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Doing The Thing
  • @MelodiousFunk Absolutely right! I do apologize, but in my current life practice there is one more sentence at the end. I've been working hard to find it.

    Zen Buddhism: If the bar is too high, go under it.

    (Because. These are magic words too.) #SelfCare

    If this means doing nothing or weeping a lot or using lots of stimulants or looking for someone who can help me: why not. It's okay.

  • BitteNichtSchuettelnDanke Vierfarbsprung 🌻

    Bin ich hier auf Arbeit oder was? :blobcatno:

    ♾️ neurodivergent ♾️ AuDHS, spätdiagnostiziert / AuDHD, late diagnosed ♾️ Autistic Unmasking 🌻 kPTBS //// survivor not victim // so far 🌻 chronischer Schmerz = unsichtbare Behinderung (meistens jedenfalls) ♀️ Menopause, Erschöpfung, Teilzeitdepression und so Zeugs

    🌻 :disability\_flag: 👩 🌦️ ⚓ 🚶 ☸️ 🧘‍♀️ :blobcatartist: 🖥️ 😷 🌿 📚 ✍️ 🎶 🎮 🧶

    \#DreiGuteDingeDesTages #3GuteDingeDesTages #BloomScrolling #SchönesGegenDoofes #Einschlafhilfe

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