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  • In the TV ad, I'm pretty sure he turns into a centaur

  • [OC] A car ran up the curb, into my yard, and stopped in front of my living room window.
  • Time to buy a boulder to go in front of the window

  • Don't ask me where I found this
  • Make Your Own Gear, a term for people that sew their own clothes, backpacks, tents that are usually ultralight and cheaper than buying commercial

  • Carving some cove profiling in some arches on columbarium panels
  • Not sure if you mean all of it, or just the carving part, but I used a 1" hole saw on a drill press in the small opening, and a 3" hole saw for the two larger rounds. Then spindle sand the edges. Then use a jig saw and chisel to clean up the small opening. Next is a router with a cove bit with a bearing. Then using a carving knife and carving gouge to get the shape. Hope that helps!

  • Carving some cove profiling in some arches on columbarium panels

    I've got 20 of these to carve out, and I've only done a smidgen of carving before. Luckily my boss trusts me enough with his antique carving tools

    Before I started carving: !

  • An infromative biologist redditor named unidan made the comment above. The majority of reddit loved him. Whenever he posted a comment, reddit would literally get on their knees to jerk and suck him off with upvotes. That and the usual tone of his comments made me dislike him. He had a hissy fit with another redditor over a crows/jackdaws. He revealed that he made alts to downvote other redditors and upvote himself, even if the other redditor was correct. His downfall was very satisfying lol

  • Which waterproof fabric is best?
  • If cost isn't a problem there's ventile/etaproof. 100% cotton and can withstand rain for 2 hours. Add a second inner layer and it's even longer

  • New cars are great...
  • There was some discussion on a post about gas to electric cars

  • How often do you bake?
  • I usually bulk bake 2-4 sourdough loaves in a weekend and freezing all but 1 loaf. That leaves me plenty of baking energy to make other breads or desserts throughout the month or just experiment on creating something

  • The Secret Weapon Hackers Can Use to Dox Nearly Anyone in America for $15

    Follow the instructions on this page, got it done in a couple minutes

  • Milling your own flour (questions)
  • Nice! I've been milling all of my flour for about 1 or 2 years now, and use only home milled flour. I mill about once or twice a week. For now I have the Mockmill Kitchenaid attachment, but I'm looking at a Komo mill and the sifter attachment for it. I also have a seperate electronic sifter with a #40 and a #60 sieve.

    I usually have to mill and sift 2 or so times depending on how fine I want the flour, as the Mockmill attachment doesn't get a very fine grind on the first pass. If you're looking at sifting your flour you can get a hand sieve and sift by hand. If you also have massage gun, you hold the sieve in one hand and use the massage gun on the sieve to do all the work.

    If you're looking for wheat berries, there's Breadtopia, Central Milling, Azure standard(make sure to do the local dropoff thing), and others if you search for local mills.

  • Acernum Acernum
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