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[TechHut] my favorite app (Neofetch) is dead
  • isn't screenfetch much older than neofetch?

  • Merz: "Hätten mehr Wärmepumpen eingebaut werden müssen"
  • Bei mir war er vorhin da - jetzt nicht mehr - im gleichen Browser :D

  • Interesting split
  • I always try to get salty popcorn whenever possible. Never did I imagine it was standard in so many countries!

  • Der soll sich doch bitte aus der deutschen Politik raushalten, die ist so schon schlimm genug
  • Die AfD: Wird aus der verdammten ID-Fraktion rausgeschmissen weil Mitglieder die SS verharmlosen.

    Musk: doesn't sound extremist to me

  • First projections of EU Parliament election results
  • afaik German AFD is now part of non aligned. That's 16 of those +40 seats.

  • Transformations
  • if you want to add a line in between. And don't have a fancy text editor

  • ich_iel
  • Bin gespannt ob es das bald mal wieder gibt...

  • ich-_-iel
  • I gave it sugar water and it didn't help. It still posed for a cool picture.
  • Imagine that bee, beeing old and tired, send away from the hive, certain to die, starting to hallucinate and suddenly finding the largest amount of sugar water in their whole life. It was probably happy.

  • Where can I share IR remote codes so they are accessible to everyone in an easy manner?
  • get one what? Is there a ready made Product?

    I made my own IR-Receiver/Keyboard for my Media Center. Based on Attiny. But can't really recommended that process to others.

  • FilePizza - Your files, delivered.
  • Waaait what wormholes are we talking about? I am aware these three, sounding similar but incompatible with another:

  • alternative to OneTab?
  • I do personality like Simple Tab Groups.

  • ich🧒🍺iel
  • Gesundheitsminister Karl Kautabak (twitter): Lieber Markus, das werden wir auf keinen Fall hinnehmen und geht gegen unser neues Gesetz, das demokratisch im Buntentag verabschiedet wurde. Solltest du an den Plänen festhalten, verbieten wir in Berlin das Weißbier und dann kann eure Fraktion sehen wo sie bleibt. image

  • What distro he uses? 🐧💻
  • I don't know but he probably has cmatrix installed.

  • Potential issues with Simplex Chat (German but can be translated mostly with FF translate)
  • That's quiet an old review. The most obvious concern: Verifying a contact has been implemented. As you can see in the Messenger-Matrix by the same Author.

  • XZ Utils is back on GitHub and Lasse Collin has been unbanned
  • the other maintainer now has a special place:

    Special author: Jia Tan was a co-maintainer in 2022-2024. He and the team behind him inserted a backdoor (CVE-2024-3094) into XZ Utils 5.6.0 and 5.6.1 releases. He suddenly disappeared when this was discovered.

  • Signal introduces usernames and phone number privacy. Keep your phone number private with Signal usernames

    Signal’s mission and sole focus is private communication. For years, Signal has kept your messages private, your profile information (like your name and profile photo) private, your contacts private, and your groups private – among much else. Now we’re taking that one step further, by making your...

    Keep your phone number private with Signal usernames
    STI doesn't index anymore? - Maybe wind a new spring.

    Just while riding along, my shifter suddenly decided to only shift down - not up anymore. Bike-shop: "get a new one" After opening the shifter (a special bit is needed for that), it's clear that the spring at the very top is broken:


    Sadly, this spring is not sold as a separate part.

    Losing the snap ring at the back of the bolt that holding the spring and bending the front sheet metal a little bit to the right allowed the bold and spring to be taken out:


    Bending a new spring out of 1mm spring wire with a drill, a bend nail and two blocks of wood holding the wire. The Nail should be 2mm in diameter to allow for a final inner diameter of 3mm of the spring.


    Bending the spring legs in position:


    Works again:


    This is an ST-RS505 right side shifter, btw.

    critique of capitalism 7eter
    Billionaire CEO says unemployment has to jump in order to get arrogant workers in their place

    "Unemployment has to jump 40-50%. We need some pain in the economy. We need to remind people that they work for the employer, not the other way around. "

    7eter 7eter
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