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EU proposes sanctions on Chinese firms aiding Russian war effort
  • Just block EU countries from accepting Chinese investments, that are ALL linked to the CCCP...

  • Crimean channels write that another russian landing ship went down near the village of Katsiveli
  • Still a reference to the Caesar Kunikov that joined the submarine fleet 😁

    Oh wait... this video is recorded in daylight, I saw a video of the Caesar Kunikov going down at night?!?

  • Europe must hurry to defend itself against Russia—and Donald Trump
  • Correction, Europe must hurry to develop itself and don't rely on US for anything, US is lost. It's just crony capitalism and dumb people these days.

  • Media: NATO may start coordinating Ukraine aid instead of US
  • The problem is that even at the level of EU there are many "national" interests at play on all areas, all the time, which brings back the old question - it is impossible to rule a large mass of land and population with "rosy" ideology, like democracy, because everyone shouts and screams at the same time, failing to see the larger picture.
    Putin has it right, Xi Poo Ping has it right and Trump has it right. They want power, by being dictators, and therefore controlling large masses. This is not "chit-chat" talk, it is the history of human civilization(s).

    So unless we start (which I'm 0,0000001% certain we can) to trully figure out risks to our life in this planet as a global community of societies, we'll be f***ed. And we're already close to "midnight" AF.

  • Comfy New bed!
  • Cool, looks a lot like mine :)

  • How to backup 2FA
  • This, I've just installed it this week and I think it's better than Google (though I'm suspicious of the "free" service.

  • ‘You can walk around in a T-shirt’: how Norway brought heat pumps in from the cold | Device installed in two-thirds of households of country
  • I live in a shitty house from the 50s in Poland, poorly insulated AND I walk around the house on a t-shirt if I want... the problem is the energy I have to spend. Heat-pumps are not a miracle if your house is poorly insulated.

  • Exciting news! The free API you were using is no more free!
  • Let's be clear in one thing:

    • There's no free lunches.

    That's it. Everything in the Universe, including you, has a "price" on energy. Now outside of all crony-capitalism craziness, we should all consider having a open, distributed, fair price Internet and it's resources.

    I'm calling Louis.

  • Question to those not in the USA, and who have lived outside the USA.
  • Portuguese here:

    • There was compulsory male military service, that would be the only place where you could "handle" military grade hardware, aka assault rifles.
    • Currently IIRC, guns are accessible if: you're a military or law enforcement agent, a hunter (rifle or shotgun) or go through a process for a fire arm license due to professional or business reasons (e.g. a goldsmith) for self-defense.
      As well hand guns are limited to "non-military" calibers... for instance 9mm is for government agents solely.

    Of course there's black market and use by shady actors...

    As for people's personal relationship with guns, most people doesn't care to have one as there's not much violent crime to justify said behavior.

  • Putin calls on security forces of Commonwealth of Independent States to unite
  • All the "tiki-tiki-tans" that he should not poke with a stick IMO...

  • Russian media: Construction begins on railway linking Rostov-on-Don to occupied Crimea
  • Normal "Ruzzian" propaganda, they were controlling USSR for over 3 decades, the decadence of the railway systems in those countries under their dominance is still excruciating today...

  • Ukraine reports most extensive Russian shelling of the year
  • I see that Ruzzians are using what Kim "Fat Boy" Un (AKA Trump's girlfriend) has supplied them recently...

  • Hamas has launched an unprecedented strike on Israel. Here’s what you need to know.
  • I'm sorry, but when a title says "here's what you need to know"... immediately a red flag to not open the site.

  • Google is shutting down its Jamboard whiteboarding app
  • They just buy good ideas to monetize the shit out of them without giving users new features, and when the revneu stream dies, they kill the app and but the "next best thing".

    Essentially, Google is killing creativity, expansion, usability and profitability for small companies just for the "ad revenue".

    I'm de-googling as fast as I can.

  • Musk says he didn't turn on Starlink near Crimea due to US sanctions on Russia
  • The guy is a bullshitter, professional con-man and attention seeker, and before you tell me he "invented" Tesla...

  • Ukraine says it wrecked Russian submarine with British cruise missiles
  • Suchomimus channel in YT was on the right track when he made the video about this attack:

  • 6h0st_in_the_machin3 6h0st_in_the_machin3

    He/Him... just in case. I'm from Earth, ya know, that thing that keeps getting effed because of greed and unaccountability... I like the middle, not the radical left or right, some things may be tough and make sense, others are up to individuals. Be free, let others be.

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