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Read to the end. It'll make more sense.
  • Horror film taglines replaced with pornhub comments

  • Rule.
  • Source?

  • No outlet rule
  • That's Norbert Albert Yankovic, more commonly known as "Norm Al" Yankovic.

  • Neurodivergent threat
  • Can someone explain, please?

  • A Riveting Read Rule
  • Went looking for some quotes and

    "Look. This has been… fun.” Lie. This had been nerve-racking and I needed to go masturbate. “But I have to go. I’ve got stuff to do before I head out again.” Masturbate. “Wizard stuff. Like… secret wizard stuff.” Masturbate.

  • Life is pain
  • I feel personally attacked.

  • I don't understand Temu.
  • Cool, lemme know when you have the wikipedia article all fixed up.

  • I don't understand Temu.
  • Yes, definitely ignore the 572 cited sources on the wikipedia article; it's all totally just one guy.

  • ǝlnɹ
  • It's not his first Loss parody comic.

  • ǝlnɹ

  • "We Need To Rewild The Internet"
  • Is there anything individual users can do?

  • can't wait
  • Oh...

    Oh, no....

  • Za rule
  • I'd smoke weed with Starfire.

  • Ponybert Rule
  • Oh, I guess that is the only joke, huh.

  • I can has moldy rule?
  • LOL that's cute. I think this meme has staying potential.

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • I hate the term "Boomer Shooter"
  • I never even considered that the name referred to baby boomers I thought it just meant they went "boom"

  • Puppy’s Unusual Encounter
  • Big friend!

  • SkiFree

    I'm not sure why the Abominable Snow Monster is wearing a Santa Hat. Or why he has little bug friends.

    Doctor Frankenstein and Son

    Every day I thank God that I overcame my initial revulsion and grew to love the son I had made. And shudder to think what I might have done, had I acted on my darkest impulses.

    Illumina et Obscurare

    I commissioned this mashup of Ralsei and Baphomet from an artist who wishes to remain anonymous. I love it a lot, and I hope you do, too.
