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  • I feel the exact same way about my 42" 1080 Sony Bravia. It's heavy as fuck, so I had to hang it on the burliest monitor arm I could find, but it was built like a tank and the picture quality is still great. Bonus - since it's not a flat panel, the built-in speakers are more than decent.

  • Reelecting Trump is the US equivalent of Brexit
  • Could you please let it go, at least for a little while? We're going through enough stress at the moment without playing Captain Midnight's Decoder Ring on all your comments.

    You can go back to being a special little butterfly... well, not when things go back to normal - that may never happen - but, how about giving the rest of Lemmy a break for a week or so?

    Pretty please?

  • Two High Schoolers Found an 'Impossible' Proof for a 2,000-Year-Old Math Rule—Then, They Discovered Nine More | Smithsonian Magazine
  • In the article they state:

    Using trigonometry, they had to create a new proof of the Pythagorean theorem, the 2,000-year-old rule that explains the relationship between the lengths of sides on a right triangle. No one told the teenagers that mathematicians had long considered this task “impossible.”

    and THEN casually mention:

    Two people had previously proved the theorem using trigonometry: Jason Zimba in 2009 and Nuno Luzia in 2015.


  • Drop your most "wtf that's not how the world works" from movies/tv shows.
  • Copper pipes only need replacing that often if a) you cheaped out on construction and used the thinnest kind (M-type, which isn't even legal in some states), and b) you had some pressure issue along the way that left the pipes only partially full of water for a time.

  • Conrroversial
  • ...and yet, as evidenced by the many back-and-forth discussions in this very thread, plenty of people do care enough to reread older texts and workshop theories to explain the discrepancy. YOU think that no one cares because YOU don't care, but you are clearly wrong.

  • I can't be the only one of us pumped for Agatha All Along

    should we have a pinned discussion thread? I am excited for a weekly release with a mystery to untangle.

    How does federation actually work?

    ...and why is it often PAINFULLY slow to acknowledge an up/down vote or to open the reply dialog?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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