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[Update] Will properly come out to my wife of 6 years in the next week or so. Any advice is appreciated ✨️
  • I'm not disagreeing with you...but two months after the person just gave birth to your child? I'm not saying hide it forever, but holy shit, that's a hell of bomb to drop after your life has already massively changed from having a kid. OP put off saying anything about for 5 years, and now feels that 2-mo post-birth is now the perfect time to have this discussion? Like....maybe wait until her hormones have adjusted back to normal? I don't know...just a suggestion.

  • [Update] Will properly come out to my wife of 6 years in the next week or so. Any advice is appreciated ✨️
  • Did I say anywhere in my comment that a trans-parent couldnt parent a kid? What the fuck are YOU talking about?

    It'd be one thing if they had this conversation before having a child, but OP didn't. He's known about it for years (see his previous post), and instead of either a.) Opening up to her prior to getting pregnant, or b.) putting off getting pregnant until he was sure about it, he instead decided to continue hiding it and robbing her of any sort of choice in the matter.

    Just because I'm not okay with robbing someone's spouse of any sense of agency and choice in whether they want to continue to have kids with this person (i.e. baby trapping someone), doesn't mean I don't support people coming out and transitioning, so you can climb all the fucking way off my back on that one. OP still needs to be honest with her about it, but she's 2 months post birth. What she needs right now is stability.

    My wife would have had a meltdown if there wasn't Mac and cheese in the house at 2 months post pregnancy, I can't even begin of imagine the levels of chaos that would be introduced at this point post-pregnancy.

  • [Update] Will properly come out to my wife of 6 years in the next week or so. Any advice is appreciated ✨️
  • On one hand, I'm fully supportive of people coming out and being more open and honest to themselves. That is always critical and important. No one should have to suppress the way they feel and create an illusion for others.

    On the other hand, this is something that should have been discussed prior to having kids. Your wife is still recovering from having a child, and being parents is already a HUGE life transition. You didn't even give her the option of being able to walk away, instead you've saddled her with something that will permanently anchor you two together for better or for worse. That is so unbelievably selfish. Many women go through a lot of hormone changes post-birth and don't really start to normalize their hormones for almost three to six months. Congrats for wanting to be your true self, but a massive fuck you for doing this after saddling her with your kid. I mean, what the hell were you thinking!?

    I really hope it works out, and I really hope your wife has an inkling of what sort of bomb you're about to drop on her otherwise theres a possibility that this could absolutely devastate her and what sort of visions she had for the future.

    I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you wait until about the 6 month mark....and I would make damn sure you don't want to fully transition - you need to be 100% honest with her and yourself about that decision.

  • me💻irl
  • I applied to like 80 jobs on didn't get a single call back.....for about 6 months. I had a job by that point.

    I got a call back from almost every single job I applied for wanting an interview. Not joking. I got about 10 calls a week for around 2 months or fucking hell guys, you could a called half a fucking year ago. Nobody can wait that long to be unemployed.

  • think of the shareholders
  • French Press. Trying some new beans from Costco called Greenberry's. Didn't realize the front had a zipper and cut the whole damn top off, so feeling like a moron (good start to Monday).

    Been cutting myself from any sort of dairy, since been adding a splash of oatmilk in it, and it's pretty much perfect.

    We sometimes add a piece of cinnamon to the grinder to get it a little extra flavor sometimes. It's actually really nice on occasion - gets to be a little much when you do it too often though.

  • Me🍿irl
  • Out of all the horror movies Ive ever watched, its my absolute favorite. It's truly one of the best "horror" movies you will ever watch. The dread is so well done. The jump scares are well paced and actually add to the story. It's fantastic and lingers with you for awhile.

    My other favorites of all time, is the first tape from V/H/S, the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Nope, The Poltergeist, The Ring, Juon (White Ghost, Specifically).

  • Palworld battles multiplayer cheaters with a new update, but admits it’s “difficult” to solve straight away
  • Cheaters are so pathetic. Can't enjoy the game without "being better than others," in something that doesn't even matter, and don't have the dedication to actually do anything the right way. It speaks volumes to their character.

    We do boardgame nights and have actually ended friendships with people who try and cheat. It's a disgusting trait to have, and I refuse to associate with gross people. Like.... we're here to have fun....what do you gain from "winning"? Christ. It's fucking pathetic.

  • 64K women and girls became pregnant due to rape in states with abortion bans, study estimates
  • I would really love it if a Pro-lifer could come and comment here about how this is such a good thing. And how this will benefit both the mother and child. How this is going to foster such a wonderful happy family...

    ...but they won't. Their support is surface level. "Babies good, abortion bad." God forbid you take off their rose-tinted glasses and expose them to the fucking realities of this world. Fuck them and their ignorance. They're ignorance fueled these policies and the politicians that pushed them.

  • WIP Wednesday!
  • Throw in one block of vibrant red at the bottom right (like that real thin bar), and you can stop right there. The balance of color and white space is actually quite nice and relaxing. The color choices are awesome.

  • Military veteran charged in Capitol riot is ordered released from custody
  • 'cause he's one of the good ol' boys.

    When your on team whitey, they let you have a slap on the wrist if the crime is against a brown person, because apparently ethics and humanity don't matter to these people.

  • The true way
  • In that house, they also believe in:

    • Schrodinger's Immigrant - someone that is simultaneously lazy and collects welfare, but is also somehow so incredibly productive that they are taking everyone's jobs.
    • That having babies is critically important, but making sure that they are adequately taken care of is not.
    • The "Thin Blue Line".
    • The sanctity of marriage is important, and that rape is a sin, unless you're Trump. And that's somehow okay and rationalized.
  • Nemesis or Nemesis Lockdown?

    My local board game shop sells Nemesis lockdown and I'm trying to decide if I should buy it or not. The game looks awesome, however, it's a little pricey.

    Heard some people state that lockdown was a little harder to learn, and then they'd recommend newer players learn the original prior to getting the lockdown version.

    I did have a few other questions about it though. Do the expansions work with lockdown? Is there any additional player expansions that you can add on to it? We have a gaming group regularly with 5 to 7 people, it'd be really nice if we could fit those additional two people on.

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