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Huge 60-hour Skyrim mod that’s like a new expansion sets launch date
  • Fo3 had a small update recently to get rid of Games For Windows Live and to fix Windows 10/11 compatibility.

    The FNV update was probably something similar.

  • Secret NATO plans were accidentally leaked by the BBC
  • They've figured out that all they really need to do to appease Orban is to make Hungary's name really big on maps.

  • Just to be clear
  • and Jr will be trumps vp for this election! Wheeeee!

    Why do Trump's possible VP's keep having weird scandals about dead dogs.

  • Mr. President, Your Get-Out-of-Jail-Free Card Is Ready
  • Biden and Dem leadership were saying it up to a few months ago, so it shouldn't be hard to admit.

    It was longer than a few months ago and they clearly said why they stopped even considering packing the Supreme Court.

    Not only did they not have a congress to pass it, because they've never held anywhere close to enough of a super majority to get past fillibuster. But it's also effectively handing a loaded gun to a second Trump presidency or any Republican presidency to do the same.

  • Yep
  • Meanwhile they actively attacked Bernie calling him old (which is funny to think about now) and mocking his supporters as "Bernie bros" as they pulled all the stops to prevent Bernie from getting the nomination.

    This is what a couple media pundits said yes, I don't think this is evidence that liberals secretly would rather have fascism however, for the same reason as I stated before, they spent almost every day of his presidency condemning him.

    Democrats bashed trump while helping him behind the scenes:

    Speaking of which, they love funding fascists in general:

    Again, a few instances of some Democrats making stupid decisions and making a stupid tactical electoral decision, is not evidence that they prefer Trump to Bernie, or that they fought Bernie harder.

    For every article you can provide of an out of touch media pundit saying something about Bernie, or a party strategist making a dumb decision around Trump, I can find 10 times that amount of Democrats condemning something Trump did.

    The vast majority of liberal democrats criticizing Bernie cake during the two primaries, during which they were still criticizing Trump, and the majority of the non-primary time this past 8 years has been spent attacking Trump. Again, that doesn't sound like more effort against Bernie than Trump to me.

  • Isn't it kinda weird that third parties only make an effort every 4 years?
  • That's mainly because the U.S. system is antiquated in all sorts of ways and basically everyone understands that, iirc Ruth Bader Ginsburg specifically said the constitution was outdated and that modern framers of a constitution would be much better off looking at Germany's and South Africa's than the United State's for inspiration.

  • Yep
  • That they fought harder to stop Bernie from getting the nomination twice than they ever fought against trump speaks volumes.

    I don't remember almost every single Democrat bashing Bernie publicly every single time they had the chance like most democrats did with Trump for the last 8 years. Are you not remembering the firestorm of statements from elected officials anytime Trump did something horrific?

    The democratic party will never be replaced with progressives because their donors won't allow it.

    I bet Malcom X and the Segregationist Democrats would've felt the exact same, and yet that last set of reactionary Dems has been completely purged from the party since the 60s.

  • Yep
  • No party that "served the rich" would've even let people like Bernie into the party, let alone give them committee assignments and let them run for president on their ticket.

    There's no point in arguing that the Democratic Party is entirely controlled by the rich other than to encourage political nihilism. It has always been possible and always will be possible to beat wins out of (or even change/become) the party establishment through concerted effort and activism, as happened in the 30s, the Civil Rights Era, and the purging of the Blue Dogs after the Civil Rights era.

    Bernie's losses were disheartening, but abandoning any effort to sway the democrats and writing them off as "servants of the rich" when the decade before 2016 had been one of growing progressivism within the party and when Bernie unfortunately never even beat Hillary in a Dem Primary Poll, is the political equivalent of taking your ball and going home.

    Bash on the DNC and NDC all you want, but until we replace them with progressives like was done to the segregationist dems or lose doing so, there's no point in writing off the Democratic Party.

  • Soviet (right) and Nazi officers celebrating the joint invasion of Poland as their countries both embarked on a genocide of the Polish people, Brest, modern-day Belarus, 1939
  • The right wing of any political system is regressive

    Yes, I completely agree. That's what I'm saying. I don't see how you can fix that other than universally disallowing the right wing of politics any influence over decision making, in which case the left will likely fracture in between its most left wing elements and it's most centre-left elements and the process starts again.

    So unless you want endless purging of whatever happens to be on the right wing of your political spectrum, I don't see what the cure to Conservatism or the right wing is.

