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Something strange I found
  • That's not the only one either, there's a sequel

    Finding Jesus 2

  • Go bindings for the Lemmy API
  • If you want to actually display this information, you will need to use your own UI elements. If you want, you can simply reuse the code for lemmy-ui and modify it for whatever you need.

  • Fusion ignition has been achieved Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory achieves fusion ignition

    The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and DOE’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) today (Dec. 13) announced the achievement of fusion ignition at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) — a major scientific breakthrough decades in the making that will pave the way for advancements ...

    Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory achieves fusion ignition

    More than 50% more energy was generated than was used for the reaction. 2.05 Megajoules in, 3.15 Megajoules out. Let's see how fast the US fossil fuel oligarchs start creating anti-fusion propaganda like they did with fission.

    Configurable reply bot for Lemmy

    I used my Go API bindings to make a reply bot that replies to comments with custom messages.

    Github mirror:

    Go bindings for the Lemmy API
  • I've used Hugo quite a bit. It's a static site generator. That's the problem, it's static. There's no way to run actual Go code on a static site because it runs entirely client-side. However, Lemmy has an official JS client which is perfect for that use case. With lemmy-js-client, yes, you could (probably) display Lemmy info on a Hugo site

  • Go bindings for the Lemmy API
  • I want to try making a bot and maybe a client of some sort

  • Go bindings for the Lemmy API

    I've written Go bindings for Lemmy's HTTP API. If anyone wants to use them, the import path is The repo is at with a mirror on GitHub:

    Anti-Nuclear Trend in the Western Left?
  • So, essentially, there's a perception in the US that nuclear reactors are always at risk of catastrophic failure and that if this happens, it will be as bad as Chernobyl. Therefore, they oppose anything even remotely related to nuclear power. Of course, this perception has been very intentionally created by the fossil fuel oligarchs.

    At this point, it's been so drilled into the heads of most people here that they just won't listen to anything you have to say that counters this point of view.

  • My server cluster

    A while ago, I realized how pervasive big tech spyware was. It's everywhere. In search engines, word processors, even the OSes themselves. Upon this realization, I decided to try to get away from that spyware, and researched how to do that. This is when I came upon self-hosting. There are certain open-source programs that allow you to do the same thing the big tech services allow you to do, but you host them yourself, so you control them. There was just a slight problem: I had no servers.

    This is when I learned about "the cloud" and how you could rent servers from companies and then use those to host your software. I tried it, but realized I was just hosting my own services on big tech servers, so it wasn't helping. I'd been wanting a raspberry pi cluster for a while at that point, but never had the motivation to get one, so I waited until my birthday, collected the money gifted to me by my relatives, and bought 4 raspberry pi 4s with just 1GB of RAM, as well as all the equipment to run them (an 8-port network switch, power cables, etc.). Since then, my cluster has grown. Little by little, I've collected money and bought new parts. Now, I have 8 raspberry pi 4s (four 1GB, four 2GB), a Pine H64, a RockPro64, and my old 2012 Mac Mini running Debian. I also have an old 2011 MacBook that I've revived and patched to run the newest macOS which I will use to compile and test apps for iOS and macOS, as well as a Radxa Rock5 Model B with 16GB RAM on the way that I will be adding as well.

    Originally, whenever I wanted to run a new service, I'd just kind of find a server and stick it on there, then manually configure everything and hope I remember where it's running. Now, I have a Nomad cluster with Consul and Traefik handling everything automatically for me. If I want to run a new service, I just make a Nomad config for it, and Nomad finds a free server with enough resources, downloads it, configures it, runs it, and then publishes it to Consul, from where Traefik automatically picks it up, sets up routing rules, acquires a TLS certificate, and exposes the service. Everything happens automatically. If a server goes down, Nomad will run the services that were running there on a different server and Traefik will reconfigure itself to match.

