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what are your fun, low stakes new year resolutions?
  • Doing the same but with Fedora on my old desktop. I’ve been messing around with Linux for some time now but this is the first time I’ve tried to put a serious attempt into setting up a development environment and move to Linux for gaming.

    I’ve been pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to get the games working. Now if I can just figure out how to get vortex or MO2 to work to mod Bethesda games I’ll be happy.

  • Come tell Tux🐧your Linux plans for next year to cheer him up
  • I was gifted a new laptop with windows 11. It’s a great laptop but windows is dragging on me. I already went full time Linux on my desktop so I may have to at least dual boot on my laptop. Anyone with experience dual booting from an external drive?

  • Running and strength training
  • I mix running and cycling 7 days a week, 30-45 min each day. I do strength 4-6 days a week, 15-30 min each day moving between upper body, lower body, core, body weight, etc. The strength schedule dictates what I do for cardio, for example I’ll typically target a run and legs the same day knowing the next 1-2 days I’ll need to bike to recover my legs.

    I always do cardio first, no reason why, just started doing it that way and it’s been working for me so I’m not inclined to change it.

    The only exception is I’ll try and do a boot camp style workout 1-2x a week for 45-60 minutes which mixes my strength and cardio.

  • What are you playing on?
  • It does and it mostly hits the same areas of why I’m looking at Xbox and Game Pass. I have a growing family and would rather spend time with them then messing with a PC, as much as I enjoy doing those things. The idea of being able to fire up Xbox and play something off Game Pass when I have a random 20-30 minutes free is appealing. Thanks for the info!

  • What are you playing on?
  • How do you like the Xbox Series X? As much as I want to build a PC, I don’t have the time to build one so considering just getting an Xbox and get Game Pass. The last console I had was PS3, so it’s been some time. Even at that time though, I had about 3 games for it so I didn’t use it all that often.

  • Memmy Development 8/23
  • I just started using it a few days ago and have been really impressed. Been Memmy, Bean, Voyager and Avelon there are some solid iOS apps. Looking forward to them all maturing but it’s promising so far.

  • What are you playing on?

    What the title says. What are you plan on playing starfield on? Xbox or PC?

    I have a PC I built around 2011-2012 and only upgraded the GPU since then. It runs games like Skyrim, Fallout, City Skylines and Civ6 at highest settings. I’m a pretty sure I’ll need a new PC.

    What are all you planning on using to play starfield? I’m leaning towards PC because I enjoy modding games but curious what you with Xbox think. Will modding be easier on Xbox now that there is no PlayStation version?

    Issue subscribing to communities

    I’ve noticed that I can’t subscribe to certain communities. For example if I search for Memmy and click on subscribe, the heart goes from an outline to a filled heart and I get a notification that I subscribed to memmy.

    However, if I exit the Memmy community page and then re-enter, the heart is back to just an outline as if I’m not subscribed and it doesn’t show up in my subscribed communities.

    Not sure if it’s a Memmy problem or a federation problem. My account is through, have consistent problems with Beehaw and Memmy is on

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