Kira's dilemma is exactly what Voyager needed
Kira's dilemma is exactly what Voyager needed
I'm trying to watch Voyager again(never finished it, dropped it around season 3) and every time i'm watching VOY I think to myself: "why am I watching this when I could be watching DS9?" so I'm mixing both right now.
and the sharp contrast between the Maquis-Starfleet crew drama & Major Kira's dilemma between her roots and her new position is huge. 7 seasons of conflict vs one episode.. Just another way DS9 laps VOY.
Voyager is weird, for the first couple of seasons I wasn't sure if I would like it much but by the end I absolutely loved it.
I thought it got a lot better towards the end of season 3 and carried on being good until the end, mainly because I got invested in seven of nine.
I don't want to spoil anything but the shit that Janeway does is crazy. She's mad and I love her.
I even loved the finale that everyone bitches about. It was perfect voyager weirdness.