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New OSS Android Card Wallet app
  • Unfortunately I can't use the app for my public transport ticket because it doesn't support .pkpass files.

  • identifying triggers for overload
  • Most autistic people struggle with sensoric overload due to a decreased ability to filter stimuli. In my case there are almost no special triggers but the multitude of stimuli, foremost accoustic ones, followed by visual ones, followed by haptic ones. For me it is very important to minimize them by using ANC, a basecap and/or sunglasses as well as large and soft clothes

    Apart from that he most important thing is to recognize when I'm starting to melt down and then to grant myself a timeout as soon as possible. Therefore I had to learn what helps me to relax the most. Being in a room with only a little light and sound, read a book, play a game, watch my favourite TV series ... If in the office or the public I sometimes retreat to the toilet, which is embarassing to admit but kind of helps.

  • SimpleEmail (Simple and minimalistic email app)
  • Thx for pointing out and enjoy.

    Yeah, sure looks like a fork of FairMail and that GUI was always irritating me. I'll stick with K9.

  • Autismus Diagnose Anlaufstellen Deutschland
  • Ganz schöne Spanne. Kommt das für dich in Frage?

  • Autismus Diagnose Anlaufstellen Deutschland
  • Moin,

    ich hatte zur Zeit meiner Diagnose, also vor 10! Jahren, das Glück, dass die Warteliste der Autismusambulanz der Charité geöffnet war. Allerdings ist diese im Moment auch geschlossen.

    Es gibt darüber hinaus auch Ärzte, die eine Diagnose anbieten. Allerdings, so mein Kenntnisstand, muss man das dann selbst bezahlen.

  • Is somebody ever completely demotivated with everything? How do you deal with it?
  • I got nothing to add to the comments already written but wanted to say "thanks for sharing", 'cause I'm in this mood now for weeks. It's like I'm waiting for something to happen without knowing what this something is. Luckily I'm going on holidays a few weeks from now. So: Thank you for sharing.

  • Need noise cancelling headphones recommendations
  • Though they are double the price you mentioned as a limit, I want to recommend the ones I'm using for other people in need of really good NC headphones coming to this thread.

    I got myself refurbished Bose Quiet Comfort 45 and in my opinion they are perfect. I use them to blend out noise in public transport, museums, shopping malls, the office and so on. I can wear them for hours without my ears hurting or the battery running out. They really improved my quality of life.

  • Does anyone else use AI to rework texts/emails/planned conversations to sound more allistic?
  • Nah, I'm using it for work, to write proposals and documentation - that's all. And I always include a "written with AI" disclaimer.

  • Is there a book/saga that you finished and cannot forget to the point where it gets harder to read other books?
    • "The Neverending Story" by Michael Ende as a kid
    • "The Lord of the Rings" by J.R.R. Tolkien as a teen
    • "The Realm of the Elderlings" by Robin Hobb
    • "The Ea Cycle" by David Zindell
    • "The Manifold Trilogy" by Stephen Baxter

    These books' worlds absorbed me so completely in the most positive way!

    Though I must admit I'm a fan of rereading anyway. Don't know how many unknown books I skipped for a reread of know ones. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  • When nobody cancels
  • Exactly what I did yesterday and it felt so good.

  • I'm lucky enough to get away with being 'no subtext' most of the time.
  • I'm both, in my job I'm mainly no. 2, while in my private life I'm a pain in the ass with mainly no. 1.

  • Fairphone presenting a tablet on 09.04? (no, actually earbuds)
  • I was hoping for the tablet too (while eyeing the Shiftbook).

  • What JRPG’s will you play on April. What games did you finish last month?
  • I am stuck in Xenoblade Chronicles III, I guess because it seems darker than I and II.

    What I am constantly playing right now is Legend of Heros: Trails from Zero.

    I am also looking forward to Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heros, though it might not be day one for me.

    And I am looking into some Gamecube games again, mainly Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, Tales of Symphonia, and Twilight Princess (my favorite LoZ game right after BotW).

  • Comfort show
  • Also opting in for Voyager. I swear, I can feel my pulse drop as soon as the Intro starts.

  • Set SMS messages number limit?
  • Depends on the OS you're using. Most custom ROMs based on LineageOS have this kind of setting: Settings > Privacy > Trust > SMS message limit.

  • Who's your favourite character and why?
  • First, I love characters that are regularly puzzled by human beings / being human:
    The Doctor
    Seven of Nine

    Second, I love strong female characters:
    Katherine Pulaski
    Kira Nerys
    Kathryn Janeway!!!
    SNW Uhura
    SNW Chapel

    Third, I love queer characters:
    Jadzia Dax
    Adira and Gray

    I might have forgotten an awfull lot of equally amiable characters, which doesn't mean that I don't love them.

  • What have been some of your favourite Non-Fiction Books you have ever read?
  • "Tao: The Watercourse Way" by Alan Watts

    "Walden" by Henry David Thoreau

    "A Room of One's Own" by Virginia Woolf

  • A good fantasy book? you know, wizards, dragons, princesses, that kind of stuff
  • My longtime favs (apart from LOTR by Tolkien) are:

    1. The Realm of the Elderlings series bei Robin Hobb
    2. Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn by Tad Williams
    3. Ea Cycle by David Zindell
  • Viberary - Vibe based book search engine Viberary

    Find your book vibe semantically!

    > It gives you book recommendations based on ✨vibes. ✨ You enter a search query like "funny scifi" and it returns a list of (hopefully!) good recommendations.

    9 Google to scrap local news links in Canada over Online News Act

    The move is a protest against a Canadian bill that will make tech giants pay for news content.

    Google to scrap local news links in Canada over Online News Act

    Words fail me ...

    BSI warnt vor KeePassXC-Schwachstellen / BSI warns of vulnerabilities in the password manager KeePassXC BSI warnt vor KeePassXC-Schwachstellen

    Das BSI warnt vor Schwachstellen im Passwort-Manager KeePassXC. Angreifer können Dateien oder das Master-Passwort ohne Authentifzierungsrückfrage manipulieren.

    BSI warnt vor KeePassXC-Schwachstellen - BSI warnt vor KeePassXC-Schwachstellen

    Das BSI warnt vor Schwachstellen im Passwort-Manager KeePassXC. Angreifer können Dateien oder das Master-Passwort ohne Authentifzierungsrückfrage manipulieren.

    [The BSI warns of vulnerabilities in the password manager KeePassXC. Attackers can manipulate files or the master password without authentication confirmation.]

    Custom ROM communities

    Hi there, do you know about any Custom ROM communities here apart from LineageOS? I do really miss iodé OS for example. I am also curious: Would you like to have a general Custom ROM community or special custom ROM communities?

    73kk13 73ʞk13

    Critical tech enthusiast

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