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  • Ah. Unfortunately, that’s not what I see. I’m guessing this is a markdown issue. I feel like I’ve seen lack of markdown support being mentioned as an issue with lemmy on mobile. Here is what I see:

    So… I guess you could manually number them for idiots like me… or just wait for markdown support to work properly.

  • Welcome new users!
  • Thanks Mikey and the rest of the admins.

    I have a small suggestion: number the rules on the sidebar. For me (iOS safari and iOS voyager), the rules show up as bullets. If they were numbered, when someone refers to a “rule #” violation, I wouldn’t have to count the rules to figure out which one was being violated.

    Yeah, I’m that lazy.

  • [bug] images partially loading, will not reload

    On iOS. Currently on version 25.0, but I have been seeing this issue on the last several versions.

    Sometimes when I load a feed, many images will partially load or not load at all. By partially load, I mean that some portion of the top of the image will load, but the rest will appear black.

    When this happens, I cannot get the image to show in the app. Opening the post itself will show the partially loaded image. Refreshing the post will do the same. Going back and picking the feed again will still show the partial images.

    If I view the post using the web link, the image usually loads immediately there.

    It appears to me that the images become cached by the app and it will not attempt to retrieve the image again.

    Do others experience this bug or am I the lucky winner?

    What are your feelings on SFW posts on LemmyNSFW?
  • That’s all very kind of you and thank you for working to manage the effect of these communities on the instance. I think, as others have said, it’s the number of celeb-specific communities that seem to keep appearing that contribute to the “issue”, as the community blocking can feel never ending.

    I agree, a “NSFW” only filter would be a wonderful addition. Hopefully it’s something we’ll see in the future. It’s worth saying again, I’m not looking for these communities to be blocked. Clearly there is a demand for them and I understand the general reason for them being on an NSFW instance.

  • NSFW
    What are your feelings on SFW posts on LemmyNSFW?
  • I definitely agree that the lines are blurry and imperfect. You’re never going to be able to create a set of hard and fast rules that tell you what is SFW and NSFW.

    In my opinion, the line should probably be more NSFW than “would you display it as a screensaver on your work computer”. Taking the term NSFW literally, your definition there is great. But I think the meaning of NSFW in communities such as this leans toward the pornographic and content guidelines should mirror that usage of “NSFW”.

    A few examples of why I think the literal NSFW definition isn’t a good way to determine appropriate content for this instance:

    • a Garfield cartoon where Garfield is shouting “FUCK”
    • Racist content
    • gore/horror

    I think most people agree that these things should not be shown on a work computer. But I also don’t think they are the type of content that should be hosted here. Not that I have any say over what is and is not appropriate for the instance. For all know, they did intend this instance to capture broader NSFW content than sexual/pornographic stuff.

  • NSFW
    What are your feelings on SFW posts on LemmyNSFW?
  • Sorry for indirectly calling you out :)

    I’m not advocating for banning such content, I was just curious how others feel about it. I was also hoping to see if people had ideas for good ways to manage SFW content at the instance and user level. Off the top of my head, being able to filter to only show NSFW content would be nice, but I don’t know if that is at all possible to implement.

    I also appreciate your efforts to create a centralized community.

  • NSFW
    What are your feelings on SFW posts on LemmyNSFW?
  • Lol. I totally agree. It felt a little bizarro world to write the post.

  • Assdddffff Assdddffff
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