A radio station by Daniel John Jones and Seb Emina delivering reliable, real-time information about quotidian happenings around the world.
A radio station by Daniel John Jones and Seb Emina delivering reliable, real-time information about quotidian happenings around the world. Tides, aircraft movements, pinball scores, weather conditions, lost and found items, bird sightings and other ordinary events are gathered from over 150 countries and reported live in the form of spoken bulletins.
I'll take a 26 minute long Poopship Destroyer and a 30 minute Vallejo by Ween, please.
Covered by one of my favorite bands, The Dead Milkmen: last.fm
The carving commercial is the one that did it for me: https://youtu.be/U_NrfJNNGi4
I'm pretty sure you can import from GR fairly easily.
I've been using LibraryThing for many, many years. You can get as granular as you want with your collections.
Easy, the game that started it all for me - Zork.