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[solved] Nixos users which emoji app do you use?
  • Since I like to use bemenu I just wrote the derivation myself, it's super short and simple especially borrowing from the script in wofi-emoji repository. You can get the emoji data like so:

    emoji-data = pkgs.runCommand "emoji-data" {
            buildInputs = [ pkgs.cacert pkgs.curl pkgs.jq ];
            outputHashAlgo = "sha256";
            outputHash = "sha256-znAwFu0vq2B7lQ8uvG0xKv9j3jYr6P0CZpjoKMNPhZw=";
          } ''
            curl '' \
                | jq --raw-output '. | to_entries | .[] | .key + " " + (.value | join(" ") | sub("_"; " "; "g"))' \
                > $out

    And then write a small wrapper script of your liking. I'm using wtype and bemenu, but you could just as easily use wl-clipboard and rofi for instance. This is to me one of the huge benifits of nix, how you can slam these small scripts together and not worry about missing dependencies when taking the configuration to other systems.

  • FLOSS communities right now
  • Agreed, but my point is with a centralized network the lowest common denominator wins. There is no reason you can't have QoL features on an open network, and thusly let everyone have the features that they care most about.

    Can you imagine what a shithole the internet would have been if email wasn't federated an open? There is absolutely no way that whatever centralized bullshit would have spawned instead would already be either long gone or enshittified to the point of being useless.

  • FLOSS communities right now
  • Good for you, you have a short list of requirements out of a chat service and discord perfectly fills your niche. But different people have different requirements for chat, and they don't align. And network effects force people who have differing requirements to use the service with the most users which sucks.

    For instance here are things that I require from any chat service that I use that discord completely falls flat at:

    • Ability to run it on my linux machine without using an electron client (npm is a huge mess of supply chain attacks and I refuse to run any software that is likely to contain dependencies from it)
    • Ability to run it on my AOSP phone which does not have any google play services installed
    • Ability to write software to back up messages without fear of a company changing their API and breaking my backup system
  • Scam Numbers - Reddit's (and possibly the internet's) largest scam number depository, now on Lemmy!
  • I hate that Google is exerting even more control on the internet with their TLD, but I don't really think this attack is made all that much worse with .zip TLD. I can already bury a .com in a long URL and end it in .zip just fine like so:∕foo∕bar∕

    Or even use a subdomain to remove the @:∕foo∕bar∕

    The truth is most people don't look much at URLs outside of a domain to verify its authenticity, at which point the .zip TLD does not do much more harm than existing domains do.

    For mitigation, Firefox already doesn't display the username portion of the URL on hover of a link and URL-encodes it if copy-pasted into the url bar. It also displays the punycode representation when hovering or navigating to the second example.

  • YouTube cracking on ad blockers.
  • Definitely agree, but your link is protected by cloudflare (yet another centralized service destroying the internet) and therefore I'm unable to get through because I have privacy.resistFingerprinting enabled on my browser so cloudflare is unable to determine I'm human I suppose.

    I despire youtube and it's monopoly, and I think it get's an appropriate amount of hate on here and HN, but what confuses me to no end are the people who complain about youtube turn right around and constantly recommend cloudflare. Can someone explain what I am missing?

  • Goodbye Youtube and thanks for all the fish
  • I would have more sympathy for Youtube if 1. it wasn't the de-facto standard where essentially all video media gets uploaded to (which Youtube itself has done everything in its power to make happen) and 2. the company that owned it didn't also own the most popular phone OS, most popular search engine, most popular email provider, most popular ad network, most popular maps, most popular online office suite, most popular airline booking, 2nd most popular cloud hosting... The list goes on

    Until a federated solution like peertube gains more traction I have no problem paying content creators directly via patreon, and do everything in my power to not pay Google a dime. Trust me, they can afford it just fine.

  • USB inventor explains why the connector was not designed to be reversible
  • Can someone explain to me why I keep reading about people having problems plugging in USB A connectors upside down? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. Per the spec, the holes always go up. They indicate the correct way to plug in the port. Not only that, but the printed logo on the connector also always goes up.

    The only time this is SLIGHTLY confusing is if you have a desktop tower where the motherboard is essentially mounted sideways, but for that case it just takes an extra second to think which way is "up" from the perspective of the motherboard.

    And before anyone says "who reads the spec?", it feels like I subconsciously knew this for something like a decade before I even knew what a spec was.

  • If you nicknamed a Giraffe "Giff" how would you pronounce it?
  • I use a hard G when pronouncing gif, and the inventor using a hard G is a good enough reason for me. But the argument that the G stands for graphics being the reason for it is a garbage argument. There are plenty of acronyms that are pronounced differently than the letters that make up those acronyms. For example the U in SCUBA is pronounced as a long U as in rule or June, but stands for underwater, which is pronounced as a short U.

  • This month is the planet's hottest on record by far – and hottest in around 120,000 years, scientists say | CNN
  • Yes, you are correct in that a single individual's action will make no difference, just like your single vote makes no difference either. However if everyone does their part it can make a massive difference.

    While your individual contribution makes no difference, you still should try to do your part. Yes, change takes work and a bit of sacrifice. Just like how it takes time out of your day to do research on candidates and go to the polls.

    If you don't do the work, it doesn't make you smart or clever, it just makes you an asshole taking advantage of others.

  • If incandescent lightbulbs have a vacuum inside, why do they get so hot on the outside?
  • If I super heat a metal and it turns visibly red what is happening? Was it already emitting infrared and as it gets hotter the frequency shifts up? Or is it still emitting infrared but has a wider band of frequencies it is emitting as well (i.e. is it emitting frequencies below infrared as well as visible red)?

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • The profile in about:profiles is just the default profile and not necessarily the one that instance of Firefox is currently using. For example you can launch a new firefox instance with something like mkdir /tmp/foo && firefox --profile /tmp/foo, but it will still show the firefox default profile in about:profiles for some reason. I believe the current active profile directory can be found under about:support under Profile Directory.

  • What do you think it would take for people to leave GitHub?
  • Yeah I've played with git-issue and agree it's not ideal. Have you checked out Sourcehut? It is entirely email based but with some pretty great tooling around it to make it more accessible.

    I agree that in a perfect world we have a separate open protocol for all of the non-repository related workflows/data, that has all the features we need. But the nice thing about email is it's decentralized, and everyone already has it. And in my opinion, with the right tooling built around it, it can get pretty close to the same quality of life as a github PR, but also degrade gracefully without it.

  • What do you think it would take for people to leave GitHub?
  • The problem isn't the version control itself. Obviously git continues to function and I can commit things offline in a plane. What I can't do is create/review PRs or read/open issues. That's easy to brush off, but the most egregious thing is the fact that this used to be federated over email!

    All we needed was more user-friendly tooling to make it easier for new college grads to start contributing to FLOSS, but instead of better email based tooling we got the centralized trash that github is today.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • The problem is all of these apps are using proprietary APIs to communicate to centralized backends, which then deprecate the APIs and the old versions cease to work. Back when software was largely communicating over standardized protocols it was feasible to run an old version of software for years after it had been stopped being maintained, but protocols don't make money, APIs do.

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