Stumble across an interesting community that's been dormant for a few months
Decide to try making my own post there to see if others will follow and get the community going again
Get immediately downvoted by the subscribers who haven't posted anything for 6 months and yelled at for posting something that's not exactly what they wanted to see there, even though it clearly fits the rules
Make a few more posts in hopes of winning someone over then give up because people are being dicks or just not engaging at all
Eventually give up and watch the community die again
This has happened to me several times since I started using Lemmy lol
The most Lemmy thing for me is that I see more wholesomeness here than on Reddit, I'm not sure if that is the answer you were looking for, but that has been my experience so far.
One person saying actually I agree with you on that, and the other person saying NO YOU DON'T YOU'RE CLEARLY A MONSTER AND YOU MUST THINK TERRIBLE THINGS
Seeing 10 different languages on 20 posts. For some reason I get a big mix of lots of different languages in my feed. Had to start blocking them because it was getting to much.