  • Soviet (right) and Nazi officers celebrating the joint invasion of Poland as their countries both embarked on a genocide of the Polish people, Brest, modern-day Belarus, 1939
  • 7/10 Nazis killed in WWII were at the hands of the Soviets

    And 10/10 of the Polish officers and civilians killed at Katyn were at the hands of the Soviets too. There's no point in defending a regime that did horrific things, just because they happened to kill a lot of people who also did horrific things.

    There's also no point in arguing that "one nation won the war" against anyone in World War 2, the war would've been significantly worse and more brutal had almost any of the allied nations not participated.

    Without the US lend lease and factories, the Soviets wouldn't have had a chance, and it would've been a much much more brutal battle even if they succeeded. Not to mention the massive amount of work the U.S. put into fighting Japan in the Pacific almost alone.

    Without the Soviets the other allies would have had no continental power to distract the Germans, and North Africa would likely have fallen along with the UK.

    Without the UK, the Axis would've had a much much easier time navigating waterways and trading with the world, not always having the possibility of being harassed from one of the UK's colonial ports or airports. Not to mention the constant threat of invasion from the sea and the opening of a second front that the UK provided.

    There's others I won't even mention because it would take too long like the invaluable support of India and China without which Japan would've dominated Asia, and the people of Africa and South America who also contributed.

    There's literally no way a non-propagandizing historian could put the victory solely on any of the Allied nations, each and every one was completely indispensable

  • Soviet (right) and Nazi officers celebrating the joint invasion of Poland as their countries both embarked on a genocide of the Polish people, Brest, modern-day Belarus, 1939
  • There can't really be a cure though, what's "conservative" is just whatever is on the right wing of a country's politics at any point in time.

  • TYT Presidential Debate Analysis
  • Dude has been a joke for a very long time. Like his illegal campaign for the Dem nomination that was only ever meant to be attention seeking, that subsequently got zero attention for the most recent example.

  • Russia Loses Last Black Sea Missile Ship
  • Russia's built ~16 of these Karakurt-class ships since 2018 lol.

    It's taken Russia over 10 years to just build a little over 10 stealth fighters. (And Ukraine has destroyed one)

    Meanwhile the Netherlands alone has 24, and the U.S. has over 600.

    Russia's high tech side of their military industrial complex is incredibly weak compared to the old USSR days, and even their low tech side is struggling.

  • Dangerous Precedent': Record AIPAC Spending Helps George Latimer Defeat Jamaal Bowman
  • Oh I completely agree, just wanted to point out that AIPAC is homegrown interventionism, not foreign like people tend to think.

  • Federal judge rules that LGBTQ+ veterans can sue Pentagon over 'don’t ask, don’t tell' discharges
  • Isn't that list almost everything though? I can't think of one reform or law we could pass that wouldn't feel like it came too late.

    Doesn't mean they're not worth fighting for, or that we shouldn't celebrate them when they pass.

  • Ah Bernie, what could have been...
  • Completely agree with everything you said.

    The same has also started to be done with Bernie's "successor's" like AOC and Jamaal Bowman, I'm not sure how exactly they can stop that other than regularly virtue signaling how radical they are and potentially alienating any moderates.

    The oddest part to me is the people who downplay Bernie's radicallness. I've only ever heard it done by left wingers who think he's not actually left wing enough, thereby distancing themselves from their best option, and by right wingers looking for an easy gotcha against lefties by going "He just wants Denmark that's not socialism". Literally the only people downplaying Bernie's radicalism are the ones who would seemingly have a vested interest to do the opposite.

  • Ah Bernie, what could have been...
  • I've always felt that's just pragmatism from Bernie,

    If you read his book "It's Okay to Be Angry About Capitalism" it becomes very very obvious that this is the case. From quoting very radical anti-capitalists to tongue and cheek (somewhat) insider jokes such as naming the chapter on his time in mayoral politics "Socialism in one City", it shows he's definitely way more ideologically aligned with socialism than people give him credit for.

  • Biden campaign picks right-side podium for CNN debate, Trump will have the last word - ABC News
  • I lived in a very rural area back then, I know a friend whose family was all watching that debate together in their living room, all hard-core Trump supporters of course. That debate literally made them so sad they turned off the TV mid debate, it broke my friend free from being a MAGA diehard.

    I wouldn't be surprised if the Biden campaign saw something like that reflected in polling, even marginally, and is trying to recreate it.

  • Prosecutors say Alec Baldwin was ‘engaged in horseplay’ with gun before fatal shooting
  • Yeah the recoil is much weaker on those and there's no muzzle flash, and certain cinematic shots just can't be done with them like they could with an actual gun.

  • Bernie_Sandals Bernie_Sandals
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