quite a change from Beehaw - being able to create magazines, for example. I'm tempted to give that a try for my favorite tabletop RPG, since there isn't one for it yet. I also quite like this microblogging option, although I'm confused about where it actually is in the Fediverse! Am I on kbin now, or

    Anyway, although I like the relative niceness and safety of Beehaw, I'm glad to have the option of an account here, too. Truth to tell, I'm not comfortable with ANYBODY telling me that there are things I can't see. Or things I can't say, for that matter. Both of which have become common as hell on Reddit.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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