    This is what my setup looks like:

    !Image of the glass cabinet containing my servers

    At the top is my Mac Mini, a WiFi antenna for Home Assistant, and a RockPro64, on the shelf under that, there are 8 raspberry pis, under that is a network switch and a Pine H64 running the reverse proxy, and under that is a UPS that lasts over an hour in the event of power loss. On the right is my 3D printer, which is connected to one of the Pi 4s for OctoPrint.

    This has been very useful for me. Not only does it mean I own my data AND my services, it also means outages don't affect me and my services are always very fast and reliable. I've had numerous times where Github was down and most people couldn't do any work, except me because I have my own Gitea instance, for example. I think anyone with the expertise, time, and resources to do this should do it.

    They aren't even trying to hide the propaganda

    "Chinese Communist Party Congress set to anoint Xi as president for life"

    If you read past the headline, the article goes on to say "We can be almost certain that Xi, as the Communist Party's general secretary, will be appointed for another five-year term," and "Technically speaking, since the term limit has been removed, he can stay in power for life, [although] that may require some formal ceremonies after five years."

    Apparently, a theoretical 5 year term that they aren't even completely sure will happen means for life, and "technically speaking, he can" means he will do so.

    4 South Korea accidentally hit its own base with missile while warning the North

    South Korea launched the domestically produced, Hyunmoo-2 missiles. On this occasion, one of the missiles malfunctioned and landed on one of its own air force bases.

    Hit their own base (trying) to own the tankies. Kim Jong-Un must have telekinesis powers now in addition to necromancy.

    AUR on non-Arch distros

    I've been using Arch on all my daily driver devices for years now. One of the main reasons for this is the AUR. It's very convenient for installing all kinds of software, since it can build a full, native package from a simple build script written in bash. I personally have packages on the AUR and use it daily.

    Anyway, I've thought many times of such a simple and easy solution being missing from other distros, but have never had the experience and motivation to create it. Recently, I used goreleaser to automatically build and release my project, ITD, for several distros at the same time. While doing so, I had an idea, so I went to check what goreleaser uses to build packages, and it turns out they have a separate library for this purpose: nfpm. This was the only thing missing for me to be able to build an AUR-like system.

    I did notice one issue. It didn't support Arch Linux packages, so I created a PR adding support for them. The PR is completely working and it has been reviewed and approved. So, I started working on my idea, and so far, it's going really well. I've already been able to build and install multiple packages using my program on my Arch system and inside a Fedora and Debian docker container. I just uploaded my program now that I've finished implementing the basic features and testing them. I hope it ends up being useful.

    Link to the repo with my new program:

    The README is very small right now, I'm working on making a better one.

    So I guess the redditors and their charming racism, anti-communist propaganda, and chauvinism finally made their way to lemmy
  • This one is worse than normal though. Most of them just say "Stalin bad" or something. This ingrate decided that they need to disrespect the people who died for them, and that is where I draw the line.

  • So I guess the redditors and their charming racism, anti-communist propaganda, and chauvinism finally made their way to lemmy
  • I'm getting angry myself just thinking about how this person must be proud of their utter disrespect for those who have died for them.

  • So I guess the redditors and their charming racism, anti-communist propaganda, and chauvinism finally made their way to lemmy
  • This piece of human waste has the audacity to disrespect the 27 MILLION people that died? What kind of disrespectful, ungrateful, arrogant imbecile must this person be to think that's a good thing to do? I bet they're proud of their disregard for the sacrifice made for them to be free from the Nazis.

  • Bionic Eye Patients Are Going Blind Again After Manufacturer Decides They're Obsolete
  • Yes, Capitalism does in fact create innovation, in precisely the wrong direction.

  • Bionic Eye Patients Are Going Blind Again After Manufacturer Decides They're Obsolete

    Recipients of bionic eyes from Second Sight are starting to go blind after the company behind the technology stopped supporting their products.

    Bionic Eye Patients Are Going Blind Again After Manufacturer Decides They're Obsolete

    Welcome to Capitalism, where you can lose your vision because some corporation didn't get enough money.

    Arsen6331 Arsen6331 ☭

    I have evolved. New account:

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