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history rhymes, or something
  • Cherry picking history is what US excels at. So, they're always the good guys. Always…

    There'll probably be some footnotes about their heinous history just so they can point and say they're not hiding anything. But the way they control almost all major social media companies and mainstream media. They get to play god with what sticks and what doesn't.

  • Military to remove 'Enola Gay' photos for violating DEI rules
  • First they came for the…

    wait, what am I even talking about… most people in the US are probably cheering this on having allowed it continue to this level of stupidity.

    So much for the cHeCkS aNd bAlAnCeS and aMeRiCaN vAlUeS

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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